Gun shops who prohibit concealed carry

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New member
I got to thinking about this today and realized that we have a bunch of hypocrites in the gun industry. We say that armed law abiding citizens deter crime. We get mad at restaurants, hotels, etc. that prohibit concealed carry. We rail about the benefits if concealed carry. MOST gun shops, sporting goods stores, and gun shows prohibit concealed carry. HYPOCRITICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Employee of two shops. Owner of another shop. My insurance agent who writes the policies for several shops. A gun show promoter.
I want to guess this is a regional or state-by-state "problem." I can honestly say that I go to a -LOT- of gun stores and outdoor related retailers in my travels and ALL of them have the same exact policy:

Carry legally in our store but NEVER does your gun/any gun come out of your holster

If you need service or accessories for a gun you bring inside, bring it in a box or zippered rug.

I can't even think of any gun store I remember that prohibits legal carry. I've only been hemorrhaging money in these joints since 1988 though. I haven't been to every gun store. (Yet)
I want to guess this is a regional or state-by-state "problem." I can honestly say that I go to a -LOT- of gun stores and outdoor related retailers in my travels and ALL of them have the same exact policy:

Carry legally in our store but NEVER does your gun/any gun come out of your holster

If you need service or accessories for a gun you bring inside, bring it in a box or zippered rug.

I can't even think of any gun store I remember that prohibits legal carry. I've only been hemorrhaging money in these joints since 1988 though. I haven't been to every gun store. (Yet)

That's what I see. In bold letters, "do not unholster your weapon"

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From what I've seen in Georgia, every gun store has a sign
that no loaded guns are permitted.

Store employees are armed.
I got to thinking about this today and realized that we have a bunch of hypocrites in the gun industry.

I feel pretty much the same way. I am told it is a safety issue. In other words, the gun shop will sell guns to people to carry ELSEWHERE because they can't trust the people to be safe with them in the store. It is an interesting consideration.

We say that armed law abiding citizens deter crime.

And that is pretty much a lie. Armed citizens may stop crime, but do nothing to deter crime. Even when a crime is stopped, a crime often multiple, have occurred. Not enough citizens are armed and actually stop crimes to cause any noticeable change in the crime rates to support the notion that armed citizens deter crime. Crime rates go up and go down regardless of what states own guns and have concealed carry, open carry, etc.
I haven't seen any gun shops that prohibit carry, most just have a sign saying keep it in the holster.

I'd have to 2nd guess doing business with a gun shop that prohibits carry.

Gun shows however.. no carry, all weapons get zip tied, they can't be taken off for examination either which makes checking out a gun pretty damn difficult.
I work in a PA gunshop. I see lots of "concealed" pistols that don't bother me in the least, until an idiot quickly pulls it out to fit a holster or show us something. I've given a few prickly warnings to those ignorant folks.
I do have to say I don't really like open carriers walking in the store. I just don't see it as too polite or too smart, given the environment. Cover the damn thing when walking into a gunshop, bank, police station, etc. Hey, just my opinion.
I went to a gun show a while back that had a giant sign saying no guns including your concealed carry permit holder, in accordance with the laws in my state I walked right past that sign and went about my business and no one was the wiser.

I think it's more for legal reasons than anything and I certainly would never draw my loaded weapon to fit it into a holster, though I have a friend who works at a local Cabela's that told me a customer did that to him in the bargain cave and he had to change his undershorts soon after.

I agree concealed is better for many reasons but don't want to debate. Carry openly if you must.
If a business in my area doesn't allow concealed carry I just hand them a card and walk away, never to return. The card says, "no guns - no money" and then on the back it explains the background check I had to go through to get my concealed carry permit. Not only do they lose my business but they also lose a customer who has been checked for any criminal history and mental illness. The rest of their customers could all be felons and loonies. They have no way of knowing.
There are not a lot of stores in the area where I live but very few don't permit concealed carry and most are just fine with open carry too. I was invited to lunch while at the range today and not only did the restaurant not have any problem with me carrying openly but the customers were fine too. There was one family that their youngest, a boy about two, waved and said hi to me and I walked over and shook his hand. The folks thought it was great. Little boys like guys in cowboy hats. It's hard to miss a 6" 357 in a shoulder rig. We talked about the weather and the food. The gun was just something they were used to seeing. I like the area.
I work in a PA gunshop.
I do have to say I don't really like open carriers walking in the store. I just don't see it as too polite or too smart, given the environment. Cover the damn thing when walking into a gunshop, bank, police station, etc. Hey, just my opinion.

So you find the sight of a gun in a holster impolite?
It's kinda ironic, With that view.. One could say you work in a whore house.. guns all laid out in the open.. completely uncovered.. with prices on them for sale to anyone willing to pay.

My god the obscenity of it. :rolleyes:

P.S Do you ever scowl at police and security with their weapon all hanging out in the open in public?

I respect your right to have your own opinion I just don't understand it; Especially coming from someone who works with guns all day.
I've never seen a gun shop here that prohibited concealed carry. Several had signs that told you to keep the dang thing holstered or you would be in big trouble.
There are two different things going on in the thread - prohibiting concealed carry and signs that say do not unholster. Yes, there are places that you find guns, like at gunshows, where signs are posted, generally because the place that is HOSTING the show requires it. Could be insurance, could be something else.
I have worked at a couple of gunshops and have seen others that have the "do not unholster" rule. That is really very simple safety. 100%. The less you manipulate a loaded firearm the lower your chances of a negligent discharge. People keep unholstering and rehosteirng firearms in a public place, and the chances you have a nimrod who keeps sticking his finger in the trigger guard "because I KNOW what I'M doing!" who ventilates Grandma start going up and up. So that rule, because the business deals in items that the gun owners wants and will manipulate the firearm for, is purely for safety. One gunshop/range we had, had a bullet hole in the cash register stand, from someone "trying out a holster while checking out, and put one between the cashier's legs. She did not find it amusing.

johnnyc said:
I do have to say I don't really like open carriers walking in the store. I just don't see it as too polite or too smart, given the environment. Cover the damn thing when walking into a gunshop, bank, police station, etc. Hey, just my opinion.

Certainly and you are entitled to every bit of your opinion, sir. Down here in AZ open carry is quite often completely unremarked upon, unless they have something that draws attention...a former acquaintance of mine years ago would carry his AKM clone across his back while riding his Honda scooter in town, just to be a yagoff. That got attention. :mad:
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