Halloween Precautions ?

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I live in a rural area so there are no high risks but I do pay attention . I have also done volunteer work looking for crazies like overpass pumpkin throwers.
I'd rather be home to protect that at least .Real life 'zombies ' [bath salts ] are a reality today.
On the other hand I used to make fantastic pumpkin cookies for the little kids I knew but I don't know any of the little monsters here today.:D
It's been awhile since I've lived in an area where kids trick or treat. I haven't thought about the possibilities, although in my current location it's something to consider again. I guess more ignoring people at the door and hoping kids don't vandalize my house for not giving out candy :p
The jack o lantern keeps the kids away.... well no but out in the country we never get visitors anymore. They all go to town for the skate o rama party or some other type of activity. When we were kids we went as far as we could gathering up goodies, then the razor blade scare, then no more popcorn balls, cookies or apples only candy and too much of it.
We have too much fun at Halloween to worry about it, much.
But for the more paranoid among us,
Does anyone make anything like a bird feeder for putting out Halloween treats, without having to answer the bell and open the door?
Years ago when I lived in town, I used to go crazy with the candy for the kids. Really enjoyed the looks on their faces when you loaded them up with a couple handfuls each.

Now where I live, we don't get anyone at the door so the wife and I usually go into town and take the grand kids out.
Given that it's a night where activity is really high and mischief means the cops are spread thin - I wear a costume to the front door to give out candy.

And I have my ccw in a holster under my costume, readily accessible.

Some years we see 5 kids, some years it's 105. Hard to get the candy purchase correct and I wind up eating the difference.
We get about 140 kids on average because we live in the burbs. We make up about 200 packages to be on the safe side. My wife is right into it of course, talking to all the parents and wearing a costume herself outside.

Speaking of Halloween, our Zombie IPSC Match is coming up soon... one of my favorite things! :D
I stopped handing out candy years ago when a kid,not even wearing a costume came to the door and said "gives me some candy". He didnt gets any.
We shut off the lights so nobody comes knocking. Our dogs bark at everyone that comes to the door, Halloween used to be fun when I was a kid but now it is just annoying. When my kid is born and grows up it may become fun again.
I play music from scary movies. SAW, Halloween, etc...and leave my 100 pound white German Shepherd out front on a lead. Usually we don't have to worry about left overs. The dog is pretty good at leaving no evidence of the ones that got too close. And the LAST thing I need...is someone "helping" me eat my Reese's peanut butter cups.
I haven't had a Trick or Treater at my house ever. 'course, I'm out in the sticks; only have two neighbor's houses close enough you could throw a rock and hit...

But my wife still buys a bag of kit Kats just in case, we usually eat it ourselves...
Make sure you have lots of candy and keep a camera by the door for the really cute ones.

Indeed I already bought six massive bags of high end candy for the kiddies and intend to sit out with a massive bowl, bringing sugary insulin attacks to the neighborhood rugrats. Strangely, one bag has been broken into, and wrappers left about the place. Coincidentally I seem to have gained wsome weight recently...:D
Halloween Precautions ?

Don't stomp on any burning paper sacks on your front porch

Best advice yet :) no out houses to watch and wait till someone goes in, then....over it went lol

soaped up a window or two in my day.....

kids just do the tp thing now, no imagination...
Much ado about nothing.

Get a bunch of good candy and pass it out. Have fun with the kids.

Keep the outside light on and keep your eyes open. That should be enough.

Think very hard before shooting a trick or treater, no matter what the little monster might be up to. You won't win that one in court. Amazing!
None beyond the usual. No kids, so will likely be bar-hopping a bit with the lady.

Planning to do a Han Solo costume though, wish I had a real Mauser:D
I was a little young for the good stuff like outhouse tipping and woodpile "relocating" but I did get to watch a bunch of teenage boys dismantle a wagon and reassemble it on top of the hardware store.
We don't have kids in the house anymore nor do we have close neighbors so Halloween in just another night. The Grouch Attack will get a couple of bags of candy just incase and that will be the end of it.
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