GOP Debate on Fox News

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Only fervent radicals really care that much about the game at this stage

Yeah, I’ve always considered those Red Sox fans a bit over the top.:D

Seriously, I don't think anyone really won the debate. I think Huckebee and MacCain and maybe Thompson improved thier chances, but don't think much has changed. We'll probably end up with Rudy vs. Hillary. Hillary will likely win that one, but I'm not sure that will make a whole bunch of difference to the country in the long run. They're both miserable. Maybe I should become a Red Sox fan... gonna be miserable anyway!
That's funny. The Red Sox and Indians are playing in a game seven at eight oclock tonight and you want us to watch a bunch or republican windbags argue about who wants to get beat up by Hillary? Are you from europe or something? Seriously, since when did party primary debates become more important than baseball?

The older I get the less I care about republicans, except for a certain very cute felony prosecuter, and the more I care about the Red Sox.

1) I HATE baseball. 2) I think the US is more important than a baseball game. No offense, but I do believe it is.

I saw a bit of it, including the part where Paul spouted off the figure where 70% of americans want us out if Iraq. The only reason why I remember this is because he was immediately cut off by the audience with overwhelming boos. You know, those likely primary republican votes Paul needs to win the nomination.

Well you have to take into account that 80% of Fox News viewers are Rush Limbaugh's goons.

Paul has by far the most support from radicals.

So Hillary Clinton's supporters don't follow her just because she claims she has female plumbing?

Fox News really does suck Rudy Giuliani. Every time they went to a break (i.e. the break like 40 min into the debate, audience clapping) they showed Giuliani smiling. Despite the fact that he was like 3rd or 4th in the text polling they interviewed him first. It's sickening. How could we let that communist in disguise in?
I think the US is more important than a baseball game but more important than a republican primary debate this early in the election process also.

The question is which is more important to the US, baseball or party primary debates. Personally I think that when sports becomes less important to the american way of life than politics then the terrorists have won. Politics isn't all that important because we have such robust systems in place, unless Paul or Kuchinich win nothing much will change, and I for one am grateful for that.

The Patriots have the best offense in decades, the Celtics have three superstars and the Red Sox are in the world series with a good chance to win, what's not to like? The US is a very good place to be right now.
The US is a very good place to be right now.

Yeah… if you’re benefiting from the government’s re-distribution of wealth. Not so great if you’re one of those financing it.

What the socialists fail to get is that the longer this goes on, the crappier place this country will be. Enjoy it while you can!
Politics isn't all that important because we have such robust systems in place

Holy hell, did I just read that? The government is betraying us. When will people stop being so naive and realize that the government is our enemy. They're spending us into oblivion, they're in wars we don't want, they're selling us out to mexico, they're trying to push anti-hate bills to throw us in jail for saying what we think, they're trying to abolish the 2nd Amendment, etc. The US subjects really need to pay attention and stop being glued to the TV.
The simpliest explaination? Only fervent radicals really care that much about the game at this stage so they are the ones willing to waste time on cell phone polls.
That's closer to the truth than the "hacked poll" theory, anyway.
Sure, we're fervent. Maybe even radicals. But hacking cell phone text polls? Gimme a break. :rolleyes:
If we had that capability there'd be no need for all the campaigning; we could just rig the election. :D
/didn't text in a vote (too busy watching my Steelers lose).
So the Red Sox won their debate.
Red Sox vs. Rockies world series:

Ron Paul says they should just agree on principle that the best team is champ and not play.

Rudy doesn't care what happens, but he will take credit for every crime that does not occur during the games and the MSM will agree that he is the best "conservative".

Romney, of course, has always been a Sox fan ever since he was growing up in Utah or wherever he is from.

Thompson will show up late and leave early, but everyone will be glad to get a glimpse of his wife.

Tancredo and Huckabe will be patrolling the outside of the stadiums to make sure no one gets in illegally.
I am definately a radical in ACUs...freedom is very radical concept. But I didn't vote in the poll either...too busy watching the Broncos game. (Not a Broncos fan really...The Pats are my team...but my wife is a Denver fan.)

I hope that all of the freedom loving radicals will continue to be as active throughout the election cycle as they are now...if we can keep the fervor then we can't help but grow in numbers.
We'll probably end up with Rudy vs. Hillary. Hillary will likely win that one, but I'm not sure that will make a whole bunch of difference to the country in the long run. They're both miserable.

Agreed that both are miserable, but IMO Rudy would beat Hillary. I just don't see how that woman could get elected. But considering who Rudy has got as political advisors (neocon warmongers), if you like Bush/Cheney, Rudy is your man.

With all the people in this country, why do we always end up with such rotten choices for president?
With all the people in this country, why do we always end up with such rotten choices for president?

I guess there are a few theories, but I subscribe to the "no sane, decent individual would be crazy or slimy enough to operate at the top of the political arena" theory.
With all the people in this country, why do we always end up with such rotten choices for president?
Uhh...because whenever someone stands up and tells the truth they consider him a whackjob?
Uhh...because whenever someone stands up and tells the truth they consider him a whackjob?

People don't consider Paul a whackjob because he tels the truth. They think he's a whackjob because his foreign policy ideas consist of closing Pandora's box and thinking everything will be ok as well as thinking a single president can undo over half a century of wrong turns.

Even if some were to concede that Paul is the right idea man (which I don't) he's not the guy to get things done. There is a gap between theory and the final product. Its called the "how ya gonna do it" factor. Paul hasn't addressed this in the slightest.
The Republican Party seems to have forgotten that it can't win general elections with the enthusiastic support of gun owners and the religious right. The party is about to be reminded though.

Its not that gun owners and the religious right will vote for Hillary... its that they won't be motivated to go to the polls to vote for the Republican.
The republicans better hope they get Hillary to run against. I watched some of the analysis of the debate last night on Kudlow. Apparantly the whole republican message is Hillary is very very bad and we are better than her. No Hillary, no message.

I can't remember anyone in my lifetime getting elected by totally concentrating on how bad the other person was rather than how good they were, but Hillary makes such a good lightening rod I suppose it's possible.
Justme, your posts on other threads have made it quite plain that you are planning to vote for her. These veiled attempts to sneak in support for her among people who know what a viciously cold socialist tool she is are disingenuous at best.

Just put "Hillary 08" in your sig and be done with it, okay? You're really not fooling anyone at this point.
I've never in my life voted for a republican presidential candidate. When the dems put someone too ridiculus up there I vote libertarian, like in 1980 I voted for Ed Clark. I have never made any secret of the fact I am a democrat and even think Hillary will be a good president.

However, I don't think that really matters as regards my previous comment on this thread. If for some reason the democrats did nominate someone other than Hillary what would the republican message be?

Just something to think about. A lot of people who don't really like Hillary that much say things like, "well, at least with Hillary we also get Bill". Republicans who think they can run against the Clintons are sadly mistaken. Outside of the "base of the base" of the republican party most people think Bill Clinton was a good president. They are hoping that Hillary might be in the same category. I don't think she is quite as clever as Bill, but she is more ambitious.

Seriously, tell me what you are going to do rather than try to scare me into thinking Hillary is the antichrist or something. Balance the budget? Fix social security? Do something about healthcare? National security? Immigration? Taxes? Don't just say cut spending by eliminating fraud and waste, I worked in industry for years, fraud and waste can only be reduced never eleminated, tell me what spending you are going to cut and how you are going to balance the damn budget or take your ball and go home.
Balance the budget?

Eliminate welfare, cut spending, be conservative in a Goldwater sense.

Fix social security?

Privatize social security, let people invest their own damn money.

Do something about healthcare?

Do what? We have the best healthcare in the world. Hillary wants to scare people into thinking there's something wrong with it, so we can be more like the UK...where people pull their own teeth with pliers.

National security?

Reverse all the cuts her husband made in the military. Have a stronger military.


Deport illegals. If they come in again, federal prison sentence with work detail. Then deported when time is served. No ifs, ands or buts.


Cut taxes, let people keep more of the money they work for, and they'll invest more and buy more things.

Not so hard if you think like a conservative, and not like a socialist using failed European models as something to strive for!
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