Glock owners in denial, BIG TIME!

Tuc: I don't lose a lot of sleep worrying about the opinions of those who can't understand my posts, even after their having used a dictionary.

As far as the California Highway Patrol goes, maybe the guy who posted that info doesn't read and comprehend very well, either. The crux of his post was that an unproven prototype was submitted to CHP, and they unethically put the unproven prototype through extensive tests. I also don't worry too much about folks who are represented in the U.S. Senate by dimwits like Boxer and Feinstein.

FWIW, over 60% of all U.S. police departments use Glocks.

I personally don't like the .40's, but that's another story.

This really is a dumb thread, and I'm a real dummy for wasting my considerable talent in participating herein.
Infozoid Alert!

Would it be possible to determine the following bits of info, in order of usefulness and comparability to similar info about other makes/models?

1. WHEN SOMETHING ACTUALLY DOES BREAK, what parts have broken? I've read about trigger springs and extractors. What about strikers and striker springs?

2. WHEN SOMETHING WEARS OUT or goes out of spec, what parts are they? Magazine followers were mentioned. Anything else?

3. Okay, I'll spare you the all-caps...does anyone have access to percentages/time/rounds fired/number of guns in service info? For example, Agency X has so many hundred Glocks in service and consumes Y thousand rounds per year. Over Z years, the following parts failures/wearouts occurred: (list of parts failures)

Someone's gotta know this stuff.
Try GlockTalk if you want more specific info on the Glock. Go straight to the source and talk to Glock itself. I'm sure they track problem areas and they seem to be owner friendly.
glocks wear out

i am a glock armorer and have been one for years. most glocks break for a reason,dropping the slide to manny times on a empty chamber breaks extractors.putting the slide stop in before the locking block pin bends or breaks the slide stop springs, etc. etc.however glock parts do wear out. the 40's and 357 sig are hard on locking blocks, the hole gets oblong and the pin gets loose and starts working out upon firing.all the springs are prone to break, they just plain wear out.replace the recoil spring every 1,500 rounds yourself and have someone who knows what he or she is dooing detail strip and clean your Glock once or twice a year and you will save yourself the greef.if I can help any body out dont hesitate to e mail me
john carney you pointed on something that is my pet peeve for handgunning: allowing the slide to slam home on an empty chamber. I hate it when that happens! When any of my weapons are presented to another for fondling or shooting, the one caveat I voice is to ride the slide!

Furthermore in my personal universal manual of arms, I never depress the slide stop to chamber a round. Instead, I smartly pull the slide back and allow it to come home.
I've got seven years and 65K rounds through a G-17. Most with +P+ 124 Hydos. The things that I have broke have been as follow. Front Sight, from my 295 front break holster in 93. Don't ask me how, seemed not up to the drill. Never had a problem with the Trijicon's that replaced the factory Original. The Extractor, again when the gun was new to me, from incorrectly thinking that it was OK to put a round into the chamber and dropping the slid on it, insteed of correctly inserting a loaded mag, chambering, then topping off the mag. Oppps. Since I've mended my wicked ways, no problems. The magazines. I have the old mags that swell up when topped off, and in ripping the mags out during drills I have inadvertantly bounced then off of some hard ground or stepped on them and broke the bottoms off. I've replaced the followers in the mags that have been damaged by abuse. Replaced the springs once which I did not think that was too bad considered that these mags stay full full time other than at the range.

I will say that the only things that I broke wo far has been from my abusive ways. I'm also a glock armorer and its like the Maytag Rapairman. The only thing I do is breaking down for inspections and installing night sights. But.. I'm from a small state and don't really run into much interesting from any weapon system.

Any Glock armorer's from big agency must see more problems.

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