Gov Signs AB962 (Ammo bill) in CA

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Yep, I remember having handgun ammo purchases "booked" as well. Don't know how, when or why it stopped.

Gotta laugh at:
any....... magazine, clip, speed
loader, autoloader....... capable of being fired from a
firearm with deadly consequence.
Next they will be banning high capacity magazine magazines cuz we just can't have too many magazines & speed loaders being shot at someone between reloads. The fools who write this stuff don't even have a clue what they are talking about.
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Can some one direct me to where one can get a "COE"....or if it is even possible for a regular joe to have one to circumvent the AB962 law.
Can some one direct me to where one can get a "COE"....or if it is even possible for a regular joe to have one to circumvent the AB962 law.
You have plenty of time to get one - 2011. California DOJ gives out COEs (certificate of eligibility) and the form is on their website. You'll want your C&R to (BATF). The COE is a few bucks to get but inexpensive to maintain. $25/yr plus roughly $40 for a onetime lifescan finger printing. You have two years so I wouldn't panic and rush into it.
There actually was a limit included in the earlier drafts of this bill but they were deemed unreasonable and then removed from the text of Ab962... Please provide a credible source for any information regarding a proposed ammunition limit.. "My brother said," does not count.. I'm not saying that it's not true but at least provide more information... I live in the PRK and I have heard nothing about plans to impose a limit on the total amount of ammunition a household can possess.. Nor can I find any information on any proposed legisation in Ca on this topic...
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I have to say, I'm almost glad NJ's law (effective 2008 or 2009) requires only to show the FPID card every gun owner in NJ would have already anyway.

Had NJ not had this law just passed, I imagine they would just as happily dupe CA's more stringent law.

The City of Sacramento has had this law in force for awhile now and officers check the logs for known felons then get a search warrant on the strength of the purchase as felons can't have guns. To date about 50 felons are back in prison and I can't remember how many guns recoverd but it was in the hundreds.
As for myself I will not pay retail for ammo So when I buy in bulk it will be drop shipped to my Bro in Laws in Reno.
By the way, can anyone out there tell me if I can buy ammo from a shop in Nevada or Arizona, or do they have laws forbidding California residents from purchase, as they do firearms?
By the way, can anyone out there tell me if I can buy ammo from a shop in Nevada or Arizona, or do they have laws forbidding California residents from purchase, as they do firearms?

Yes, you can buy anything you want outside of your state as long as it isn't against Federal law. Now, it may not be legal to bring back into your state - that's something you'll have to go over with by yourself and/or with someone who knows the new laws very well. As far as the buying part, however, yes, that's completely legal.

How are they going to handle BB's. There are handguns that fire them. Then there are the rubber band shooting pistols. Is Office Max going to ask what the package of rubber bands are going to be used for?:eek: :D
Oh it's gonna hafta extend further then that. The paperclips that you shoot with those rubber bands are far more lethal then the rubber bands alone.

Yes, when you stretch a rubber band between your thumb and index finger, hook a paperclip over it & pull back, you have "manufactured a handgun".

If you have a buncha paperclips sticking up off of the cover page of the latest addition of Shooting Times for quick & easy access, you have in your possession a "magazine capable of holding more then ten rounds" that was manufactured after the ban.
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Sounds like its time to start reloading for all you Californians.

I still don't understand why you folks don't just move. :confused:
I still don't understand why you folks don't just move.

I'm sure it's been hashed out before, but....

1) If we roll over & play dead (ie: "move") YOU will soon be facing the same problems that we are, even if you live in Texas. We are fighting the battle so you don't have to.

2) Most of us have substantial assets here, liquidating them would be a logistics nightmare.

3) Heritage- it's OURS & we won't give it up any faster then you would give up Texas.

4) Rights and principals (numerous).

5) etc.

1) If we roll over & play dead (ie: "move") YOU will soon be facing the same problems that we are, even if you live in Texas. We are fighting the battle so you don't have to.

Good for you, keep fighting. But in some ways it sort of reminds me of that scene from Monty Python And the Holy Grail. The one where King Arthur has just sliced the last leg off the Black Knight. The Black Knight is down on his stubs, looks up at Arthur and wants to call the fight a draw. I am afraid gun owners in California are sort of like the Black Knight.

The lawmakers are cutting off all your limbs and you want to keep fighting.
If we roll over & play dead (ie: "move") YOU will soon be facing the same problems that we are, even if you live in Texas. We are fighting the battle so you don't have to
Sounds like a nice slogan, but is entirely meaningless. Unless you are planning to export the anti-gun folks, anyway.

Fact is, your tax dollars are supporting those who who despise you and your attempt to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights. Let me ask you a question. Do you go back to a restaurant where the cook spits in your food? No, of course not - so why would you try to justify continuing to live in a state where your elected representatives treat you in much the same manner?
so why would you try to justify continuing to live in a state where your elected representatives treat you in much the same manner?
You miss the three main points.
  1. Why should I have to leave the state of my birth to regain my freedom. We're fighting the good fight here and have law suits pending to bring about shall-issue CCW and end the approved handguns list. Others are waiting to for incorporation to sue to end the AWB.
  2. California is so populous that whatever happens here will extend nationwide. If we can beat this movement back we can prevent it from expanding to other states.
  3. The leftists want gun owners to leave California. They want the remaining conservative congressional seats to change party hands and they want more illegals because they bring the state even more congressional seats to California. It's not just a state power grab, it's a national power grab.
The idea that folks should leave California is just silly. How about this:

I left Oregon which had a shall-issue permit system to come to Texas for a significant improvement in my job. However, at the time - Texas didn't have such a system.

If GWB had been beaten by Ann Richards - we might not have had a shall -issue system till who knows when. So, isn't it silly for TX folks to tell CA folks to move. OR folks could have said that I was making a mistake to come to an antigun state.

Why not cut that out and be productive in the debate.
Stay There

The idea that folks should leave California is just silly. How about this:

I couldn't agree more. If you live in California and are getting tired of all the stupid laws, don't move. Please stay there and keep fighting. There are some folks around here that have recently moved here from California. I wish they would move back to help the fight. If I had more money, I would even help pay for their move back.

That is an idea. Maybe all us Nevadans can start a fund. We all donate money to folks that want to return to California. Maybe we can give them rides to the border.

Please, let us keep encouraging our brothers and sisters in the Golden State to stay put.
csmsss, I've been reading this screed for sometime now. Fact is, you, and those who hold your view, are wrong. Running away, never solved the problems you are running away from.

In the sense of 2A rights, running to a friendlier State, merely deprives the former State of proponents that may be able to help affect change.

In the situation of California, those staying to fight, are effecting change. The changes are perhaps small. But they build upon each other. Changes in the 2A at the national level have allowed lawsuits, that would have never been considered at the State level.

The lawmakers and the law interpreters will have a much tougher time in furthering their agenda, when some of the national laws come down.

Almost 2 years ago, I wrote, of the then pending Heller case, "This is perhaps, the single greatest Constitutional case of our time. Both sides of this issue have a great deal to gain as well as lose. Sit back and enjoy the ride... It's about to get wild and hairy!" That line, the last paragraph of a larger article, was published in the May 2008 issue of S.W.A.T. magazine. What has happened since then, has not dampened my spirits in the least. If anything, it has vindicated my writings, as I also said, Washington D.C. will be dragged, kicking and screaming, into compliance with the rights of the people.

That last applies to Illinois, New Jersey, New York (State and City), Maryland and certainly, California.

We don't know the outcome of Nordyke. Sykes and Peǹa are on hold, awaiting the outcome of McDonald. Should these cases go our way, they will herald a new day in CA gun politics. A day that will eventually see an abrupt turnaround for those that have stayed and fought the fight.

So yeah, encourage people to leave CA and watch this forward movement stop.
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