Gun Grabbers At The Next Table --


I'm sitting in "My Corner" (I'm a regular.) at the local coffee house. Four locals, what I call "Bo Bo's" -- Bourgeoises Bohemes -- sitting at the table behind me, talking nonsense and knee-jerk hysterical about "guns." "Ohhhhhhhh the horror!" :eek:

They just characterized gun owners as "white, male, Southern, poor, and marginally educated." (I'm native to the Pacific NW, upper middle, with more than a couple advanced degrees.)

I'm doing a pretty fair job controlling myself. I just find it ironic that I'm less than 3' from them, sitting at the next table, WiFi online here at the "gun site" and a .357 magnum snubby IWB under the shirt.

-- Haven't heard any demonstrable grasp of the Bill of Rights in any way shape or form, except perhaps to exert their First Amendment guarantee to expostulate at length about things which they know nothing at all.

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Having lived in Floroda for 7 years and then for some foolish greedy reason moving back to Illinois I consider myself am honorary Southerner. I hate the OFWG stereotype. I am a YFWG though.
-- Haven't heard any demonstrable grasp of the Bill of Rights in any way shape or form, except perhaps to exert their First Amendment guarantee to expostulate at length about things which they know nothing at all.

I feel your pain...
You should have spoken up to destroy their stereotypes.
It's likely their minds are set, and if their ideas were to have been challenged, they'd have resorted to bickering, mockery, and they'd have ultimately walked away still having the same opinions.

It's one thing to try and convince someone who's unsure or on the fence. It's another to try and convince someone who resorts to stereotypes.
I was doing the same thing a few months back. I asked their opinions on some things without ever saying I was pro-gun or even refuting them.
Then I said, let's make believe. We were in a corner, and I pointed at the nearest door and asked "What would you do if somebody came in with an axe chopping everybody he could reach, or with a sword or machette slicing away, or make a pistol or rifle shooting?"
"Think hard and imagine it! What would you do?"

After a few minutes with their eyes getting bigger as I said PD could get here in 10 minutes easy. I said I knew what I'd do. "If he doesn't somehow get me first, I'll take him out and save all of us. Yeah, I carry and yes I'm armed, and yes I can protect all of us."

It opened new lines of talk and I honestly believe I got 4-5 people to think about the truth versus the hype.
3 out of 5 is close enough for gov't work, right? :-)

And Patriot86, we call Florida the only place you have to go north to get to the South. Sorry!

Good job, Tinner666! I love playing games like that and watching people's heads explode. Sometimes it even does some good but most times not.
I'm southern (well, Floridian but I lived in South Carolina for 2 years), male and white but I graduated high school at 16 so there's that.
"white, male, Southern, poor, and marginally educated."

marginally educated - by who's standard. There is much education attained outside the university (as in real life).

poor - not the best condition to be in but by far not the worst.

white, male, Southern - Sorry, but I don't see any of these as negative (possibly because I only have one BS degree).

I suppose it is easier to form an opinion if you don't have to deal with facts.
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I dont think they are ever the same until articulate communication is considered.

Education often parades around imitating intelligence.
Maybe next time you cold politely say "I couldn't help but over hear your conversation, mind if I join you?" Then ask them questions like mentioned above - "what would you do if...?"

Since you have you computer with you, it will be easy to google and disprove any of their fears

And dont forget to mention how Chicago has some of the strictest firearm laws and the highest firearm related deaths (murders).
Then ask them questions like mentioned above - "what would you do if...?"

More often than not those questions are deflected with "Your paranoid, we're sitting here in a little diner in Littletown, what are the chances of that happening?" :rolleyes:

Frankly, its become less and less worth my time to converse with those who do not think rationally or those who would happily give up Liberties for their own soft-brained false sense of security.

The folks on the fence are definitely worth the effort. :)
And dont forget to mention how Chicago has some of the strictest firearm laws and the highest firearm related deaths (murders).

If you're going to use that as a talking point, it's worth mentioning for the sake of intellectual honesty that while Chicago may have the largest number of firearm-related murders, it's also a very big city.

If you go by firearm-related murder *rate* (annual firearm-related murders per year per 100,000 residents), then Chicago isn't even in the top fifteen, and they're behind several cities with much more relaxed gun laws.

Also, be careful not to imply that Chicago's high murder rate is *because* of their strict gun laws. The gun laws may have just been a reaction to a high murder rate, not the cause of it.
You should have spoken up to destroy their stereotypes.

Be prepared for serious backlash: some of these "highly-educated" folk take their "beliefs" as seriously as some do their religion ....... I might go so far to say that for some, this IS their religion.

Education and intelligence are not always the same.

I have seen so many that use an extensive vocabulary to prattle on in support of someone else's certainties on things that just are not so ...... they can talk for hours about various things they have no firsthand knoledge of........ They KNOW so much, yet can actually DO so little. They assume they'll "have people for that." ...... when it comes down to crunch time, they are helpless.

All the fine art degrees in the world won't frame a painting.
Next time bring in your friends and have a round-table discussion about how gun-grabbers are snooty, effete, hypocritcal Alinsky-ites bent perversing the meaning and definition of the Constitution to fit their own selfish beliefs. Make sure you do so when they are there too, and see how they react when they realize pro-2nd people also frequent their favorite coffee haunts and express themselves.

I honestly believe one of the reasons pro-2nd people are loosing their rights is because we fail to speak up.