Good News, Obama not reinstating ban

Oh. I feel so much better.

Remember, one of the anti's favorite tactics is lying.

An interesting answer he gave though.
Remember, one of the anti's favorite tactics is lying.

Sometimes it's a tactic. The rest of the time, where their political agenda is concerned, it's just a context they operate out that's as natural to them as air to the bird, or water to the fish.
Last edited: abiding owners all are in the guard position when it comes to this..only way to get some jabs in is to have us lower our gloves a little.
They're not going away but the momentum they were trying to build up has been a waste of their time as well as ABC's airtime. I'm glad they hit a wall and I'm sure many of them are ****** off right now.
Obama said he would never drop his support and relationship with the Rev. Wright - remember that? When the time was right that is just what he did.
Just look at his record - actions speak louder than words. He is just waiting for us to go to sleep.

Really, wake up!!!
There is nothing "good" about this news. Pelosi and Holder will push for registration instead. They're just abandoning one plan for another. They know that the political will for a new AWB isn't there, so they are trying something else. The registration scheme that they want will encompass ALL firearms, not just the dreaded "evil black rifles". They will advertise this as a "compromise". But the gun grabbers DO NOT compromise, the incrementalize.

"You see? We respect the 2A, we're not talking about "bans" anymore, just tell us exactly what guns you have and where they all are, and that's it...we'll stop. We promise."

It's just a precursor to confiscation, cloaked in the BS of "compromise" and "common sense". They love those terms. Once this gets rammed through Congress we can all look forward to begging the Feds for permission to keep Dad's old 12 gauge that we've got hanging on the wall in the den. How good will this news look then?
They don't have to reinstate the "assault" weapons ban (they're REALLY tactical of my big pet peeves). The ANTIs are already working on those "other strategies" - microstamping, powder tracing, regulated ammo sales, etc. - and the one making the most impact right now - scare tactics that make our fine hobby outrageously expensive to enjoy.

Trouble is, with all the recent shootings in the news, the ANTIs really don't hafta do much to swing the general US populous toward tighter/stricter gun control. Desperate times / desperate measures are running rampant.
Heepstress said:
Trouble is, with all the recent shootings in the news, the ANTIs really don't hafta do much to swing the general US populous toward tighter/stricter gun control. Desperate times / desperate measures are running rampant.
Thing is: That cuts both ways. Desperate times provoke people into providing for their own defense. The recent demand for guns and ammo isn't all from people that used to be gun-owners. A lot of it is people newly-purchasing the stuff. A recent Gallup poll indicated public support for gun control is lower than ever.
Assault? Tactical? All devices used in defense or offense or meat gathering is "TACTICAL"!
If a person has no intended tactic for defense, offense or hunting they will go unsuccessful!


1. Of, relating to, or using tactics.
1. Of, relating to, used in, or involving military or naval operations that are smaller, closer to base, and of less long-term significance than strategic operations.
2. Carried out in support of military or naval operations: tactical bombing.
3. Characterized by adroitness, ingenuity, or skill.

French, from Old French, from a- (from Latin ad-) + droit right, droit

: having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations <an adroit leader> <adroit maneuvers>

But this is neither here nor there... I won't believe a politician! Heck they believe their own spin so bad they could pass a lie detector test. And they likely do shots of sodium pentothal like I do of unaged corn liquor!
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Is it just me, or does the press secretary come across as not forceful enough when talking with reporters? Lots of "ah" and "um", looking down at the ground half the time.
Remember, one of the anti's favorite tactics is lying.

not just the anti's...but ALL politicians.

Remember how you can tell if a politician is lying - "his/her lips are moving"

Keep in mind that our gun rights are at risk to be revoked just like the butcher cuts up a large salami - one small slice at a time
