Guns / ARs not driving gun crime, but mental health & social media are.

But then how is it that kids can learn more than their parents know, especially if the parents base their lives on the “facts” believed by ancient primitive tribesmen?

I call "foul" . I cannot,in good conscience, let this go unchallenged.

But if I counter it, the Moderators will shut me down.

The question is what is the value of a Marxist Indoctrination via the public school system. Test scores show deficiency in math, science,etc.

I'll drop it there.
Interesting video, search YouTube for: sO5W9vk55w4
(we cannot post links here).

Watch from 12:40 to 19:10.

The point the author makes is that what has changed since the increase in "active shooter incidents" since 2010 is the widespread reach and use of social media that has exacerbated mental health problems driving gun crime.

He does point out that "correlation does not mean causation", but that "dose-response" is a better indicator for causation; then he shows how "active shooter incidents" increased as youngsters indulged in more and more social media.

Other than those prominent "active shooter incidents" so prevalent in the news, the video shows that gun violence has not changed that much (even decreased) since the 70s, 80s.
We know this; liberals have no clue. They refuse to look at the science.
We have a throw-away society. Unborn children are among those commodities capable of being discarded if their potential arrival interferes with plans that don’t fall into the timing of family growth. My wife took our two girls with her everywhere, including grocery shopping. When my youngest of those 2 was 14, she babysat for neighbors who went shopping without their kids because they got in the way.
At age 27, I went to med school with my wife, 2 girls aged 3 and 16 months, and our Beagle. In the following 4 years, we NEVER went anywhere without those kids and our third arrived 8 months before I graduated. I took loans that required me to repay for over ten years; a dental student in our development asked why I didn't seek welfare help as he did (even though he had no kids). Today’s parents fear an authoritative posture alienates their kids so they choose to be friends instead. This lack of parental guidance destroys their ability to meet the hazards, threats, and challenges of the adult world. Why do those in government authority fail to see the “core” reason for chaos is the disintegration of the family unit, especially the disappearance of the fatherly influence?
But then how is it that kids can learn more than their parents know, especially if the parents base their lives on the “facts” believed by ancient primitive tribesmen?

Kids learn more than their parent's know the same way they always have, and it works the same in a primitive or a technological society. They learn more than their parents by experiencing things their parents have not.

I believe that proper parenting involves teaching kids what the parent's know in order to give them a frame of reference to use when judging new things and making decisions on their own.

We teach them and then they learn more beyond that. Hopefully making more good decisions than bad ones, but they are their decisions, either way.

What bothers me is the "mob mentality" that social media unleashes, and even seems to encourage. Those who shout the loudest, most often intimidate dissent and rational discourse. And, despite a name, and maybe a picture, people on social media are, essentially anonymous. It is the essence of mob rule. Or so it seems to me.

I think people making important decisions to impress or just get along with other people whose only connection with them is text on a video screen is rampant today, and can be good (like this forum) or not so good. Just go to any unmoderated chat group and listen to what goes on. IT is rarely mankind at its finest. :rolleyes: