I don't have a problem with unlawful immigrants who come into the United States to be Americans.

I do have a problem with immigrants who come into the United States and demand that America become the country they just left.

Which is the problem: up until about 10-20 years ago, Mexican and OTM unlawful immigrants came into the United States to become Americans, and that's all well and good -- best of luck to them.

Here recently, this trend is changing. A large portion of the unlawful immigrant flood is demanding that we change to suit them:

and that doesn't sit right with me.

Law Dog, I agree 100%. If I ever immigrate to Germany, I'll understand up front that I will learn the German ways and function as a member of GERMAN society. I won't bring America to Germany. If I ever move to Costa Rica (I'm seriously considering it for temp), I will for the time I'm there be a Costa Rican. I will learn their customs, language, laws, and then abide by them. I may keep my culture alive inside my home, but when I go out to do business with another Costa Rican, I will do it his way.

The problem isn't with the Immigrants. The problem is with us. Let's face it, we're a spineless society always yearning to empathize with the other poor, dumb bastard. My brother was a Deputy down here in S. Texas. Sadly, he said many of the illegals understood some english, but many of those who were 3rd generation American couldn't string together a coherant sentence in either language. My wife is a teacher here, and many of the hispanic kids aren't kids of immigrants but of native born parents and nobody speaks or emphasizes the learning of English in the home, so they never really do well in school.

We have two classes of hispanics in Texas. We have those who have been Texans for many, many generations and are Doctors, lawyers, mayors, and other well established positions, and then we have the low-class sort that just wants to live out Mexico here. At least here we give the money to them. In Mexico welfare is subsidized tortillias.

My advice still stands: I welcome immigration. It makes this country stronger. I just don't understand why we allow folks to never integrate. In America, we speak English. I don't know why. Maybe because if we want to be great, we must learn to communicate with one another. In Mexico, the official language is Spanish and I don't hear a bunch of those Mexican Germans whining about why they can't do business in German. I would venture to say that those ethnic Germans probably make their kids learn fluent Spanish, and whoop their kids when they fail at school because they haven't learned the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE down there.

my two cents.