Gun vs Knife [Graphic !!]

To joab

I'm glad were getting a Florida law here real soon so that I don't have to worry about whether or not it's justified.

What law would that be?

--Florida recently abolished the "duty to retreat" law I spoke of above, meaning, in short, that if you are in any place you have a lawful right to be, you can stand your ground and fight back, using deadly force if necessary to defend your or another's life or to prevent great bodily harm from occuring to you or another.
Knives are excellent backup CCW, especially folding. A number of things can be accomplished with a knife that a firearm lacks. First off, within three feet a handgun can easily be grabbed by an attacker and a struggle insues. No on in their right mind would reach to grab a blade. Secondly, folding knives can be used without even flipping the blade open. Simply holding the closed knife tightly in a fist, hardening your punch, can be lethal. Also, not alot of people, even criminals have been around guns, they aren't aware of what they are capable of, and would respond much more to the sight of a knife. Everyone's been cut before. Lastly, the aftermath. It might look much more humane to a liberal, anti-gun judge when explaning how you defended yourself with a knife so you wouldn't have to pull your firearm.
Michigan has that "Duty to Retreat" law too, and I unfortunately exprianced it first hand. A "family" member physically assaulted by shoving me into a corner than took a swing at me. How the heck was I supposed to retreat? In any case wasn't just going to stand there and let anyone hit me, so I returned the favor and threw a hard left and fractured the person's nose in two places. My "family" wouldn't let me call the police but they allowed the other family member to :mad:

Morale of this story: I have no faith in the Justice system and have a bitter taste in my mouth when it comes to LE :(

A badguy is more likely to back away from a gun than a knife. The nice thing about a knife is you can deploy it without the badguy knowing it until it's too late:D
I dunno Will. Within three feet I'd honestly take the knife. If the assaliant is someone bigger and stronger, a handgun that close might give you a 50/50 chance. My opinion is that when that close the assaliant isn't going to run, no. His natural reaction to the remove the threat, grabbing the gun. His sub-concious knows he can still be shot while retreating. A knife on the other hand is much more scary in my opinion when in that three foot radius. His sub-concious knows that retreating from the knife is much more easier then trying to attack it.
I just can't believe that "defending yourself" is a crime in certain states... Makes me sicker than any graphic pictures ever could.:barf:
Florida recently abolished the "duty to retreat" law I spoke of above, meaning, in short, that if you are in any place you have a lawful right to be, you can stand your ground and fight back, using deadly force if necessary to defend your or another's life or to prevent great bodily harm from occuring to you or another.
That's a very long way from not having to worry whether it's justified or not
And that law, recognizing your right to respond to a direct physical threat, came into effect five months ago.
i have also been burned by the law for fighting back against an attack. it was high school and, you know, kids in high school get into fights. well i fought back and was informed by the appropriate authorities that there "is never a good reason to fight."
One of our officers was working a store security job off duty years back, when he tried to stop a shoplifter from leaving the store. He never even saw the knife, but it left him on the floor with his intestines hanging out.

He drew to shoot the guy, and the manager jumped in front of him. Said he didn't want to get sued
I hope the officer lived and sued the crap out of the manager!! That right there is the single most stupid, ignorant, asinine act I have ever heard of - and I've heard of some really stupid acts!!

i fought back and was informed by the appropriate authorities that there "is never a good reason to fight."
So in order to be a good example, I'm absoultely certain "The Authorities" stand there and let an attacker beat on them when attacked.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:
At school,. a long time ago, I once caught a punch to the stomache... Saw it comming at the last second, clenched, and didn't get the wind knocked out of me. I reacted really quickly.

Hit the kid in the right temple, and he was O-U-T!

I was supended out of school, and told to write an appology note by the principle. My father told the principle to kiss his ass. Probably the most proud I've been in my life. He'd taught me to defend myself and I did. I spent my suspention playing video games at the mall, going out to movies, and practicing for a hockey tournament with my father, who took the week off of work.

At least the had the gaul to suspend the other guy too.

Check this out. This guy was caught cheating on his wife and she attacked him with an ax! I think he's gonna have one hell of a headache in the morning. I must warn you, it's pretty graphic!


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If he cheated for no reason then he got what he deserved
Will, you can't be serious. You have to put a little more value on life then that. Apparently the wife caught her estranged husband in bed with the family housekeeper but still that's no excuse for nearly killing him.
Knifes scare me more. You can't really miss with a knife. Sadly, I think most bad guys arent going to brandish it if they intend on murdering you. They are just going to walk up to you and your just going to think he punched you.
I bet he learned his lesson

What was the lesson? Am I to be excused for attempting to murder my estranged wife if I catch her in bed with someone else. I don't think this represents main stream thinking or legal interpretation.
His lesson is what happened to him for cheating. He got punished for being a bad boy:D

I myself wouldn't take it to that extreme. I will make anyone who cheats on me pay. I'm not going to hack the woman up;)