Gun for Biking


New member
So added Biking for cross training purposes this year and realized this weekend that biking out in the country is putting me in situations I simply never dealt with while running around town. After being chased by a couple of dogs and getting flat in the middle of nowhere I'm thinking of starting to carry a gun with. I have never carried during exercise so I'm very concerned about weight. My normal carry gun is an LCP which should fit the bill but was curious here if anything else might do the trick that is lighter weight? I was thinking one of the Little NAA in 22 mag or the semi auto in 32 auto but don't know much about them. Any other ideas?
I jog regularly and carry a G42 appendix iwb. I'm trying to grasp the need for something even lighter for bicycle riding.

are you just wanting a gun so you can say you carry one, and the easy of shooting and practicality are afterthoughts?

your LCP is quite small and light already. you can go to a slightly lighter gun in a slightly weaker round with the kel-tec P32, but you're really stepping down in quality now.

a NAA mini revolver is a finely made gun. it is also much slower into action and accuracy suffers as well.
Don't remember saying I needed something lighter than the LCP. :D

I am concerned about weight and while I think the LCP would fit the bill I'm simply curious what if anything else out there would be an option. Would certainly prefer not to go heavier than the LCP. I do not have a bag system so other than a water bottle everything I bring has to be on my person. In shorts and a tshirt that leaves a fanny pack type bag or an arm cuff. By time I throw keys/cell/ID and I'm getting a bit limited on space.

Like I said the LCP would work and unless I find something better thats what I will go with. I'm betting there are some folks here who will have some wonderful suggestions I have never thought of.

I know very little about the 2 suggestions I put in the original post other than that they exist and they seem to have a following.
When I bike, hike, jog, kayak, etc. I have my Glock 19 on me. Usually appendix. Never been an issue and been almost a decade.

Since you're talking LCP sized, I'd recommend a Glock 42 (.380ACP) or 43 (9mm). I had a co-worker who would carry an LCP in his pocket and it began to rust all over the slide. Months went by and he said "screw it" and got a LC9 that he carried appendix as well. In about a month and 700 rounds later, he had rust all over the LC9 as well.

Glock has some wizardly magic going on with their finish along with being polymer too, of course. I've had 1911s and SIGs rust like you wouldn't believe. I'm not a fan of Ruger and never have been. But seeing my co-workers guns do that sure didn't help much.
Constantine that sucks. I've had my LCP for several years and have never had a problem with it. I live in WI though and while we have our fair share of humid days we are pretty lucky in terms of how dry it is. never had too much issue with rust or corrosion on guns knock on wood.
I hope you never do! I'm by The Everglades and the beach isn't too far from there either. Salt spray from the ocean, humidity, and sweat. All these elements made my ex lover (SIG Sauer) a pain in the rear when it came to rust too.

Just keep it dry.

Check out the Glock 42 for your pocket. The 43 is a little bigger and may not be pocket friendly.

If you want to carry appendix (my favorite method for activities) I'd definitely go with the 43.
When I country cycle I carry an LCR, .38, in a 511 select carry pistol pouch. Drawing from a fanny pack is slow and fumbling but dogs typically announce their approach thus giving me time to carefully draw.

I get noticed and chased by a dozen-ish dogs per year. Only once have I had to unzip and draw, and I was about to fire into the ditch but the dog finally gave it up.

My wife gives me grief for my choice of unchained doggy defense. My brother-in-law (her brother) was once bitten on the ankle while cycling. And he is a much bigger, faster, stronger, non old-age broken yet competitive triathelete. All things equal, and that were me, I might have been dragged off my bike.

You might think about . . .

You might think about pepper spray for the dogs. I think I'd have to really fear that a dog was going to bite me before I shot it. But pepper spray or mace, not so much.

My biking gun is a Sig p238, but then it's my only carry gun so . . .

Live well, be safe
Prof Young
If you can find some water guns that don't leak- I had some but don't remember name- you can carry ammonia in them. I'd carry them in a handlebar flap pouch, not on your body. Or more expensively, get bear spray, though I think that's more than you need. In today's climate, I'd be careful shooting at peoples dogs - pit bull dogs - and their owners- can be the worst. They may not confront you but they may get in their car and "accidentally" knock you into a ditch. One little miscalculation on their part and you could be seriously hurt. Little chance proving it wasn't an accident caused when you "suddenly swerved". Also, should a dog owner that is a real a** call the law and say you are trying to shoot dogs in the area, an LEO who just doesn't like you (it happens) can smell that your gun was recently fired in a residential area and can give you a lot of grief.
Just remember that most obnoxious, seemingly threatening dogs may really be not so bad. It's their sneaky self-centered owners who care less if their dogs harass people that you really have to watch out for.
A few years ago, a guy jogging near my house was killed after being attacked by two large dogs. I ride daily during the summer in a rural area. Dogs running loose are a problem, and I have been chased a few times. I carry a Smith Shield in my waist band, no problems with the weight. I also carry a Ruger SP101 with a 3 inch barrel in a Bianchi Black Widow holster. Personally I would rather deal with a little more weight and feel confident that I can stop an attack.
Biking Guns

Here are some "farm guns"that are an absolute joy to use dailey:LCP-LC9s -LCR-and Glock 42.All 100% dependable!
I regularly run 5-7 miles with a P32 in my UnderArmor running underwear, using the slide clip. I would say a LCP/P3AT with hardcast loads would do most anything you would need yet not weigh you down, or bulge needlessly. And you don't need a special holster. I have many of the firearms mentioned in this thread - a LCR or Shield would be too heavy for running, but perhaps biking . . .
I ride daily in the country. I carry an LCP in my rear pocket in a pocket holster. I used to also carry pepper spray. I said the gun was for the dog and the pepper spray is for the owner.

I have had a few incidents.

The first one was a dog saw me and headed my way fast. The owner had him on a long leash. The leash was wrapped around the owner and when the dog charged me, the owner spun around and let go of the leash.

The dog came right up to me. I had my LCP on its head. Contact distance. The owner was calling the dog and I could tell from his voice it might bite me. I stood my ground showing no fear. Finally the dog backed off. I rode away thinking that dog did not know I was about to shoot it. It could have bit me before I started shooting. It was a chance I took.

Another time I rolled into my driveway and my neighbors pit bull charged me. I pulled out my bulldog 44 from an upsidown shoulder holster and put one in the dirt right in front of the dog. He turned and ran away. I then called the dog warden and told him what happened. He did not even fill out a report. I live out in the sticks.

I ride 3 miles every day. I am 55. I have had a few other incidents with dogs and owners. No one knows I carry.


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I'm a fan of carrying what you normally carry. I don't see the LCP being that heavy.

Not big on switching CC guns.
There are lots of options out there, but the LCP is one of the better and most popular ones. What kind of shorts do you wear -biker shorts? If so that probably limits your options. I wear cargo shorts when I go out and would probably IWB my S&W model 60 if anything.
Dang. I clicked on this because I thought the title said "Gun for Bikini" and I was hoping for pics! Only think I could imagine as possible would maybe be one of those little NAA revolvers.

How disappointing.
You might have a look at these. Really think about it before you shoot somebodies dog. Its a real good way to end up in a boat load of trouble.

You can buy these at Midway for half the price. Check amazon also.

I used to have a dog that liked to chase me as I biked by when I was a kid. I grabbed a fishing rod blank I had laying around and carried it across my handle bars. The next time I rode by that dogs house he came out with his teeth bared. One good swat over the head (it cut his ear) and he chased me no more.

And Pappa beat me to it with the ammonia trick. But instead of a squirt gun use a cleaning bottle like you get at walmart. You can udjust the tip to a long stream. Add ammonia, pinesol, water and a little squirt of dawn dish washing liquid. A shot in the eyes and they will leave you alone. And by the way I use this same mix for a bug and wasp killer. Squirt a fly and they take about three steps and fall over dead.
Appendix carry sucks when mountain biking, since you are folded over. OWB on the waistband works, but isn't discreet and requires a belt. I've used a handlebar bag in the past, with a holster that could clip IWB into my shorts if I needed to get off the bike.

A NAA .22LR is a marvelous range toy, and is a little masterpiece of craftsmanship, but isn't very practical as a primary self-defense weapon; it's relatively accurate as small guns go, but extremely slow to shoot and ballistically anemic, and any realistic holster makes the gun/holster combo nearly as big as the small .32 semiautos.

A good pepper spray is a prudent idea. I like the Kimber Pepper Blaster II, which is light enough to carry in a pocket (even a shirt pocket).

Also, don't forget to plan for more likely risks, e.g. an injury from a fall, breakdowns, dehydration, stings, and sugar crashes. I keep my phone well charged and carry a first aid kit and some snacks in the handlebar bag, and plenty of water on the frame.
So added Biking for cross training purposes this year and realized this weekend that biking out in the country is putting me in situations I simply never dealt with while running around town. After being chased by a couple of dogs and getting flat in the middle of nowhere I'm thinking of starting to carry a gun with. I have never carried during exercise so I'm very concerned about weight. My normal carry gun is an LCP which should fit the bill but was curious here if anything else might do the trick that is lighter weight? I was thinking one of the Little NAA in 22 mag or the semi auto in 32 auto but don't know much about them. Any other ideas?
Instead of getting a different gun for every different thing you do, just have a gun, and dress around it.

BTW bear mace is better for dogs than firearms. Easier to hit the dogs, far greater stopping power, cheaper/easier to buy, legal carry in many more places.