Good Friend Got Into A Gun Fight

Once more in the game of Life it's CCW 1 and BG 0. Give your friend a hearty hand shake and I'm glad he's the one who goes home to the family. Nuff Said.
Ruger 709 Slim
When did Ruger started to make Taurus products?:rolleyes:

You should have the hood of your car come open while going down the interstate, just to test your reactions! It happened to me.
I cant see! :eek:

He was carrying a Taurus 709 Slim in an IWB in a kidney location.

After they confiscated his gun, I loaned him my CM9.
This is his only gun? new gun owner?
Unless his full size guns are .500 S&Ws, .50 AE Desert Eagle, or the like, then your friend may not understand about how to conceal carry. There is no reason a typical fullsized handgun cannot be concealed carried.
Impressive bit of work. Just clearing your piece while sitting in a car must be pre-planned, or it can be a real pita. Perfect practice makes perfect. Where do they keep finding these fine young scoundrels?
MLeake speaks truth about the slow-mo time frame... Lemme expound a tiny bit of REAL LIFE... While I had time to make MANY thoughts from time I heard tires screeching 120 feet behind me... Including the BLUE EYES of the gal waiting to leave the subdivision I was trying to turn left into...


As I was laying on my back run slap over by what I saw screeching up on me, i was UNABLE to determine a cognizant DEPTH to my FIELD OF VIEW... I had to ask my dad... "Was it a white Ford truck or white Ford VAN that hit me..." Back in the 1989 days... You had to know how close the two looked or determine DEPTH.... I had thought "GOOSE IT AND RUN HELL BENT FOR LEATHER" heck "YOUR MUFFLERS ARE CLOGGED IT WILL STALL OR CHUG... JUST BALE"... etc...

Last thought before impact? Left ankle on seat and right hand on throttle/grip... "When I get up I am gonna whoop this feller's butt for smashing my bike..."

Not a shooting incident but SUPER HIGH SPEED SITUATION....

My EDC is a Glock 31, conceals quite nicely and I like to think that maybe that perp wouldnt have got up and ran away after being shot through the hip with it.

Now, I said "I like to think" so let's please not start a caliber war. ;)
"Unless his full size guns are .500 S&Ws, .50 AE Desert Eagle, or the like, then your friend may not understand about how to conceal carry. There is no reason a typical fullsized handgun cannot be concealed carried."

Well, you know what they say about the word "assume".

He seemed to understand enough to disarm and shoot a perp who had him dead to rights with a shotgun in his face.

He didn't have another gun for his IWB compact holster, so the easy fix was for me to loan him my Kahr CM9.

Glad to hear he's going home to his family in 1 piece. Thank god this happened in a free state. I cringe at the though of what would of happened if that had happened here.
The "Time slowing down" it happened a couple of times to me, the most remembered one, like it was yesterday (1968 St Helens Lancs, UK.)

A fight I was in, out with my Wife (now Ex, who got me into said fight) the sound of my shoes squeaking on the tile floor, one of the four individuals was starting to stand, from a booth, in an Indian Restaurant.
He was in slow motion, his fists were coming up, mouth starting to open, all in slow motion.

I seemed to have all kinds of time to kick him in the chest. It was like a set piece in a movie, too long of an incident to recount here, I was not frightened, and had for ever to deal with 4 young Yobs (I was 33 YOA) they early 20s?

The two responding Constables gave good advice (on finding more Indian's in Liverpool, 8 miles away) probably took 2 minutes, start to finish.

Driving away, adrenalin kicked in, right thigh muscle went nuts!

Your friend did well, I bet that was a 15 second fight! If that. You are a good guy to replace his 9mm with a 9mm.