Gingrich embarrasses reporter

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Obama can't "represent" more people than Palin, as he can only represent those who support him and whose values he protects in the course of his office. Unlike Palin, whose approval rating has exceeded 90 percent, Obama extremely polarizing. Most of the state considers him a disgrace. While his bread and butter is Chicago, even a localized assessment is a poor indicator given the preposterous nature of the last election (remember pulling Keyes from left field in the 11th hour after the "impartial" media sunk Jack Ryan). Obama had barely graduated law school and married when Palin won her first election. Rudy hit it on the head though - never thought I'd say that - saying that her experience simply isn't cosmopolitan enough to impress certain bluebloods who prefer listening to "This American Life" over the State of the Union.

Regardless... the media is absolutely attempting to eat Palin alive. Forget comparing her to Obama, compare her to Hillary. Progressive this, inclusive that, shattering glass ceilings, equal... oh wait, the Bush party is doing it? Sic the dogs on 'em!

I wasn't thinking of just his POW time...but since you brought that up: I would say that even IF his character is so "diminished" as you claim, John McCain has more character still left in his pinky finger than Barrack Obama ever had in his entire body.

I am active duty (career) Navy. I have an idea of what it takes to be combat pilot. I also have an idea what it takes to actually be in command in the Navy. I certainly have a pretty good idea of what it is like to be laid up in a Navy hospital bed for more than a week. I really know what military experience means. Do you?

To me, the ability to take risks, to endure prolonged physical and mental hardship, to be able to face danger alone and square in the face, and to have the fortitude to make a decision to help another person at the expense of his own well-being and health....along with an intimate knowledge of the endless politics and backstabbing of the wardroom and making rank....all those things are what I want in my president.

To point out his indiscretions as a younger man as proof of a flawed character is comical. You should reflect upon your own prior indiscretions and ask yourself this: is there a man who knows neither sin nor shame? And do you want that man working for you in the snake pits and cesspools that is Washington?

As Admiral William "Bull" Halsey once said: "never trust a fighting man who doesnt smoke or drink.". And I dont mean marijuana or cocaine for "street cred".
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Tuttle8 said:
I guess since the mods are busy shutting down Palin threads as if they were Ron Paul threads, we'll just title our thread as "something" else and use it as a cover....
I'm sorry Tuttle8. But your guess is wide of the mark.

The Palin threads and the McCain threads and the Obama threads have mostly been closed for: going heavily off topic; hitting the low road running; acrimonious personal attacks; or any or all of the foregoing.

This thread is being closed for, once again, going off topic.

And before anyone says it, no, Dave and I are simply tired of deleting all the posts that don't relate to the OP. It gets to be irritating (to say the least), when there are (say) 30 posts and you have to delete 50% (or more) of the posts to keep the thread on topic, and then the same members (you know who you are) deliberately (IMO) drive it off topic, yet again.
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