Good Friend Got Into A Gun Fight


New member

Just talked to him.

He prepared.
He trained.
He acted prudently.
He's alive.
Perp is wounded and in jail.

Truck in the next parking space
Perp jumps out, throws down on him with a shotgun
Friend is seated with one foot inside his Jeep Cherokee
Keeps talking to perp and pushing shotgun barrel sideways
Says he's getting his wallet.
Pulls his Ruger 709 Slim from kidney carry
Fires once
Perps falls backwards, drops shotgun, jumps up and runs

K9 finds the perp shot through the hip and hiding.

Friend goes home alive to his wife and kids.
Tell your friend he did a good job. He's undoubtedly saved future victims of this criminal. I'm sure he knows he did the right thing, but he needs to hear it.
Outstanding is right! Glad that society can see that gun ownership is necessary in this age!

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He kept talking to the perp and pushing aside the shotgun barrel.

Reached for his wallet, shot from across his lap.

Not much room between vehicles in a parking lot, so the perp fell/jumped backwards and rolled behind the truck.

By the time Aaron got to his feet and carefully looked behind the truck, the perp had dropped the shotgun, rolled, and got up and ran into the darkness.

good job and very lucky
Tell your friend, Thank you & great job!

"Glad that society can see that gun ownership is necessary in this age!"
I only wish that this were entirely true. Reality is that a large percentage of society does not.
Your friend did an awesome job!

Never know how it will go down until you are faced with the situation. His training definitely helped.
Great job!

Two funny sort of observations:
1. Folks say not to take a pistol to rifle fight. That would go double for a shotgun fight and yet again, when used effectively, amount of firepower isn't what determines the winner.
2. Shot through the hip and fell, jumped, rolled behind a truck and then ran away? So shooting through the hip did pretty much NOTHING to immobilize the shotgunner. The hip wasn't shattered and if bone was even hit, damage didn't preclude some significant physcical events that allowed him to get away initially. So it was fortunate that he dropped the shotgun because he was still ambulatory. That isn't to downplay the success of the event or to suggest shooting the hip was the intent (which it did not appear to be), but the use of hip shots to make physical stops. Hitting the hip doesn't mean the perp is crippled.
Chalk up one for the good guys.

doc: glad your friend is OK. That's never assured in a situation like that. He done good.
Hey, Doc, . . . give your friend a glad hand for me too, . . .

Just goes to show that there was some truth to the statement the old cowboy made when the NYC reporter asked him why he carried a gun.

He replied, "Well, . . . out here there are just some folks that need to be shot" and your friend proved him right.

May God bless,
Human body has a great way to not allow pain to stop a bad guy. Adrenalin will keep a bad guy moving till you hit spine, brain, or heart.

Was the Shotgun even loaded? I guess its not like the movies. Bad guy goes down and continues to unload his weapon. One 9mm shot and the guy was incapacitated. Would have been the same with a 38 or 50. Bad guy would have dropped his gun and ran like the coward he was. He would have been in more pain in his hiding spot with a 50 than with the 9 wound though.

Great outcome for sure.
Tell your friend, Thank you & great job!

"Glad that society can see that gun ownership is necessary in this age!"
I only wish that this were entirely true. Reality is that a large percentage of society does not.

Trying to be optimistic ;)

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It's good your friend is ok.

Would others have done the same in the situation? I ask this not from any sort of legal perspective, but from a personal safety standpoint. I might've been too afraid that the dude would've unloaded his shotgun if I had tried anything. It almost seems that the only thing that saved him was that the perp dropped the shotgun as he fell back. At a range close enough for me to touch the barrel, a shotgun blast would've been devastating. Maybe it wasn't loaded, but you can't know that at the time.

Then again, I suppose you can't whether or not the perp would just shoot you once he gets your wallet would've been a tough call.