Getting my concealed carry permit soon, need some opinions on a carry weapon

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I live in NC where its hot most of the year. I pocket carry a MP Bodyguard. Its a great gun and is perfect in the summer. I also only prefer guns with a manual safety, otherwise, they won't even make my list.
This is your first gun , I guarantee it won't be your last. The smaller the gun most likely your not going to enjoy practicing with . My first small carry gun was a Walther PPK/S all steel 380 , very nice gun , wasn't hard on the recoil . My daughter shot it better then me so you know who has that one. I enjoy an carry a Colt New Agent 45acp 3" 1911 came with CT Laser Grips. Just love shooting the gun. It's the same as the Colt Defender with trench sights. I shoot max. 21' for a carry gun good distances to train. You must have a good idea what gun you like. Auto or Revolver?
If you were thinking of getting the sig 380, consider the P938 instead. Practice with range ammo, and find a good SD round that works. I ended up with the Critical Duty ammo, but not for all of the range time.
I'm here in Florida, and with the right holster it's the best single stack sub compact I've had. Except for the HK P7. But that one is an outlier.

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It appears that the OP has chosen to purchase and carry a small 380acp. More power to him! It's a common choice. I carry one often myself.

In addition to the ones he's mentioned, the Beretta Pico is another good candidate. And the Sig/Colt little 1911-style ones are also very popular. They are all relatively easy to conceal. The 380acp round is considered by some to be good enough, and by some not good enough. That's probably closer to opinion than fact. (I am preparing myself for the mob of posters with torches and pitchforks.)

With me, the method of carry is a big thing. I won't carry anything without a holster that covers the trigger. My educated guess is that otherwise you are WAY more likely to shoot yourself than to be harmed by someone else. An LCP-sized pistol and holster can actually be carried in a large breast pocket, which is handy and easy to get to. I used to carry more often in a front pants pocket, but it is slightly awkward to draw when standing, and almost impossible when sitting. The back pocket is great for me when walking the dog, but seems (to me) almost useless when sitting. I find IWB to be uncomfortable, but that's just me. A cargo pocket is great if the pocket isn't too low and the holster fits it properly. But lately... unlikely and recent chain of events ended up with me owning a Glock 43 (small 9mm). To me it seems too big for a pocket pistol. I don't like IWB carry. Due to another unlikely chain of events I ended up with a gift certificate and purchased an OWB belt holster for it. It has changed my CC habits a lot. I finally realized how easily a long shirt can conceal a flat OWB pistol. I'm still not sure if it will work for me in the summer, but in moderate temperatures it is invisible when I'm wearing a t-shirt with an unbuttoned shirt.

OT: If you live in a very hot and humid climate (such as North Central Texas in the summer) a sleeveless t-shirt keeps your shoulders from getting sunburnt, but still lets heat escape instead of being trapped in the shirt. If it's long and dark it can cover a holster. (Plus when I was young and single I had great arm muscles.)
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When the shields could be had last summer for just over 200usd it was a no brainer. The are still reliable quality pistols and a breeze to conceal iwb tucked. Still a good solid reliable pistol at its current price. The smaller pistols just plain suck to shoot, my p3at beats up my trigger finger and last time at the range drew a little blood just from the beating. At least I finally found some SD rounds that reliably feed (ft scott munitions).
This is over. There was no need for getting personal. The OP can glean some kernels of wisdom. Try out the guns at a rental range if you can. Try to get some training if you can.

However, the OP sounds sensible and will probably do fine.

I encourage the OP to stay on board. The moderators will deal with rude people.

Closed as the questions were answered reasonably (by some).
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