Glock owners in denial, BIG TIME!

Again with the CHP story.

"In the early 90's the CHP (California Highway Patrol) wanted to transition to the 40 cal so they did an extensive test and the lowly S&W mod 4006 won the contract. The Glock 22 didn't cut the mustard. So much for the "I've put a 100,000 rounds through my Glock without a hiccup" statement."

Glock submitted two prototypes to CHP for inspection. CHP, without Glock's knowledge, tested them as they did the SW 4006. The protypes didn't hold up. No less a respected authority on the subject than Peter Kokalis backs this up. Here's what he said: "Unfortunately, Glock was pressured into submitting two prototype caliber.40 S&W pistols to the California Highway Patrol (CHP) only for examination and moderate test firing. Inappropriately, the pistols were subjected to the extensive trials designed to provide information for adoption of a new handgun for CHP. The prototypes' magazines had been converted from 9mm Parabellum and failed to hold the slide open. A crack developed on the breech face of the slide. The Glock pistol was not adopted and most certainly they will never again submit unproven prototypes for tests of this type. It goes without saying that series-production caliber .40 S&W Glock pistols have been redesigned to correct these deficiencies."

As they say, the proof is in the pudding. The FBI put production Glocks 22 and 23 through rigorous testing. They held up and won the contract.
My Glock g19 has been at it since 1989 and I probably shouldn't admit this, but I haven't even had to change the recoil spring. I guess I am in denial big time. Should probably do something about that spring, but it has gotten to be a challenge to see how long it will go without a repair.
I have noticed a trend now that Glock owners are starting to realize that the 40cal Glocks are subject to KBs. For years at Glocktalk that was like trying to tell the government that there are UFOs!
I still have yet to see any evidence of a Glock KB that was not caused by improper ammo use. Glock recommends factory jacketed ammo for all of their pistols, yet every KB I have ever heard about was caused by either a double charge or a lead build up. When you buy a new car and the manufacturer recommends 93 octane gas, and you choose to run 86 octane gas in it, do you go back and complain about a ping? If anyone has a link to a KB that was caused by properly loaded factory jacked ammo, please share. Aside from that, maybe I have just been lucky. None of my guns have ever malfunctioned.
Dumb thread!

What we have here is an opportunity for those whose wisdom and experience with Glock pistols extends beyond the few hundred rounds a year some shooters blow off, to instead, a round count that's more into the tens of thousands in order to share some knowledge as to which parts they have seen break or fail and thereby provide insight to others who may wish to order a few of these simple, inexpensive pieces to have on hand. And who cares if you have 10 glocks in your shooter's bag? I don't! (I'm fortunate to have more than one myself, but I'm not boasting about it).

BTW, as I was looking up "Non-sequitur" in the dictionary I also took a moment to look up "Denial" and found this: "...A refusal to recognize or acknowledge..."

So, my analogy didn't meet someones standards, I guess if you can't acknowledge the fact that your pistol may break (they all do, eventually) and, you won't be the least bit bothered when or if it does, then you are not in denial, you're something else.

[Edited by tuc22 on 12-20-2000 at 01:30 AM]

Okay, I tried to do it with smilies and all, but you apparently want your request dissected.

What we have here is an opportunity for those whose wisdom and experience with Glock pistols extends beyond the few hundred rounds a year some shooters blow off, to instead, a round count that's more into the tens of thousands
That would be me.
in order to share some knowledge as to which parts they have seen break or fail
That would be none.
and thereby provide insight to others who may wish to order a few of these simple, inexpensive pieces to have on hand.
Can't help you there. I've heard of trigger return springs breaking, but never, in well over 100k rounds of personal experience had it happen to one of my Glocks. Sorry.
And who cares if you have 10 glocks in your shooter's bag? I don't! (I'm fortunate to have more than one myself, but I'm not boasting about it).
Neither am I. You asked for people with experience with Glocks, as distinct from:
few hundred rounds a year some shooters blow off
I was merely qualifying my experience with the firearm in question. 6 Years. 7 Glocks. Well over 100k rounds. 0 broken parts. Would you prefer I made something up? Wait. Buy extra mag followers. After 8-10k rounds, they get worn and don't hold the slide open anymore. There. Am I cured of my denial?
Thank you for your thoughts Tamara. You're excused now and certainly you must be cured of your denial!(I guess?). Will the next Expert Glock owner stand up and be recognized.

I wouldn't know where to begin. Try and keep some spare parts around. IF it is made by a human, then it'll be flawed. To say that a human can produce an absolutely perfect and righteous tool is ridiculous. Sure, people have logged God-knows-how-many rounds through their handguns without a single breakage/stoppage/failure to feed/etc. I most certainly do NOT doubt these personal experiences. I also wouldn't doubt that owners might/will experience component breakage or any of the before mentioned malfunctions. Sorry that it had to be you, but luckily you didn't post this on Talk about walking into the lion's den :) However, if you did, then the best of luck to you!

I know this didn't help, just showing a little support on your behalf.

I read about more Glock KBs than any other on the different sites. Why that is I don't know. I have fired many thousands of rounds thru many Glocks of many cals and never had anything to break. I prefer the 9mms but not because of the KB problem. I read about KBs using factory ammo so I don't think that is the only problem and no I don't think all these people are telling lies. I think that due to the design that it could be something to do with firing out of battery under certain circumstances.
I like the .40 Caliber. I like the 23. I will take my chances. Let the games begin!

FWIW, .45ACP is still my favorite defensive round. I like the .40. I love the .45ACP lest anyone bring up prior postings.

I know an FBI agent, if possible, I plan to quiz him on their experiences with the 22/23 during the holidays.

Tamara: I think Lenin,Marx, Stalin and Hitler had some of those Doritios along with some Voltaire Soda and Rouseau (SP?)Chocalate during their early years. BTW, thanks for defending our fellow Glockites.
Ditto what ak9 said...

I also have a '89 G19 and it has never had to be repaired (knock on wood). I have no idea how many rounds have been put thru this gun, but my best guess is approx 26,000 (200 rds./mo plus or minus).

Has anyone seen that movie 4 rooms (or something like that) with Tim Roth as the bell boy at a hotel. He is paid to chop off the finger of a guy if his zippo doesn't light on the first try 10 times in a row (he gets Quentin Tarantino's car if he does it).

Well, my glock is the only semi-auto pistol I've owned that I would trust (in a similar situation) to shoot 15 rds. with no malfs.
I dont lose too much sleep worrying about kabooms or broken parts

shoot factory ammo = no kabooms

join GSSF and the Glock armorer will look over your gun at each match if you like.

so far at GSSF I have had a trigger upgrade on a friends (1989) G19 that included replacing recoil spring and 4 magazine springs..... I have also gotten three hicaps of my own rebuilt free of charge

have them replace any weak springs, and put new followers in once a year, and dont worry about it
Maybe the CHP knows something we don't know. Of the three Glock's I've owned one was a POS, one was fine, and one was marginally fine. Not a very good track record when you bet your life on something. I've also owned a S&W mod 4006 that was perfectly reliable. And a mod 5906, a mod 915, a mod 910, and two mod 457's. All very reliable. Glock Perfection? Or is it Smith&Wesson Perfection? Hell, that even sounds better!
Glock 40/45/357s do blow up w factory ammo. Have seen it w Speer, Federal, Remington, and PMC.

The city/county/state here used S&W autos for years in 9/45. All have switched to Glocks in 9/40/45/357. Despite the kBs in the 40/45/357 they say they are less trouble than the S&W autos were. Same for a friend in Nevada HP and their S&W 4006s (he carries a G22). I have heard the FBI/DEA are having less problems with the Glocks than the SIGs. The first few classes w Glock 40s shot slightly higher scores than the last few w SIG 9s.

I have had trigger springs on older Glocks break. A friend replaced the barrel, locking block, trigger bar, frame and numerous pins/springs on his SIG 228 in the first 30,000 rounds.

All guns break, some less than others on avg. The Glocks seem to be on top despite the lemons here and there. No other brand of auto has ever been used/issued as widely in as large numbers to cops/civilians either, so comparisons are difficult to make. I know more people w over 50,000 rounds through their Glocks than anything else I can think of.
Actually, I no longer have the Handgun Annual that the story was in so you did alot better job explaining the testing than I did. All guns break. Some more so than others. With all good quality guns it's just the luck of the draw. Some seem to last forever without breakage. Best, J. Parker
Glocks are machines and parts on machines do break. They break less often on glocks than most competing designs however. Sigs are great but crack frames. Berettas are fine but break their locking blocks. Hk's are swell but thier firing pins break. Things break its a part of life.