Gingrich embarrasses reporter

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With the general attitude of the media these days I have a hard time feeling sorry for any of them. Very, very, very difficult to feel sorry for any of them.

In this case the reporter got exactly what he deserved and then when Gingrich gave him a detailed response and asked for his response he had 'take it back to the desk'. Sometimes it's better not to ask a question if you don't really want an answer.
He deserved it...and suddenly ended the interview when asked to produce just one thing Obama had done. They can dish it out, but can't take it...typical leftists. And no I don't mean all liberals are leftists...I mean the far left. Same goes for the far right nut jobs....both are closed-minded.:barf:
The majority of the mainstream media has been little more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic party for at least 10 years if not 20. Tell me how many times you heard the word "gravitas" before Bush II ran for office... Suddenly, once it was added to the DNC talking points, it was every third word to come out of the vast majority of reporters' mouths. They sounded like flipping DNC parrots "awwwk Bush lacks gravitas, awwwk Bush lacks gravitas, awwwk Bush lacks gravitas awwwwk". They will do everything in their power to get their candidate into office. Many have stopped hiding it and the rest are just barely trying to deny it any more.

Something that not many people talk about is just how dumb the average reporter really is. Much to his credit it's a fact that Wolf Blitzer brought up at the end of the first Golf War. He found it refreshing that the public finally had a chance to discover this fact by watching the press conferences and listening to incredibly stupid questions. He showed a whole montage on the subject. Reporting isn't a career that attracts a lot of PhDs or MENSA candidates. There simply isn't any money in it. The best and the brightest pursue engineering, scientific, business, medical, legal careers etc. Careers with some hope of a good income. Your average non-superstar reporter with a 4-year degree in journalism doesn't have a hope of ever making any more than (or often as much as) a supermarket checker who might maybe have a high school diploma. And not many can accuse even the superstars of being bright... just look at Dan Rather. The kids that grow up to become reporters are usually the fresh faced and crusading to save the world but not so bright kids you see interviewed with hand pained signs proclaiming "save the... (fill in the blank)" and getting conned into signing petitions to ban dihydrogen monoxide. Those are the ones that "grow up" to become reporters. ;)
I often wondering if this group of far left reporters realize if we move far enough to the left freedom of the press may be gone.
Newt had both barrels blazing there. Way to go. He is absolutely right. How can the dems keep trashing Palin as inexperienced when she is MORE experienced than Barry Obama?
Gingrich knew that he was talking to a liberal reporter from a liberal network, so why shouldn't he be able to express his opinion to a guy who is trying to nail him to the wall.
I often wondering if this group of far left reporters realize if we move far enough to the left freedom of the press may be gone.

It seems to me that many of them will be just fine reading "censored" news since that is pretty much what they are doing already. I don't think the freedom of the press is as important to them as you and I might expect it to be. What is important to them is acheiveing their socialist utopia, no matter what the sacrifice.
Yes but Sholling, they're smarter than the Hollyweird types! :D

Firemax: Sholling answered it for you - because they're stupid.
Newt was always good with the fact free filibuster.

Obama has more experience than Palin. The only way to avoid admitting that, is to attack Obama.

Obama represented almost as many people in the Illinois State Senate as Palin did a Governor of Alaska. Obama represented more people as a private citizen than Palin does as governor of Alaska.
Obama was the leader of a Chicago voter registration effort that registered almost double (600,000) the population of the state Palin has been Governor of for a scant 2 years.

People seem to like pointing out the difference between Palin as mayor of a small town and Obama being a community organizer.
Palin, as mayor, represented less than 7000 people. She took over a town that had no debt and left it with 22 million in debt.
As a community organizer For the Greater Roseland district of South Chicago, Obama represented over 50,000 people. He couldn't raise taxes as Palin did in Wasilla, he had a budget. He increased his budget by convincing people that his cause was worth donating to.

Of course the big trick is comparing Palin to Obama. The more proper comparison is Biden and Palin. There is no comparison there, Biden has more experience than McCain and Palin combined.

If you like Palin because of her ideology, fine. If you like Palin because she's cute, fine. But saying you like her because of her great experience is simply a load of cr@p.
Guess experience is in the eyes of the beholder.

Inexperience in a VP might be one thing, in POTUS it's another.

Is Palin less experienced than Biden, yes.

Is Obama less experienced McCain, absolutely. And like it or not, to some more experienced than Palin.
Obama represented almost as many people in the Illinois State Senate as Palin did a Governor of Alaska.

Yep, and the list of great legislative acts he authored, sponsored, or even co-sponsored is as impressive as the list of Andy Dick's sexual conquests.

As is the list of things he's accomplished for the people of Illinois in the 150 odd days he's been their Senator in Washington. Subtracting, of course, those days when he hasn't been in Washington representing them.

Come on, even you had to see how badly the speechwriters in Denver were struggling to come up with anything impressive to talk about.

I think Biden mentioned Obama "reaching across the isle" to sign a nuclear non-proliferation bill.

Gosh! Ain't that something? Non-proliferation is about as partisan and courageous as supporting a little league baseball game. EVERYBODY is for non-proliferation. It's like crossing the isle to sign a bill supporting photosynthesis.

And Obama saying at Saddleback that his toughest political decision made yet was to oppose the Iraq War! He was just a state senator at the time. His coming out against the war had as much impact as my family dentist coming out against the war. He was just a state legislator for crying out loud.

It's one thing to represent a lot of people. It's another thing entirely to actually accomplish things while you're representing them.

Obama hasn't done much of that.

The guy's an empty suit. An amatuer who got where he is by effectively reading a teleprompter back in 2000...and one who is notably ineffective without a teleprompter.
Experience does not equal judgement. With the #1 and #3 most liberal (apologies to the real liberals, the Liertarians) on the same ticket you are going to get big brother, Orwellian, oppressive government. Why are those who oppose wiretaps on foreign terrorist suspects not protesting the pending loss of individual liberty and private property rights?
Big back it up, buzzcook.

Biden became a senator in 1973.
McCain became a congressman in 82, a senator in 84.
Palin had 6 years as mayor and 2 as governor. I'm being kind in counting her time as mayor.

35 years of higher office for Biden
26 years of higher office for McCain.
2 years higher office for Palin, plus 6 as mayor of a small town.

Do the math.
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