Had To Draw Down This Morning!

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Lancel, you're aware, right, that it's rather difficult to make an anonymous telephone call to the police unless you're using a phone that's not yours, yes?

I find that your recommendations cause me tension. I would be very uneasy giving an evasive story like that, because as I have pointed out (numerous times) the bad guy could end up fingering you as some guy who pointed a gun at him. The bad guy will, of course, say that you did it for no good reason at all. And then it's your word against his after that.

And of course, the police will have a recording of you reporting this guy and making no mention of having drawn and aimed a gun at him.

I am no expert on it, but my intuition tells me that this is a potential recipe for disaster.

I am of the opinion that if you are gonna call the police on the guy, you ought to not try to second-guess what parts of the story you will and won't tell. What if you, when nervous, forget which parts you already told and which you omitted, and then when retelling the story you screw up? It happens. (It's how a lot of criminals get themselves screwed, actually.)

But that's also why I would want to avoid calling the cops in the first place, in some jurisdictions.

I don't know how bad the local cops in West Palm Beach might be about it if I told them I legally drew a gun on someone who was on my property and threatening me. We have the recent "stand-your-ground" law (Oct. '05) to back us up, fortunately. So chances are that here at least, I would not have such strong reservations about telling the cops what had happened.

But I don't blame people in some places, where cops and DAs are demonstrably anti-self-defense and anti-gun.

I will do my civic duty, that is my duty as a citizen, by exercising my franchise to elect those legislators that will support significant tort reform and who posses a profound respect for each individual's natural rights including the right to self defense. I do not consider it to be my civic duty to hazard my future, and that of my family, in an environment in which the state is often hostile to my rights and where lawyers outnumber physicians, by informing the police in any situation where there exists any doubt as to how my actions might be interpreted by the government or by a jury.

I am grateful for men like Wildalaska who exhibit both the physical courage and the moral character to defend their own liberty and I will not suggest that he erred in not calling the police in a situation where his actions might have been misconstrued. If all men where to act as rigorously and as prudently in their own defense, then I must think our society to be improved and the need for the police to be reduced.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

attributed to Edmund Burke


It is abundantly apparent that a good man, Wildalaska, did in fact act in a very direct manner to defend his own rights. Respectfully, evil can not possible triumph in a nation comprised of such men.

Best Regards,
This thread stopped being about Wildalaska many posts ago. As I said in earlier posts, Wild did well.

But it's been the longest series of posts I've had for a long time.

The conversation has reached a repetitive dead end if people don't know how to communicate anonymously (public phone is but one way) or don't see how their future and their family is in danger because the other guy couldn't figure it out either.

Time to unsubscribe (but still reachable by PM). It's been interesting. See you all on other threads.

That seems like one of those, "These people will never rise to my level of understanding about the subject so I'm leaving" posts.

I think that all that is needed for ignorant posts to proliferate is for good men of understanding to leave the thread in disgust rather than continue to try to get their points across.

Richard, your post was excellent.

By the way, Lancel, the thread stopped being about Wildalaska pretty much after his initial post, since he did not ask a question, request advice, or invite comment. People decided to chime in and extol him or criticize him, but that itself was not "about Wildalaska" either; it was more along the lines that the thread has followed for the subsequent 5 pages.

threat of deadly force is ok in all 50 states where physical force is legal. but if you shot him you would probably be in jail or awaiting trial.

a guy in az was just sentenanced to 10 years for an exact situation. only difference was a dog was added to the equasion on the attackers side.
This thread stopped being about Wildalaska many posts ago.

I think that all that is needed for ignorant posts to proliferate is for good men of understanding to leave the thread in disgust rather than continue to try to get their points across.
.....Among numerous others.

Continuing this would only be counterproductive.

With apologies to Wildalaska, that, as they say, is a wrap.
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