GOP Debate on Fox News

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First of all the $15,000 is based on lowering taxes, since we spend that amount for every man woman and child in the country already. Secondly, since everyone gets the 15000 there is an easy answer to extra services, the people who don't need their money can pool it with their neighbors and start some sort of private or church social service agency.

I know it is not a viable idea. People are too invested in making sure the "undeserving" don't get any help. People are willing to spend 1,000 on overhead just to make sure someone doesn't get 100 that they don't "deserve".
since everyone gets the 15000

You’re talking about shelling out 4.5 trillion dollars when the entire current US budget is less than 2.5 trillion dollars a year. So after doubling our current budget by giving everyone $15K, how we gonna pay for the operating expenses we are already obligated for?

Twenty-five years studying economics huh? What school was that?
All of this is actually interesting, but so far off topic, and been that way for so long... I really should have paid more attention to this thread. Ah well....

Closed for going way beyond the realm of the GOP Debate.
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