Gov Signs AB962 (Ammo bill) in CA

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If any of you Californians are going to move anyway, may I suggest a state like Idaho, Texas, or Arizona. Nevada is an ugly place. There is hardly a tree anywhere. Summers are very hot and winters are very cold. The population density is very low, there is hardly anything to do here for fun. Our deserts have scorpions, tarantulas and rattlesnakes. Our state bird should be the fly.

Yes, the best option is for you is to not move. If you are bent on moving, skip Nevada. I am sure other states are willing to put out the welcome mat for you.
I couldn't agree more. If you live in California and are getting tired of all the stupid laws, don't move. Please stay there and keep fighting. There are some folks around here that have recently moved here from California. I wish they would move back to help the fight. If I had more money, I would even help pay for their move back.

That is an idea. Maybe all us Nevadans can start a fund. We all donate money to folks that want to return to California. Maybe we can give them rides to the border.

Please, let us keep encouraging our brothers and sisters in the Golden State to stay put.
As another Nevadan, I second the motion!
I think Antipitas is exactly right. If everybody who likes guns flees to somewhere else, then it's just perpetuating the problem.

Besides, I already live far enough away from the bright lights of civilization--I don't want to have to move to Nebraska just so I can play with my 12 gauge.

If any of you Californians are going to move anyway, may I suggest a state like Idaho, Texas, or Arizona. Nevada is an ugly place.

There's a problem with each of your suggestions.

1. Idaho is a great place to have guns as long as you don't mind a 90-mile drive to the nearest gun store.

2. Arizona is still a desert, like Nevada.

3. Texas is full of Texans. :p

Seriously though if you were moving for the purpose of being in a gun friendly state, by FAR the most gun friendly state in the country is Vermont. You don't even need a permit for concealed carry. I'd like to move there someday, but I'd have to survey the climate first. Growing up in western New York has made me averse to winter.

by FAR the most gun friendly state in the country is Vermont.

Brilliant! Not only are the gun laws freindy, they have great maple syrup. Vermont would be the perfect state for Californians that want to move. Again, let me emphasis, the best thing for them to do is remain there. But, Vermont would be a great alternative.

As another Nevadan, I second the motion!

See, us Silver Staters are very supportive.
I know this has probably already been said, but...

...this law is not really about tracking ammo or the people who buy it. It is really about forcing retail stores to stop selling it due to the redtape and added costs. It is a backhanded way to reduce availability by making large chains just say "it just isn't worth the extra time and manpower."

Just another reason why no one should ever buy guns or supplies from large retailers. If you do and the little guys go out of business you are screwed when the big guys decide to not cater to you anymore...and the big guys are easily swayed by politicians and special interests.
Hell no! We wont go!

Yup I'm in Cali and I aint going anywheres!
That's why we have to register and vote, write letters, e-mails and make a slew of phone calls!
Leaving is not an option for some of us.

Eventually we'll beat these irrational laws. Running is'nt the answer.
Politics of Guns and Ammo

All the Nevadans discouraging freedom loving Californians from moving there are funny. What you get is liberals fleeing the hell holes that they create infesting your State instead(see Nevada and Montana). This happens all over, particularly on the East Coast, Where Virginia, West Virginia, etc have turned. Los Angeles City not only fingerprints ammo buyers but has a minimum length restriction on firearms, i.e. no short revolvers or semi-autos. Any kind of ammo is hard to find (except some hunting type rifle ammo), especially .38, .357, .40 and .45. Shotgun is still available. Gun owners are buying whatever they can find because of the plitical regime. If the Rulers here can regulate ammo, that is ersatz gun control from their standpoint. The Gun Controllers always have a conga line of laws ready to push, using the last law as a lever to enact the next one.
We Californians have apparently and gratefully begun to succumb to the notion that the guvment is responsible for the total security of us citizens, pesky remainders of our civil rights notwithstanding, that it is important that we all be kept safe and sound and fat and happy like weiners and steers and whatever that takes, well, that's ok, even if it requires that our rights accompany our dignity right down into the outhouse ditch. Gee, where did I hear that idea before? Wasn't that the crock that the previous federal administration poured all over us after a few crackpot fundamentalist muslims caught our keepers nappin' ?

What we have here is a genuine spiritual impoverishment, weakness glorified and celebrated in our body of law.

I ain't movin' out of California.

You're welcome.

The Real Reason

I live in a small town. Our main industry is agriculture. It is dusy and dirty here. We have several dairy farms as well, summers bring powerful odors around if you are down wind. We often have large, slow moving farm machines going down our roads. We get air shows all the time, crop dusters are very common here. I love this environment. I escaped the city for this.

Now we have quite a few recent transplants from California here. Some of them, not all of them, want to pass laws regulating the dust and smells we have here. They want to curtail if not stop the crop dusters. They bitch and moan at city hall and supervisors' meeting about the conditions here.

I have one question for these Golden Staters, why the heck did you move here?

At least the feces smell around here is from cows.
Some of you might rightly ask why don't we just reload if ammo is so hard to find? I have never had the patience and desire to reload. I would rather buy from an American company that has professionals who provide high quality product. Five days ago I visited my favorite gun store (outside the City of LA limits) and the owner was explaining to a customer (a long time reloader) that he could get neither powder nor primers. So there you are.
Many here probably experience gun controlling Californians coming to their town who flee the nightmarish communities they have created with their liberal politicians who have never even shot a firearm, let alone owned one. They have an un-American way of thinking and have no concept of a freedom-loving, armed citizenry and what it means to the foundation of our Nation. This is partly the new "Urban" culture that has grown to dominate many States. The other group of Californians leaving are the freedom-loving ones who are fed up with the tax-and-control culture and are able to. Sorry about the rant, but the tie-in between gun control and the deterioration of our society is obvious to me and our liberties are under assault as never before. We who choose to stay and fight need to let you know what we are up against. Your politicians like to use California as a model for them.
Ranting and raving about the qualities of California residents with implied commentary on various groups is not L and CR quality.

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