Gingrich embarrasses reporter

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What executive decisions has Obama made in the the last ten years? Or Biben or McCain for that matter. Governor Palin beats them all. When your Presidential nominee can't match the executive experience of the VP nominee of the opposing party it might not be a good sign. ;) Thanks for playing...
Yep, and the list of great legislative acts he authored, sponsored, or even co-sponsored is as impressive as the list of Andy Dick's sexual conquests.
I'm not an expert on Andy Dick. I'm sure he'd be happy to know he has a fan in you Citizen Carrier. /sarcasm.

Illinois Senate bills sponsored and co-sponsored etc.
Of course you probably won't accept the NY Times as a source, but there it is.

US Senate 109th congress. 152 bills sponsored. Co-sponsor on 427 bills. 13 bills signed into law.

US Senate 110th congress. 129 bills sponsored. Co-sponsor on 510 bills. 8 bills signed into law.
Obama has more experience than Palin. The only way to avoid admitting that, is to attack Obama.

Obama represented almost as many people in the Illinois State Senate as Palin did a Governor of Alaska. Obama represented more people as a private citizen than Palin does as governor of Alaska.
Obama was the leader of a Chicago voter registration effort that registered almost double (600,000) the population of the state Palin has been Governor of for a scant 2 years.

"Get out the vote" experience? Casting the very decisive "present" vote on state issues?

A girl scout taking cookie orders has more experience.

There is a big difference between being 1 of 100 votes in the senate and running a state.

I find the Obama vs. Palin experience argument amusing. If we're basing everything on experience, why isn't Biden leading the democratic ticket with Obama as VP? The guy running for president is comparing himself against the lady running for vice-president because everyone else involved cleans his clock experience wise. He chose Biden specifically to offset his lack of experience while McCain didn't have to worry too much about it.
Intune buddy, if you'll look at my first post to this thread you'll note that Obama has executive experience in the private sector.
Now I know how conservatives hate the private sector and glorify public office, so I'll also point out that he was Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee in the Illinois Senate. That is an executive position.

Needless to point out that running a multi-million dollar presidential campaign is also executive experience.
I am sick and tired of hearing about "experience"

Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.;)
Experience means yon've done this before, and i for one am tired of things being done the way they have been.

As far as I'm concerned, NOBODY who hasn't been president has experience being president. The President down't operate in a vacuum. He/she will surround themselves with advisors, often people with "experience".

Washington didn't have any experience as a President before he became president, neither did Adams, nor Jefferson, etc. Harry Truman sold men's suits before becoming President.

Many of our Presidents have been govenors. Some have been generals. Others have been other things, including some having spent time in Congress. Some of those with "experience" have been poor presidents, and some without it have been fine presidents. I think it depends more on the person they are, and how they respond to the challenges of office than what, if any, previous experience they have. There is no other job like it, and years of experience doing a different (even if similar) job is no guarantee of how they will perform in the White House.
So...what about McCain's military experience, buzzcook? Still think it holds a candle to Biden's years on Capitol Hill?
Obama represented almost as many people in the Illinois State Senate as Palin did a Governor of Alaska.

In 2005, the approximate population of Obama's district (Illinois State Senate District 13) was 129,742. In 2006, the approximate population of the State of Alaska was 670,053.
(This one takes a bit of math. It states tha 33,733 uninsured people represents 26% of the total population. 33,733/0.26=129,742)

Obama has more experience than Palin. The only way to avoid admitting that, is to attack Obama.

What administrative experience does Obama, or Biden for that matter, have? The Legislative and Executive branches of the government are quite different you know. Please share with us all what significant peices of legislation Obama has sponsored or voted on in his time in the U.S. Senate.

Obama was the leader of a Chicago voter registration effort that registered almost double (600,000) the population of the state Palin has been Governor of for a scant 2 years.

No, sorry, that's 70,000 less people than the approximate population of Alaska in 2006.

People seem to like pointing out the difference between Palin as mayor of a small town and Obama being a community organizer.
Palin, as mayor, represented less than 7000 people. She took over a town that had no debt and left it with 22 million in debt.

What was the town's debt before her administration?

As a community organizer For the Greater Roseland district of South Chicago, Obama represented over 50,000 people. He couldn't raise taxes as Palin did in Wasilla, he had a budget. He increased his budget by convincing people that his cause was worth donating to.

What did he do with his budget? What did he spend it on? What did he accomplish as a "community organizer?"

The more proper comparison is Biden and Palin. There is no comparison there, Biden has more experience than McCain and Palin combined.

But what administrative experience does Biden have?

If you like Palin because of her ideology, fine. If you like Palin because she's cute, fine. But saying you like her because of her great experience is simply a load of cr@p.

We like her because of her applicable experience. McCain was commanding officer (and administrative role) of a training squadron in Florida in 1976 and managed to improve the unit's flight readiness and safety records earning it a Meritous Unit Commendation. I can't find any record of Joe Biden having either served in the military or having held any type of administrative role. On Obama's side, well you might be able to count his days as a "Community Organizer" but then again no one seems to be able to show exactly what he did in that position.

Illinois Senate bills sponsored and co-sponsored etc.
Of course you probably won't accept the NY Times as a source, but there it is.

US Senate 109th congress. 152 bills sponsored. Co-sponsor on 427 bills. 13 bills signed into law.

US Senate 110th congress. 129 bills sponsored. Co-sponsor on 510 bills. 8 bills signed into law.

Thanks for the links, we can now see that Sen. Obama is spending his time in the senate on things like this

[109th] S.RES.291 : A resolution to congratulate the Chicago White Sox on winning the 2005 World Series Championship.

if you'll look at my first post to this thread you'll note that Obama has executive experience in the private sector.

What did his duties as a "community organizer" involve besides fundraising? Several celebrities have experience fundraising, does that make all of them qualified to be president?

so I'll also point out that he was Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee in the Illinois Senate. That is an executive position.

What did his duties as chairman involve? What all exactly did that particular committee do during his tenure as chairman?
I guess since the mods are busy shutting down Palin threads as if they were Ron Paul threads, we'll just title our thread as "something" else and use it as a cover....:barf:
It's rare to see a clear cut case of no answer from the liberal press, but Newt sure got the upper hand this time.
C'mon buzzcook...tell us how McCain's military experience amounts to a hill of beans when compared to the battles fought by Biden up on the hill.
TPFI has loads of political experience, all of it bad so they try to downplay it as none and leave it at that. Notice how they do that.
To be honest, experience doesn't really matter as no one really has enough experience to lead this country.

None of these people are smart enough to handle anything on their own. Its the set of advisers that matters, they will have more sway in public policy then the president.

Bush has surrounded him self on foreign policy advisers who back Israel no matter what, I often question which country they are aligned with. McCain will probably inherit the same advisers as well but - the democrats probably won't be much better.
So...what about McCain's military experience, buzzcook?

Creature, what does military experience mean? To Republican's it didn't mean much in 2004, 2000, it meant something to them in 1996,1992, 1988, didn't mean much to them in 1984, 1980, 1976, 1972. And so on to 1860.

So perhaps you should answer your own question first.

But I'll answer because this is something that should be explored.
McCain commanded a training squadron in 1976, reportedly he did that job well. His unit received a unit citation etc.
We could define that as experience in the same manner we're using the term here on this thread. That is experience that could be directly applied to the job of being president. I would say that the rest of his career doesn't automatically translate.

But I have a feeling you're not thinking of his military career in those terms.
I think what you're going for is something along the lines of character revelation. Well except for his time as a POW, McCain's character doesn't come off too well. From scoffing at the regulations at Annapolis, to violating his oath as an officer and gentleman by having extramarital affairs; we have a picture of a man that is careless of his position.

But it is his time as a POW that most people mean when the talk about McCain in the military.
I would hope that everyone here feels as I do that McCain displayed the most sterling characteristics of courage and steadfast strength that we have come to expect of our best and rightest. His refusing early release is further testament to his character. That he was one of many that did the same in no way reduces his heroism.

Ok, got that? Well now lets look back to the year 2000. Which party and supporters were calling McCain, a traitor that gave away secrets to the North Vietnamese? Which party and supporters, were claiming that McCain had been mentally injured by his time as a POW? That's rhetorical, you don't have to answer.
I think one of the lower points in my respect for republicans was listening to Micheal Medved claiming that McCain's courage as a POW wasn't really courage, because it was "passive" almost "feminine". Medved went on for most of the segment describing what courage and heroism was and how McCain didn't quite measure up.
That is one of many examples of what makes me testy when conservatives and republicans claim to be the only ones that support the troops.

So here we have McCain displaying character of the highest order. If I were to boil it down to one adjective I would say McCain was "steadfast." Yes McCain's time as a POW is revelatory of his character. But it is revelatory of his character then. It is also reflective of his character now.
The McCain of today is not the same as the man then. He is sadly diminished. Here is a man that bravely withstood torture and who now supports the use of torture. McCain may have been steadfast but now he has changed his position on so many major issues that it's hard to keep track.

So how do I judge McCain's military experience? IMHO McCain doesn't live up to his past.
Last I checked McCain flying a Navy jet for his country was deliberate, the POW thing was accidental. A known risk that he willingly took as a side effect of military service at that place and time, sure, but I don't think for one minute he at any point woke up with that as a primary objective and volunteered for specifically for it. Rather it was an accident that really sucked at the time, he endured to get through, and is now milking it for every tax payer extracted dime and second of TV fame people are so willing to dole out to make them feel better about themselves.

And now some people, probably nearly all of you, will think me to be the devil incarnate, but that's the bare ugly truth that nobody seems to bring up. Questioning his patriotism? No. Ungrateful for his service? Not at all. But it just seems backwards to worship the dead or injured in war in some way above those who got through it without a hitch just because they "paid" a higher "price" accidentally. You don't do a better job at something for having incidentally incurred a harder process of doing it. One thing perhaps to step in front of a bullet for someone else, but a different thing entirely simply to have been the last person not to duck. Patton's quote on the object of war not being to die for one's country, more or less.
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Since when are legislative and executive experience even the same thing? How much EXECUTIVE experience does Obama have... zero.
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