Good Friend Got Into A Gun Fight

He definitely went through the "decision" thought process.

He told me the perp's eyes and voice got "harder", and that's what caused him to decide to draw and shoot.

He really thought the guy was going to shoot him even if he gave up his wallet.
I am glad to hear he is ok.... Support him, this will be a tough time for him. Like others said, re-assure him that he did the right thing. People (anti's) tend to cast judgement on law biding citizens who use firearms even to defend themselves.

He told me the perp's eyes and voice got "harder", and that's what caused him to decide to draw and shoot.

That is one of those things that you probably could have only been aware of if you were there. I know exactly what he means yet it would be impossible to replicate the feeling unless you were in the moment.

Tell him good for him.

Regards and Prayers, Vermonter
Seems to be a normal reaction, by BG, who gets shot. OWE! Drops gun, runs.

Found, shot. I wonder if this is the robber (in training) we were looking for, says Police. Dog thinks (Lunch?)
Glad to hear your friend came out of this on top and that I'm also glad the story made the news. These events happen weekly, if not nearly every day, and need more press. As little as I use Facebook, I re-post articles like this and they always strike conversation.

Contrary to those with wild imaginations and dreams of controlling everybody's minute-to-minute actions, there was no shootout, there was no wild spray-and-pray from a semi-automatic (autoloading!!!!) concealable handgun. There were no stray bullets, no bystanders were killed, no children or kittens were scarred for life. One well-placed, controlled round drastically changed the outcome of the situation.

Can you inquire as to what type of ammunition he had loaded?
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Just got home from spending a couple of hours with my friend.

He's doing well, but they took his gun until the investigation is complete.

So what does a good friend do?

I loaned him my CM9.

He said he not only didn't use his sights, he doesn't remember any loud noise or recoil.

He swept the shotgun muzzle away with his left hand, drew and fired across his lap with his right.

The perp saw the gun as he drew and began to step backwards.

When he fired the perp was moving/falling towards the rear of the truck.

It don't work like in the movies, friends.

(rather not discuss ammo yet until the investigation is completed)
Can you (if you don't want to I understand) comment on his mental state?

I, too, am interested in this.

It sounds like your friend was able to bridge the gap in the reaction curve with a good bit of training. Give him my condolences and a good hand shake, and stay with him, he is going to need a friend.

Also, was the shotgun loaded?
Congrats to your friend, good shoot.. He acted as an Arm of Destiny and gave the robber another chance to clean up his life and act... and to your friend, some food for thought on arranging his priorities and defensive preparations. Gives the rest of us the same opportunity to consider our own responses to similar situations.
Thank the Almighty he lived to tell the tale. Not everyone facing a shotgun gets to walk away!
Tell your friend good job. Check on him often, the shootings done but this incident is not he will need your support.

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