Gotta Love The Nighthawk

Wow. So you were able to get all of that from my interpretation of a poster's comment?

Having the money isn't an issue. But if you can find outstanding quality for a lesser price, it only makes sense to me to go that route. Just my opinion. Hopefully that was clear enough because some people seriously miss the mark when reading into posts.
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Wow. So you were able to get all of that from my interpretation of a poster's comment. You must be a seer, TunnelRat.

Having the money isn't an issue. But if you can find outstanding quality for a lesser price, it only makes sense to me to go that route. Just my opinion. Hopefully that was clear enough because some people seriously miss the mark when reading into posts.
If you look about 3 feet above you, you'll see my point, as it clearly went over your head.

The point is my taking that train of thought out of what you said could be about as incorrect as you taking from the OP that all he wanted to do was brag about the fact that he has money. You have no problem assuming the worst about someone, but then get upset when someone else does the same about you. The irony of your last sentence is so palpable that I could catch it with a magnet.

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To PhotonGuy, I can appreciate your enthusiasm about your Nighthawk and the accuracy you achieve with it. They are fairly expensive, well made guns and if you're happy with it then the cost was well worth it and negative comments from others are irrelevant.
I have always appreciated a well made firearm. For that matter I love to see the work of genuine craftsmen who go out of their way to make the finest firearm they are capable of. In many ways, the idea of a genuine craftsman is pushed aside in the gun industry in favor of computer controlled machining processes. Nighthawk advertises their attention to each firearm as being crafted by a single individual gunsmith; from my observation their quality is quite good. No, I do not own one. The only gun I ever bought that came close to that was my Freedom Arms .454 that I bought about 25 years ago; that too was a well made handgun, built with precision and attention to detail. I remember how good I felt when I finally could afford that Freedom Arms gun. Shooting it the first time was extra special, even though the firearm was far more accurate than I could be the first time out. I don’t look to buy high dollar guns like that anymore, but I love 1911 pistols too, and since I want it to run smooth and shoot straight and be able to hold the builder accountable...I am building my own...but that is another story.
Give PhotonGuy a break and let him savor the new pistol. He is just trying to share his joy and enthusiasm. Congrats on the new pistol PhotonGuy!
Haven't you ever bought something so cool, a gun, a car, a watch, a camera, that you just had to tell someone ? Don't rain on this guy's parade. By the way, I have a Nighthawk Heinie PDP commander and he's right. Helluva gun.
I don't see it as "worthless". There are plenty of threads on here that I don't care about, some of them even from you. I just don't participate in them. At some level this is a place for enthusiasts. It's okay to just like something and want to share liking that thing with a group of people who might appreciate it. Wanting a sense of community and sharing experiences online if you don't have that community locally isn't worthless, IMO.

That's nice. I still find it worthless. ;)
I do actually like to come here to learn things. But you get what you pay for, I suppose. :)
That's nice. I still find it worthless. ;)
I do actually like to come here to learn things. But you get what you pay for, I suppose. :)
You can find it however you want.

Learn things? Sure. But it's not a requirement for posting here, as if it were this forum likely wouldn't have many of its threads, again including some of yours and some of mine. Doesn't mean I tell the OP I think it's worthless, because I think that sort of contribution is itself worthless (what a paradox [emoji6]). But to each his own.

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Photon guy,
I'm glad you have a pride of ownership and enjoyment with your pistol.
I can appreciate the craftsmanship and detail that goes into something.

I haven't been able to have a big name gunsmith pistol But I have had a local gunsmith friend build a norinco 1911 to my specifications, and am extremely satisfied with the quality of his work and attention to detail,and the function.
The Nighthawk pistols are no doubt cool pieces with a good reputation. If you want and can afford one, by all means go for it. I definitely own some firearms that I bought because I find them cool to me.

No offense, though - the performance you are bragging about can be achieved by a $120 Hi-Point. Or an EAA Witness 10mm or Glock 20 (the least expensive 10mm pistols I can think of) if 10mm is a must.

I totally get wanting to show off or discuss your nice acquisition, but perhaps that would be done better by showing us what makes the Nighthawk Predator so great. Maybe nice photos of the awesome machining, features, or workmanship (like bac1023 does with the awesome collection he has). Show or explain to us what makes it unique and cool - more "meat" than a post bragging about how your Nighthawk can do what pretty every other semi-automatic ever made can do.

You would have to fire it to know what I mean. I can show you all the photos and videos in the world but that would not be the same thing as if you were to fire it and experience it for yourself. I've fired many different types of guns including Glocks and from my experience the way the Nighthawk fires, it fires the best. Like I said, you would have to feel how it fires to know what I mean which means you would have to fire it yourself. The only other gun that I've fired which I would say can be compared with how the Nighthawk fires is the Coonan. The Coonan fires beautifully, but for me the Nighthawk beats out even the Coonan in how it fires.
I have a Nighthawk Falcon and absolutely love it. Some folks will never understand spending that much money on a pistol when others will do the same job. This is where I point out the $50,000 or $60,000 cars and pickups don’t get you from point A to point B any faster than KIA, at least not legally. That’s okay. Nearly everybody has that “thing” that want to have the very best of.

My point exactly. A Toyota will get you from point A to point B just as well as a Ferrari but some people like to break the bank and go with the Ferrari even if it will not get them from point A to point B any faster legally. Just as some people splurge on cars I splurge on guns from time to time. And besides, as expensive as a gun splurge can be I can't imagine it being anywhere as expensive as a car splurge or a yacht splurge. So anyway, what caliber is your Nighthawk?
Put as much $ into training and ammo as you did into the pistol.

I do, at least with the training. I've got a lifetime membership to Front Sight, perhaps the biggest shooting school in the country, its located in Pahrump in Nevada, about an hour from Vegas. With my lifetime membership I take all the classes I want for the rest of my life and not pay anything for them. I've been there many times and I've managed to DG in the handgun class with a 9mm. Now, the next step is to DG with my 10mm Nighthawk.

As for ammo, I've got many completely full ammo cans and that's just the ammo that I haven't shot yet. As for the ammo I've shot, whenever you do take a class at Front Sight you shoot hundreds of rounds and I've been there many times, not to mention all the times I've been to the range and have gone shooting there.
Not sure if I was supposed to be one of the "some folks."

I can appreciate well-made, expensive pistols and why someone would want to buy one.

I also understand that that OP came here and basically said "the Nighthawk is so awesome because I can hit the target with it, but hitting the target with it feels more awesomer than with a cheaper pistol".

That's a worthless post to me. A waste of bandwidth.

I better approach would have been to show or explain what makes the Nighthawk such a great pistol, regardless of cost.

If you ask me, I would say it would be more awesome to hit a target with a cheap pistol than with a really expensive gun such as a Nighthawk. Why? Because its much more of a challenge. A Nighthawk is going to be much more accurate and handle much better than a cheap pistol and as such it will make it much easier to hit a target. A cheap pistol is good if you want a challenge at target shooting, but its not something I would want in a gun fight if I can get a better alternative.

Just like breaking clay pigeons with a .410 shotgun is a much greater challenge than doing so with a 12 gauge, but in a life or death fight I would rather have a 12 gauge than a .410
To PhotonGuy, I can appreciate your enthusiasm about your Nighthawk and the accuracy you achieve with it. They are fairly expensive, well made guns and if you're happy with it then the cost was well worth it and negative comments from others are irrelevant.
Well I don't own a Ferrari or a yacht, so instead I will settle for a Nighthawk, which I would rather own anyway.
I have always appreciated a well made firearm. For that matter I love to see the work of genuine craftsmen who go out of their way to make the finest firearm they are capable of. In many ways, the idea of a genuine craftsman is pushed aside in the gun industry in favor of computer controlled machining processes. Nighthawk advertises their attention to each firearm as being crafted by a single individual gunsmith; from my observation their quality is quite good. No, I do not own one. The only gun I ever bought that came close to that was my Freedom Arms .454 that I bought about 25 years ago; that too was a well made handgun, built with precision and attention to detail. I remember how good I felt when I finally could afford that Freedom Arms gun. Shooting it the first time was extra special, even though the firearm was far more accurate than I could be the first time out. I don’t look to buy high dollar guns like that anymore, but I love 1911 pistols too, and since I want it to run smooth and shoot straight and be able to hold the builder accountable...I am building my own...but that is another story.
Give PhotonGuy a break and let him savor the new pistol. He is just trying to share his joy and enthusiasm. Congrats on the new pistol PhotonGuy!
Actually I've had the gun for 2 years now. I got it back in July 25, 2017 I was celebrating Christmas in July. When I first got it I only fired one box of 50 rounds with it then I put it in my safe where it stayed until this past April when I took it to a shooting class and fired hundreds of rounds with it. So this past April is the first time when I really heavily used it. Did really well in the shooting class.
Actually I've had the gun for 2 years now. I got it back in July 25, 2017 I was celebrating Christmas in July. When I first got it I only fired one box of 50 rounds with it then I put it in my safe where it stayed until this past April when I took it to a shooting class and fired hundreds of rounds with it. So this past April is the first time when I really heavily used it. Did really well in the shooting class.
Wow, that is showing a lot of restraint, letting it sit that long! Really running it some in the shooting class had to feel good! Glad you are enjoying it! Gun like that ought to bring a lot of smiles shooting for a lot of years.
Wow, that is showing a lot of restraint, letting it sit that long! Really running it some in the shooting class had to feel good! Glad you are enjoying it! Gun like that ought to bring a lot of smiles shooting for a lot of years.

At first I was reluctant to shoot such a nice gun so I only fired one box to try it out on the day I got it and then I put it in my safe. Then I decided to put it to the test and see how well I could do with it at a shooting class, and see how well it handles lots of use so I used it at the shooting class. In between the time I got the gun and when I used it in the class I was shooting some of my other guns so it didn't take too much restraint.
You can find it however you want.

Learn things? Sure. But it's not a requirement for posting here, as if it were this forum likely wouldn't have many of its threads, again including some of yours and some of mine. Doesn't mean I tell the OP I think it's worthless, because I think that sort of contribution is itself worthless (what a paradox ). But to each his own.

Worthless post followed be worthless commentary followed by worthless retort followed by worthless response.

So much lack of worth here.

Except that Nighthawk. It's worth a lot to the OP.
Certainly not worthless. But to the vast majority who don't have the money, or don't want to pay the exorbitant price for a status symbol, is it worth it?
Not when there are plenty of pistols at a fraction of the price of the same design that are as reliable, if not more, and as accurate, if not more. They just don't have the "look at me" value.
A Nighthawk is on my bucket list.

Gonna be a while though before I get to that. Until then I gotta live vicariously thru posters like Photonguy.