Gun Confiscation in NJ

Reminds me of the the ATI GSG-5SD debacle with the BAFTE declaring the hollow shrouds suppressors. Not sure BAFTE has ever issued a letter regarding the issue, only paperwork I've ever seen posted was a comical MS-Paint diagram of the two different shrouds. Seemed they didn't wanna put anything on paper least someone want to try to make something of it.

Whelp, right now its all just a matter of what happens on the legal end of things. Inter Ordnance has filed a law suite, with help from the NRA. I returned the firearm, as requested, and received a full refund (i actually turned it right into a slightly used Beretta 92 brigadier for $500:D) So far no angry calls from the NJSP. This situation has had me furious. I now have plans to venture across the border into freedom (PA) permanently, this coming summer. Any more updates ill be sure to let you guys know. Thanks a bunch.
Reminds me of the the ATI GSG-5SD debacle with the BAFTE declaring the hollow shrouds suppressors.

Funny you should say that.... i noticed them for sale in my local shop just the other day, barrel shroud and all. Here we go again. :eek: lucky i didnt buy one i was sure thinking bout it.:o
It is not 'ex post facto' if the law was already in place that the AG claims was violated.

Using 'Kalashnikov style' in a law makes it a legal term (and within the purview of the courts to figure out what it means).

requiring the buyer to return the gun to the dealer is NOT a confiscation.

If the police came and took it without compensation it would be 'confiscated.'

The whole thing sounds like someone screwed up and shipped and then sold guns that under state law are prohibited (at least the AG thinks so).

The GA probably threatened the dealer with a world of hurt if they did not get the guns returned.

It would appear the state is running amuck, but it is going to take deep pockets (and maybe a conviction) to move it out of the state courts and into the federal system.
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ethan95 said:
Funny you should say that.... i noticed them for sale in my local shop just the other day, barrel shroud and all. Here we go again. lucky i didnt buy one i was sure thinking bout it.

They've collected nearly all the old style shrouds from the GSG-5, only old shrouds would be in private hands, and that line had to be discontinued. Any new stock is a GSG-522 which was the result of the settlement the H&K lawsuit, they had to make some cosmetic changes. I wouldn't be scared to pick one up, if the grip isn't studded the shroud screws off real quick to check if it is post recall.
I don't know how y'all can live in those anti-American/firearms states...

IMO, a threat to send cops to my home to confiscate my lowly semi-auto rifle is a straight up act of war.
TeamSinglestack said:
I don't know how y'all can live in those anti-American/firearms states...

IMO, a threat to send cops to my home to confiscate my lowly semi-auto rifle is a straight up act of war.

I see. So while the rest of us are supporting the court cases that are just now starting to define what the Court said, for the first time in US History I might add, was an individual right not connected to any militia service ... You are gonna go off half-cocked and declare (reciprocal) war on the cops?

This is the absolutist type of attitude that has in the past and will in the future set the 2A movement back. A decade or two.
This is the absolutist type of attitude that has in the past and will in the future set the 2A movement back. A decade or two.

I completely agree!! Not handling this situation reasonably and rationally, and threatening physical violence. Just gives more, for lack of a better word, ammo to those who actively oppose the 2A.
scare tactics but effective

I think the majority were recovered, but they did some fishing that day, week, month, and not all the fish were caught. I don't think the ones that didn't get the letter by accident, had moved to a different address, etc are responsible legally. I would've returned it too ethan. I just know some other brave soul still has his and he might not be illegal right now. I mean, some of the other posts were right, when did the 48hrs start and the gun store was the one trying. weird. Any responses that disobyed in the end might be in trouble but the ones that just totally ignored might be in the clear until they're engaged. PLEASE keep us posted.
You've not been paying attention to NJ.

Back when Jim Florio pushed through the AW ban, none of them were allowed to be kept. You had 2 choices-turn them in, or move them out of state. NO GRANDFATHERING what-so-ever. Same thing with magazines over 15 rounds. This never happened before in this country. And the people of NJ did nothing! Sure, Florio lost the next election, over a sales tax issue, but all his buddies kept their elected offices. Most of Florios buddies are still there.
Florio is past history and not of interest.

However ... now that this thread has been dredged up, does anyone have anything new to report regarding the NRA's and/or InterArms' suits against the State of NJ?
It is NOT my intention to come off sounding like a smart ass but the problem seems to revolve about your state of residence. It might not be doable for you, for various reasons, but have you considered relocating.

Speaking personally, I quit NYC where I grew up and lived for many years in 1967. Guess why. Such action might not work for everyone, but it might be worth thinking on.
With the state of the job economy right now finding work out of state is PITA. I was all set to move back to the midwest then the economy tanked... so here I stay sigh.:(
I have a dear friend who is former FBI who lives in NJ. I talked with him about moving to the great state of Texas.

After adding up NJ income tax, property tax, sales tax, and municipal taxes and fees (car registration, etc.) and adding in the high cost of living and cost of energy (car gas + home gas + electricity), he is coming to the conclusion that it is far better and cheaper to live in Texas where there is no income tax, a reasonable sales and property tax and a very affordable cost of living and enough good jobs to go around.

And, oh yeah, no problem with guns there.

Something to think about.
I left the north east years ago I remember when the State of Connecticut made everyone who owned a "assault rifle" register it like a machine gun and get paper work to prove you can have it and that it was purchased before the all out ban. Sounds like N.J. has become the Obama perfect peoples republic.

Nice reason to live in Florida and we have no state income tax and no personal property tax (in CT you never own your car the State does).


Happiness is a belt fed weapon and lots of ammo
One day the court is really going to have to come to some sort of crystal clear interpretation of what "Shall not be infringed" means, until that day comes its going to be subject to the political whims of whatever group is in power in whatever state/s.

The problem is I see it without a clear defining set of rules from the SCOTUS its pretty easy for legislatures to do whatever and if its stuck down often a new law with slightly different wording is enacted and we end up doing the same thing again...

Thats my two cents...