GLOCK question on fully auto part


There is a switch available that changes Glock 19 & 17 to fully automatic. It actually makes them in to Glock 18.

I want to know from Glock users who have actually done this procedure, plus is it safe to do so in terms of the question whether Glock 19 & 17 barrels and parts will withhold the automatic fire?
Seeing how that's VERY illegal here in the states(unless it's registered), i doubt you'll find to many people here that have done it. However, if your ever in this neck of the woods, take a visit to Knob Creek Range in Westpoint, KY. I've seen a couple of Glock 18's there during the machine gun shoots. Man, that's a blast :D
I would highly suggest deleting the thread entirely. You're asking about something that's patently illegal, and an instant federal felony, nor would you find any sympathy from law-abiding gun owners if you were caught. And you would be caught, full-auto fire is very distinctive, and brings authorities. If you can't produce the paperwork, you will lose everything you own and be put in prison.

I think the question you'd want to ask is whether you could withhold ten to twenty in a federal pen.

Don't. If you want a machine gun, save your pennies and buy a registered, class III MAC for about $6K with all the paperwork.
Well, OneShotOnly's profile says he is a lawyer, maybe he figures he can beat the system.

Oh, by the way, those add-on selectors do not turn a G17 in to (sic) a G18. The Glock 18 has several differences to make it run well in full auto.
Well, OneShotOnly's profile says he is a lawyer, maybe he figures he can beat the system.
he's also in Poland...i don't know about the laws there but who know's they might be different
Thank you for your comments. However, I still seek the expert advice to my initial question. As per the law issue; where I am it is ok to have fully auto pistol. So no need to worry about that.
No where in the US is it legal to take an unregistered machine gun and make it a full auto. The only way to make a semi auto anything into a full auto and remain within the boundries of the law is to drop in registered machine gun parts. These parts are EXPENSIVE and I highly doubt you'll be able to legally find anything to make your glock full auto. There are very few registed glock 18s on the market and you better be ready to take out a morgage to buy one if you can even find one at all.
It would be illegal for most of us because we live in the U.S.A. We are allowed to own fully auto machine pistols too, but not that one. I do believe we are allowed to convert semi autos to full autos if you can get the ATFs blessings, and their blessings don't come cheap. But the Glock conversion will never get it.

So if you live outside the U.S. it should not hurt the gun to convert it. I believe the only difference between the 18 and any other Glock is the fire control parts.

Let us know how it goes.
Thank you for your comments. I am outside US and will get the part from Hong Kong. The part is about 300$. A regular Glock is about 6000$ here! And Glock 18 is close to 11,000$.

I know they are very expensive but when I saw one in dark maroon with a fellow here I was sold on the idea of owning one. I think I will get rid of my SIG 226 which will go for 5000 and put in the rest of the money. But if I do the conversion I will definately let you guys know on this forum whether it works the way it should.

Again thank you for your valuable advice and the time you guys took to write your thoughts and ideas.

A lot of people are saying this is illegal. How is it illegal to have a full-auto Glock when the Second Amendment is part of the highest law of the land? I don't get that. Whose side are we on here, folks? That of the BATF thugs, or that of the Constitution? :confused:

Besides, discussion of such things in hypothetical terms is still allowed even under the current system. We're in a pretty bad state if we're scared of even talking about how devices that could break "the law" work in a mechanical sense.

Still, it's very understandable if the owners/moderators of this board don't want to have such things discussed here. Not everyone wants that kind of baggage.

OneShotOnly, if you're interested in how the Glock conversion or other full-auto devices work, you can read all about them online by searching for associated patents. Someone posted a link to this very patent here:

Whether you actually put the knowledge to use or not is up to you, but of course you should be aware of the legal risks. I personally don't see much advantage at all in a full-auto Glock anyway, but whatever...
One more time - OneShotOnly! is not a citizen of the USA and is not restricted by our laws nor governed by our Constitution. I believe he lives in Pakistan.
OneShotOnly, may I ask you in which country you live? Someone mentioned Poland, but I can't imagine a Glock costing more than 500-1000 €/$/£ anywhere in Europe:eek: