guy I know killed an intruder here's the story

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Captain Charlie, I was told by a sheriff that in Ohio when you're pulled over the officer sees EVERYTHING, even things you did as a juvenile that have been exponged. I doubt he was lying because he was a good friend of my best friends mother and the conversation was had while he was off duty so he wasn't trying to scare anyone.
Captain Charlie, I was told by a sheriff that in Ohio when you're pulled over the officer sees EVERYTHING, even things you did as a juvenile that have been exponged. I doubt he was lying because he was a good friend of my best friends mother and the conversation was had while he was off duty so he wasn't trying to scare anyone.
Nope. I don't know why he told you that other than kidding. I've been a certified LEADS/NCIC operator with CCH access for over 24 years. NCIC (National Crime Information Center) maintains and controls the CCH (Computerized Criminal History) files and is run by the FBI. Each state has its own system, but they are overseen by the FBI.

Ohio LEADS (Law Enforcement Automated Data System) is no exception, and the results of a CCH query are so closely guarded that the computer screen displaying the results must be shielded from public view, and hard copy printouts must be shredded after use. Violations can result in that entire department's access to NCIC being revoked.

Further, expunged means expunged. Only the court can open sealed records, and no law enforcement officer has access to them without a court order. In Ohio, juvenile records are automatically expunged when said juvenile turns 18.
I call BS.

Several things in the story don't add up.

Why would some stranger tell you this? I don't buy it. This guy's trying to make friends or impress you and make you think he's a tough guy or above the law or whatever.

Didn't the cops smell the weed that your friend was smoking either on him or in the apartment?

Didn't the cops search the apartment? In any shooting I think it reasonable that the cops could and would search (snoop through) the remainder of the apartment for possible dangers -- whereupon they discover weed?

I don't think anything would have been on his record, but am not sure.

I don't think that the carnage is going to be quite what he described from any typical handgun.

I find it hard to believe that John squeezed off a full magazine of ammo, missed only once, and the BG didn't seem to get a shot off. And the BG continued to stand up during the entire magazine being emptied but couldn't muster the strength to shoot back?! Right! He either would fall immediately or if not he'd shoot back. Which is it? Real life isn't the movies where people get shot and just stand there taking shot after shot.

Teeth imbedded in the wall. I doubt it. Brains on the ceiling! I doubt it. Did he lob a grenade at the guy?

John apparently gave the BG a chance to shoot back by yelling "Hey" and letting him turn around. Either very stupid or embellished or a lie. How about the phrase, "Don't move and drop your gun or I'll shoot."

Lawyers aren't going to show up at crime scenes in groups of 3. It's completely unnecessary. I've never heard of such a thing.

The armed intruder didn't bother looking to see if anyone was in the UNLOCKED apartment, but instead just went over to look at the stereo! Doubt it.

The whole story smells of BS. Sorry.
Captain Charlie, I was told by a sheriff that in Ohio when you're pulled over the officer sees EVERYTHING, even things you did as a juvenile that have been exponged. I doubt he was lying because he was a good friend of my best friends mother and the conversation was had while he was off duty so he wasn't trying to scare anyone.

CPT Charlie is giving you the straight stuff.

The CHRI (Criminal History Records Index) is severely restricted, due to the potential for great misdoing at the hands of the person accessing the records.

You MUST have a valid reason for a criminal history check (pedigree).

Here, I (and other cops in this State--or any other) can only request a check based on an articulable contact, and at no other time. There are severe penalties including jail time and stiff fines for misuse of the system.

I usually have several such checks during a patrol shift. These are always printed out in hard copies--which are enclosed in full with the additional items to be filed with my report. In other words, they don't even leave the station.

And, the only time that criminal history shows up is if you HAVE a criminal history. Casual contact with an officer does not count. You have to be arrested, arraigned, tried and convicted. (except for some traffic offenses)
Hi Guys/ Gals,

I say ":barf: "; a friend of a friend is either out of his mind for enjoying talk (or even thinking about it much...), or full of CR_P..! Do any of "YOU" like the......; any of it..?

Eric Howland
Savannah, GA.
well you guys could be right, could just be 100% BS. Glad I posted here to see what you all think about it. I don't know the guy anymore so it doesn't offend me if you say he's full of it.
I'd be seriously questioning the company I keep if I were you. If you aren't surprised that this guy could be involved in drug deals, and if he goes around telling everyone this story like he's so proud of it and so unphased by it...

Side story - I briefly worked with a guy who seemed like a good guy and all, but my mother had an acquaintance who knew him and his ex-wife. Said he was into the whole drug scene too and was not allowed to come onto his ex-wife's property. I found this out about him AFTER I gave him a ride home from work one day. You guessed it - he had me drop him off at his ex's place. :eek:
You cant belive everything you see onthe net. Im calling BS too. Yes pistol shots that penetrate create blood splatter, but they DO NOT cause teeth to become embedded in the sheetrock. Bone fragments-Maybe. After having seen the leftovers of a nasty gunfight (indian reservation, acahol and an illegal UZI were involved) most blood stays on the victims clothes and near proximity. The guy i saw get shot got hit 6 times in the torso (no penetrations) and the only blood was on his shirt from the entry holes. Now if he was shoothing with a .50AE or .450 COR-BON or something wild yes that would create large amounts of flying liquid.

If you aren't surprised that this guy could be involved in drug deals, and if he goes around telling everyone this story like he's so proud of it and so unphased by it...

Well to be quite honest, my past isn't spotless either.. ;)
The guy is lying...Like other LEO have said you don't get a record unless you get charged with a crime. I had a job where I looked at criminal records all day for employment. I never seen that before. Also unless they are on TV no one robs a house in the middle of the day wearing all black. Here is a story of a guy who shot a unarmed naked guy who broke into his house 9 times, and got manslaughter. Like silicone said, the real deal there is less blood splattered around than in the movies.
As a contractor, one of my jobs a long time ago was repairing work after the Clean up crew had been in there...(regarding the formation of the first death scene company in the 90's, Service-master has had a division doing way longer than that. Also several other disaster services companies I have worked with did that kind of restoration work.) I was called in to bid on replacing stained wood floors and replacing wall board after several shootings. Most were suicides. but a few were murders. I have no idea if the guys story is true or not, BUT I have seen enough shoot sites to say that yeah, a .357 or larger can blow body debris a long way inside a house. a twelve guage in the mouth will just about paint the ceiling or wall. A 45 auto loaded with ball will pass thru every time.

Now, after doing that for a few years, we got a call to a house where the homeowner had passed away to natural causes the day she was planning to visit her condo in florida. She had canceled her mail, shut off the phone and packed her bags when she broke her hip and died on the floor. No one thought she was home and it took approximately 60 days till a utility worker noticed that she had not paid her bill despite never missing a payment in some 40 years. Cops were dispatched to find her remains lying near the dead phone. We got called in to look at replacing the flooring in the living room which were stained. The smell in the house was unbelievable, despite being cleaned professionally by people trained in that area of restoration, every time the heat would come on, we would get nauseated, After three attempts at cleaning and deodorizing, including one whole house bagging, and fumigation. The insurance company finally decided to have the house razed and rebuilt. The poor womans only relative was a niece in California who had little or no contact with her, she did not go to church and had been retired for nearly 20 years from a large department store. When we had the back hoe and knocked the house down, even then the smell was overpowering
The smell in the house was unbelievable, despite being cleaned professionally by people trained in that area of restoration, every time the heat would come on, we would get nauseated,....
I've been on a few of those GF, and you're right; it's a smell that never ever leaves, and it's one you never ever forget. It's totally different from a dead animal. It coats the hairs and lining of your nose, and you smell it for days after. And you might as well burn your clothes. Our coroner gave me a tip that helps.... some. Smear Vics Vapo-rub up your nose before you go in. You still smell it later though :( .

I've been on literally dozens of suicides and homicides by a firearm, and except for a shotgun, very few of them splatter teeth & bone around a room. Blood, yes. Now point blank impact to the skull will do that sometimes. A young man a few years ago decided to impress his friends by putting a .38 spl. snubbie to his temple and pulling the trigger. He forgot to unload it. I found a 2" piece of his skull three feet away on the ground. Believe it or not, he lived for about 20 minutes and gasped his last breath in front of me.

Now the gentleman that removed the upper half of his head with a 12 ga. here a few years back did quite literally "paint the room". That was the only one where I got literally and thoroughly sick.

But being shot from a distance with a handgun, at least from my experience, will rarely embed teeth in the wall. Possible, I guess, but t'ain't likely.
Man, that raises a problematic question for me. I always have a loaded .38sp in the bedroom, but was thinking of adding a 12g shotty too...but then I started thinking. If some dick were too invade my house, would I really want to dirty up the walls something fierce? You know that would be an instant "Time to move to a new house" situation. I know it sounds morbid and ridiculous, but I almost have more of a problem getting my place messy than disabling or fatally wounding an assailant.
BS plain and simple

I have seen the aftermath of many CQB's while in the sand box (thank god I never had to be involved) and I have never seen teeth in a wall (not saying a 12 ga to the head wouldn't do the trick), but even when a grenade fraggs a guy it just sends splatter and little parts all over the place. The part about the stench is true. Had a post once where a guy got hit in the belly (took his vest off because he was hot, dumb!!) and the place smelled so bad a month later that we abandonded it and built another down the way. The story sounds made up and pure BS, when you have to kill somebody it isn't something you want to brag about afterwords, that is for the guys that were never there and never saw combat (REMF types with lots of souveniors and pictures that they show everybody). If you ever meet a vet (cop or military) and he doesn't want to talk about things of this nature it was because he most liekly pulled the trigger when needed, its the guys that are bragging openly that are full of BS and never did anything. that's my 2 cents.
Man, that raises a problematic question for me. I always have a loaded .38sp in the bedroom, but was thinking of adding a 12g shotty too...but then I started thinking. If some dick were too invade my house, would I really want to dirty up the walls something fierce? You know that would be an instant "Time to move to a new house" situation. I know it sounds morbid and ridiculous, but I almost have more of a problem getting my place messy than disabling or fatally wounding an assailant.
You could simply ask him to step into the shower before pulling the trig.
haha, and I wouldn't want to get some sort of blood-carried disease either. I can just imagine it; "Uh excuse me Mr. robber, but would you mind stepping into the, no...more towards the shower. Oh, and let my put some safety goggles. Safety first."
Thank God I do not know that stench, but it reminds me of something. There is a myth that an old samurai test of a new katana was how many bodies (supposedly sometimes living ones) it would cut through in one deft stroke. I recall reading a rebuke of this myth that listed this odor as one of the reasons it was not done.
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