Gas Station Self Defense

I doubt my 12 year old truck makes a tempting target for thieves. Keep your head up and look alert and I'm guessing most looking for an easy score keep on movin
Some towns (and other municipalities) really do not have the crap that Chicago, Ferguson, Detroit, et al have - even at their C stores or wally world parking lots. To those who DO live ion those crime zones, proper awareness and preparedness is paramount. To those of us who do not live in a war zone, it just isn't as critical on a day to day basis
Guns or the carry thereof are less important than giving the appearance of NOT being a victim. I have filled up at night in some pretty "interesting" areas, have walked through some bad neighborhoods, and have at times seemed to be the only person of one race in a whole city of another. But I have never been attacked, threatened or followed. Blind luck, maybe, but a few thoughts.

I never showed fear. At times, I nodded, or waved, or even said hello to people who might (or might not) have been threats. I always tried to look as if I knew where I was going and had a specific destination. I never looked hesitant or "lost" or like I didn't belong, though I obviously didn't. Who did they think I was? A cop, maybe. Or an armed citizen? I never showed a gun or any weapon, though I might have had one or more.

I am not a big monster or even frightening looking (5'11" and more than a bit overweight). I didn't dawdle or hesitate; I kept moving, just someone going someplace, not afraid but not challenging either.

My wife is disabled I do not allow her to get gas unless I'm with her.

We live a pretty ordered life, we get gas at half a tank. That usually falls on Wednesday night on the way home from church.

We circle the parking lot before picking a pump I prefer a pump on the edge so have a better field of view.

I leave the passenger door open (barrier) and keep my back to the car and look around while I'm fueling.

Never carry cash.
Pitty the fool who attacks. Of course I will lose everything I own and live out of my car.

Look into US Law Shield

One comment, there is a shooting sport, IDPA. This has you using a CCW pistol, with at least a ten round magazine, rules for States that only allow ten round capacity magazines (I use a Glock 19, so down load to ten) this is quite realistic stages of fire, from a holster start, mostly. Two rounds per target, mostly. It is not training as such, but you will not be one of the people, with a holstered pistol, that you have never fired! Yes I have met them
Yes it gets folks using there gun. Unfortunately some think its actual real life training. One of the things I don't like is not loading magazines to max capacity. Who in there right mind downloads a mag before leaving the house??
There are some naive folks on this thread who don't realize that nowhere is "safe".

On the flip side, there is a line between "being aware" and "clinically paranoid." Its important not to miss it.

EDIT: Of course you re correct in that we all should maintain situational awareness as much as possible, and that public domains can be less safe than we think. As the immortal bard once said: just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
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Yes it gets folks using there gun. Unfortunately some think its actual real life training. One of the things I don't like is not loading magazines to max capacity. Who in there right mind downloads a mag before leaving the house??

Thats to meet a standard round count across the US. Not sure what that has to do with defensive training.
Sorry my town does not have issues everyone else here must have. Look up Bellevue, Iowa.

I live in a town like yours. I have no qualms about fueling up after midnight. Our last homicide was in the 1980's. I still remain reasonably vigilant, but not the same heightened awareness when I'm fueling off the freeway exit, or in neighboring cities like Akron or Canton.
Many of us have refueled after midnight, but that does not mean that it resembles a good idea anywhere.

What better place could there be for someone looking for money and a car?
OldMarksman you are correct. I like your Serengeti metaphor!

While peggysue may live in 1950s Mayberry, the rest of us don't. Even there, Barney and Andy encountered the occasional armed thug as I recall. Of course it was always over quickly with good prevailing over evil. I also live in a rural Midwest community where violent crime is very rare. I still carry, whether I am walking my attack chihuahua or going to gas station, and pay attention to what is going on around me. I don't live in fear, but evil exists and there is no hiding from it.
I suspect when we talk about crime most people imagine the stereotypical street thug and yes statistics probably support this. However, crime comes in a lot of shapes and sizes and often quite unexpected. Like the teen that kidnaps his ex-girlfriend, the Mom who torches her home and runs off with the kids, the mother-in-law who murders her daughter in-law during a divorce, etc. While many of these folks may have never committed a crime or exhibited any criminal tendency something snapped and they made a bad decision. So, what better place for these folks to find provisions while they’re on the run than a gas station. Bottom line things can happen anywhere even in low crime communities.
BarryLee are we discussing violent crime or a property crime at this point though? The person who steals your car or truck is a far different threat then one that we are discussing dousing with gasoline.
Nomad636: "Think that soaking them in gasoline would be a decent strategy for the first offensive move?"
Any move would have to be a defensive move. As many have suggested keep your gun on your person. This would be the best DEFENSIVE move you could make.
I leave the house get into my car not thinking you are going to have a flat tire, but carry a jack and a spare all the time. I leave the house never thinking I am going to in a bad situation but have a gun with me all the time. If your gun is in your car it is not with you.
I think this thread illustrates the popularity of small firearms. Define small however you want but my P938 or NAA mni-revolver are more likely than not to be in my pocket should I need one of them outside of my house. My larger firearms tend simply to not be carried because they are inconvenient. Are 5 shots of .22 Magnum or 6 shots of 9MM (I don't reload the magazine after chambering a round) ideal should I need a pistol? Nope. Are they better than 0 shots of nothing - yep.