Good News, Obama not reinstating ban

Well dont you feel trusting in Obama now, after all I sure the "messiah" has never lied before.

First, I don't think anybody here is saying that Obama does not want a new AWB. Given that he has stated he wants one on his website, I think we all believe that he does in fact want one.

The question isn't whether or not we believe Obama, it is whether or not they can practically achieve that goal. Right now, it looks like the answer to that is "No."*

*Of course, this assumes gun owners continue to actively communicate with their Congresscritters and do not get lazy or apathetic about it.
There won't be any sort of ban until AFTER a mandatory firearms registration is passed. It's in the playbook.
First, you need to know the context of the remarks. Obama was visiting Mexico. Mexico complains about U.S. guns, not because it is a sizable crime problem; but because it is a lever to ask for more money out of the U.S. government.

Bingo! The situation between the U.S. and Mexico is thus: Mexico wants their illegals to send billions of $$$ back to her; drugs go north and more billions of $$$ come back to Mexico. Where things got bad was that as long as corruption along the border and among the government officials was kept "within reason" everything was okay. But, the Mexican feds allowed things to get too out of hand, and the cartels really started pushing them around. I think its gotten to the point were Calderon needs American intervention but, for Mexican national pride and internal political reasons, hoped that by blaming the U.S. for Mexico's problems, and Obama being Obama, he'd get U.S. resources w/o getting U.S. troops either on the border or inside Mexico. Calderon is really desperate for U.S. help. He got way in over his head when he declared war on the cartels, not realizing how much they had really taken over Mexico. The DoD JFC paper on Mexico rapidly becoming a failed state was spot on.
There won't be a push for a new AWB anytime in the near future. The Dems are determined to maintain a hold on the house. Recently, 65 Dems from conservative and rural districts sent a letter to the white house (Eric Holder) stating that they could not support any new gun restrictions.
Without that many votes, any legislation is dead in the water.
The leadership got the message.
There would have to be some radical changes for any new gun control to have a chance.
For the moment, 2A supporters have won.
About the only legislation that I have seen that seems to have any momentum is closing the gun show loophole. And the efforts for that seem to be for a very narrow bill.
He mentioned tracing ammo last week also with regards to Mexico, not sure which speech...frankly i can't tell one speech from the next anymore. Either the one before the last one or it might have been the one before that one. Maybe someone else knows if it was during Mexico speech 1 thru 3 or 4 thru 6 ago? Is that a new tactic, Keep talking until everyone stops listening?

Anyway...the ability to trace ammo was mentioned, but maybe reading bar codes off the boxes was the intention.

Edit: found it. Closing loopholes, ballistics and ammo info are something Mr Holder will be working on.
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