Glock 19 VS Ruger SP101 -- which is better in this case..

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Absolutely, but full power .357 magnums, especially out of a snub, are on a whole other level than a 9mm. As the DB level increases, so does the potential for damage to your ears, and there is a large gap from the 9mm and the .357 magnum.

There's nothing that you will be able to shoot in an enclosed space that won't damage your hearing.
There's nothing that you will be able to shoot in an enclosed space that won't damage your hearing.

I never said that wasn't the case, I agreed that 9mm will also cause hearing damage if you actually read my comment and the one I was responding to, heck even .22's will cause hearing damage. My argument is that as the DB level increases so does the chance for hearing loss. The .357 especially out of a snub while indoors is an absolutely punishing round to the ears. If I can help minimize the chance of further hearing damage by using a suitable round that is significantly quieter then I see no reason not too. Like I said before, my bedside gun is a 5" barreled 9mm, which is a perfectly suitable round for SD. The DB level of a 9mm out of a 5" barrel is not even close to being on the same level as the .357" out of any barrel length short of a rifle. A .357 revolver is even louder than an 18" barreled 12g shotgun, which is far more effective to boot. Just a 3db increase doubles the sound pressure, with the .357 at 164 DB and a 9mm for example at 159 DB you are looking at a huge leap. This is why I would not recommend anyone use a .357 revolver for in the home and load them up with .38+p instead or use something else.

I'm going for sheer reliability here. One has gotta have a EDGE over the other!! That's why I made a list of plus and minuses for both, to try and decide which is more reliable. Note: both of these would be NEW, just test fired 50 to 100 times to ensure they function. I want them in new condition so that way they are more reliable, and I won't have to worry about parts wearing out or breaking and causing relability issues. Don't tell me about the need to practice, etc, as I can go to the rental range and do that with a RENTAL. Now please correct me if I'm wrong on any of the points I made below, that's why I'm asking/posting here.

Sorry but I cant see the logic here. You are going to buy a gun, and instead of shooting your own gun you are going to rent the same model at the range every week to keep your gun new? That's like buying a car, leaving it in the garage, and renting the same exact car so your car stays new. Gun's are meant to be used, shoot the snot out of it and forget about everything else. Guns are not fragile, and no Glock will ever be collectible. For the amount you are going to spend on range rentals, eventually that will amount up to the cost of another Glock. Why not just buy two, shoot one, and keep the other with a low round count if you are really that worried.
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"Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away"
All other things being equal.............

If all other factors are equal in your opinion, one thing I usually don't hear discussed is ammunition. Lets say you need 2 shots to do the job and time is of the essence. Your first trigger pull results in a bang with either gun. Your second trigger pull results in a click. With time being of the essence how fast can you pull the trigger of the revolver again to shoot another round compared to tap, rack, trigger pull of a semi?
I realize chances of having a dud round is rare or having a FTE with a quality pistol is rare.
For me, waking up in the middle of the night, I'll take the revolver. But I have no problem with either.
Okay, so I've narrowed down my two top choices for a "nightstand" home defense gun that just SITS there or maybe I will use it as a Truck gun. They will almost never be fired unless it's an emergency. But maybe once a year or so I might maybe put 10 rounds through them just to ensure they work properly.

I don't think either gun would work for you, maybe Mace? If you are unwilling to train and practice with a firearm then you should not use one for self defense, hands down.
Either one is fine but neither one is what you want for a "house gun"
That should be a shotgun or rifle.

That said, the gun is 1% of the answer.
99% is the shooter.

If you want to defend yourself, your family and your home YOU need to be able. It's about YOUR skill and YOUR abilities.
The gun is a tool only. Like a saw or hammer, it can do nothing by itself.
The skill of the workman is the important thing.

Get training if you have none now.
Practice enough to retain proficiency. If you don't you are not "well armed" no matter what handgun you buy.
I don't think either gun would work for you, maybe Mace? If you are unwilling to train and practice with a firearm then you should not use one for self defense, hands down.

But that's not what he is saying. The completely irrational, and obviously unknowlegable part is that he is afraid(read that paranoid) of wearing out which ever he chooses by practicing with it. Even to the point of the ridiculous idea that he could rent an identical gun to practice with.

Don't tell me about the need to practice, etc, as I can go to the rental range and do that with a RENTAL

Okay people, sorry, I explained it totally wrong. I UNDERSTAND it's a good idea to practice with the gun you want for self-defense, and I will, with my primary gun. But the new Glock or Ruger I'm trying to decide on will NOT be my PRIMARY gun or my only one. No, this would be the emergency back-up handgun that sits in a safe...Or maybe a drawer. Not sure yet. Maybe I shouldn't have said nightstand gun, I made it sound like this was going to be my primary gun, it's not. Whichever I decide to purchase will only be a back-up safe type of gun, that is the reason why I probably would not fire it very often, rather just every now and then to ensure it works.

The more I think about what was said in the OP, then what was said it meant, then again what that meant, the more I think this is either an after school activity, or the OP is sitting back laughing his donkey off as he keeps pushing our leg.:eek::D
Nobody could possibly fail to realize the durability of modern firearms that much!
Hold on, now I get it! A spare for each of my carry guns. What a great excuse to buy more guns. I long ago used up "but Ineed that one". Now it can be "I have to have a spare one".
Then a spare for each hunting gun, then extra models of every milsurp.
I think I will need a couple more safes sooner than planned. I have a new excuse to buy more guns!
Yes, you figured it out. Yes, I already own Glock and a Ruger. I want a 2nd "back-up".. I like them 100% equally, I fire them both fine (edge goes to 9mm though, less recoil), but in all other imporant areas, like relability I can't decide which is better for use as a TRUCK or "back-up" gun or a SAFE gun.

Nobody could possibly fail to realize the durability of modern firearms that much!
Somewhat false. If you read my above I've had a revolver cylinder jam up. If I picked it as a self-defense carry I could be dead if I ever had to use it in self-defense. This is because it was worn out, and something decided to finally give out. I could have replaced all the countless parts, or I could just buy a brand new one for nearly the same price. A Glock barrel cost like $150 bucks, for just ONE single piece. I can get a new one for $500. Why in the world would I want to replace all the Glock parts vs getting a new one?? Nevermind, I guess you people don't understand the concept.

Also, they need constant replacement of springs and other various parts. My Glock has an UNKNOWN number of rounds through it, it was a used Glock from a police-trade in.. So I want a NEW weapon. Is that really that hard to understand why I would want a NEW one?

Why is it so hard to grasp the idea that I would like a NEW gun? If you people can't understand the idea that I want a NEW gun, then CLOSE THIS THREAD. Also the amount of off-topic this thread has gone is becoming ridicilous, it's not even discussing the main topic I brough up of Revolver "plus and minuses' vs Glock plus and minuses. Now it's turned into "pick at everything the OP said, and pick at him for training something he said he had covered, but let's pick at him anyways for it and spam the thread.
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