Damn! I had to read WR's posts several times to realize he didn't even use his own Glock in this bad reload thing. Whoever loaned you a Glock to shoot your reloads is just as moronic as you are!
Conversation between two unknown shooters. Hey dude, can I borrow your Glock to try my reloads? Sure, dude, whatever... Uh, it can't like hurt the gun, or anything? Uh, no way man, I mean, I've been reloading like, for, you know, uh, 2 weeks.. Cool Dude, whoa! Hey, wait a second, what's that thing sticking out of the bottom? Oh? Uh, don't worry dude, it's supposed to be that way for 1911 guns...
Now to be totally, like, serious... WR, the guy's Glock blows up in his face using your reloads, and HE SUES THE **** OUT OF YOU!!! LIKE, WAY COOL, DUDE!
There is hope for you yet!