Halloween Precautions ?

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Halloween can be a mild holiday if you're at home or taking the kids out, but I've had some close calls. I like to go all out and dress to scare kids, call me mean but it's fun.

I've had cases of drunks getting in my face while wearing masks and trying to intimidate me, simply because they know I can't see them. I've been shoved by one out of a group of three because they didn't like how I was dressed. This year, I don't know what I'm doing. The day of Halloween isn't set up for a lot of fun.
Watch out for kids coming to your house asking for candy they could be casing your house for when they grow up.
Very astute observation! I set up a pair of loudspeakers blasting Paul Anka, and I make sure all the tactical spotlights are set at full burn. (I'm told you can see the place from orbit.) The thing is, the children are often a distraction while Al Qaeda operatives sneak up from the back, so it's important to make sure you've got an eye out for tangos there as well. I cover my six by conducting bihourly perimeter searches in full ninja gear with an AR-15. The local HOA cries foul, but I won't be taken unawares.

Errrrm...really, it's Halloween. I give out candy to a few kids, and my dog gets to sniff new people. My biggest concern is people driving too fast down the road when there are children out.
Eh, same thing I do every year...barricade myself in my half of the house (I rent the lower level of my friend's house) and watch Zombie movies all night while he and his fiance do the who candy giving-out thing.

I always have my CCW on me...in the house, going to work, etc. But Halloween is no different for me...unless I happen to draw some detail to babysit a road for the kiddies (it's happened, but honestly I like those details)
unless I happen to draw some detail to babysit a road for the kiddies (it's happened, but honestly I like those details)

Really. That's very nice of you. I'd like to extend my thanks to you for helping out. Not everyone is willing to help out nowadays, and it's nice to hear of people who do.
My preparations for Halloween consists of lots and lots of candy, and designing a new plan to scare the snot out of any child brave enough to venture onto our porch.
We live in a semi-affluent development and our streets are swamped with kids driven in from other areas. We used to do the candy thing until in '10 when "kids" who were taller and had more facial hair than me started coming to the door as trick-or-treaters. That was the last year we did the candy thing. Now it's lights out and shades drawn.
Im digging a hole out in the back yard in preparation for the bgs showing up, have a snub nosed .357mag at the bottom of each bowl of candy. And all that is just in case the wife tries to steal my peanut butter snickers. Most of the time shes a good girl but you never know.:D
When I was growing up we had a kid who's dad was a mailman. This guy was well known through the neighborhood as a scarcastic-smart***-prankster. They lived by the school (K-8).

One October a couple of weeks before Halloween, they put a scarecrow out on their porch dressed up in the typical flannel shirt, jeans, gloves, hat...etc...etc...sitting on a lawn chair. The kids walking by the house would see it on a regular basis before that Halloween and got used to the decorations.

Yeah, so on Halloween night the kid's dad switched places with the scarecrow - clothes and all. Jumped up to offer the kids candy when they came on the property. Scared the bejesus out of the trick-or-treaters. Actually heard that some parents got really angry/upset at it. Scared the parents, too I think! :D
Errrrm...really, it's Halloween. I give out candy to a few kids, and my dog gets to sniff new people. My biggest concern is people driving too fast down the road when there are children out.


Closing this one, because I can see no serious purpose for it.

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