GOP Debate on Fox News

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Ron Paul is participating in the televised GOP Debate this evening on FOX News at 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM Eastern Time. Check your local news schedules.

If you are West Coast, the debate begins at 5PM with a 4:30 PreShow.

Please tell all of your friends to watch it :)
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Let's see if he answers the question he expected instead of the one given if they give them out of order, like they did on the O'Reilly interview. :D

...or talks about Neocon Plans to widen wars. I was surprised he just didn't say "zionist".
That's funny. The Red Sox and Indians are playing in a game seven at eight oclock tonight and you want us to watch a bunch or republican windbags argue about who wants to get beat up by Hillary? Are you from europe or something? Seriously, since when did party primary debates become more important than baseball?

The older I get the less I care about republicans, except for a certain very cute felony prosecuter, and the more I care about the Red Sox.
I saw a bit of it, including the part where Paul spouted off the figure where 70% of americans want us out if Iraq. The only reason why I remember this is because he was immediately cut off by the audience with overwhelming boos. You know, those likely primary republican votes Paul needs to win the nomination.
You know, those likely primary republican votes Paul needs to win the nomination.

So far he is winning the after debate poll, you know the likely voters, of course Fox reporters doubt the poll as they push forward with the elect Giuliani campaign.
Man, he WHINED! And got boos! Shrill whiiiiiiiiine!

Also, I like how as soon as they announced the who-won phone poll, Paul went immediately to 38%. Gee, you think the Paulians using spambots to stuff the polls could have been a little more subtle!

And none of the in-person polls thought he won! None! :D

I voted that Huckabee won the debate, he had the strongest performance by far.
Watched the entire debate and the first half hour of the after debate interviews.

My Impressions are that while Thompson did much better this time around, so did Huckabee.

Ron Paul did not win this debate, dispite any cellular text poll. There were two points where he was almost booed off the stage. The audience simply did not like any of his ideas or pronouncments... By far the largest negative reaction was the 70% stuff for pulling out of Iraq.

If I'm going to be fair, Guiliani was the clear winner. And I don't even like the man!
Thompson did do a lot better, I just think Huckabee was in the groove on every single question.

I don't like McCain, but he did have the best rimshot-worthy line...he wasn't at Woodstock, he was tied up at the time.

BTW, what Paul just said in the after-debate interview about people in "liberty" New Hampshire being opposed to the war? WRONG! I live here! I see "Proud Parent of a Marine" bumper stickers on cars, never antiwar stuff! He LIES.
^ That doesn't necessarily mean that person supports the war.

As for him getting boo'd, consider the audience.

I think Ron Paul would do a lot better in the debates if he spoke the same way he does in the post-debate interviews. He sounds too angry in the debates.

BTW, you can only vote once in the cell phone polls. If you try to vote more than once you get an error message.
Ron Paul did not win this debate, despite any cellular text poll.
Agreed. Paul has a loyal following that will vote for him regardless.

What's probably more accurate is that Huckabee was in second place in the poll (first if you choose to discount the Paul vote but it's more of a popularity contest than honest poll). Huckabee has been doing quite well lately and continues to climb in the polls. Several had some good moments and McCain's comment about Hillary and woodstock was a real hoot.

I think Guiliani and Romney did well. It will be interesting to see how it all unwinds.
Alex45ACP said:
BTW, you can only vote once in the cell phone polls. If you try to vote more than once you get an error message.
And if you have more than 1 (or access to) cell phone? :rolleyes:
The simpliest explaination? Only fervent radicals really care that much about the game at this stage so they are the ones willing to waste time on cell phone polls. Paul has by far the most support from radicals.
Radicals, what do you consider Hillary supports.?


The fact remains that Paul is to Republican as Kucinich is to Democrat

Both parties have their shrill, ranting loon.

Fred Thompson mentioned Barry Goldwater's Conscience of the Conservative, and got a poll spike and applause. Paul started shrieking about 70% of Americans opposing the war, and got enough boos that, if it were vaudeville, he'd have gotten the hook.
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