Gas Station Self Defense

Simple answer. Remove the gun from the car and keep it on you while you are pumping gas (or doing anything else). In most states if you have a legal gun in the car, you also have the right to carry it on your person. You don't have to display it to the world and his brother, but have it on your person, not in the console or glove box (or at home in a drawer someplace under your clean undies!).

In fact, why not have it on you at all times? It won't be any use in a glove box or a console. You should practice doing things (like fueling) with your off hand so your strong hand will always be ready to reach for the gun.

You should practice doing things (like fueling) with your off hand so your strong hand will always be ready to reach for the gun.

That is a great tip. It does take practice. It also reminds me to stay alert.

Peggysue you must live in a better part of the Midwest than I do...
Be ready and non-threatening:

You cant always pick when and where you get gas. You can increase your odds somewhat by refueling when you get to 1/2 tank, then you may have options on where.

But not always. Last summer I was on a road trip with a time table where I had to drive at night and I had to get gas in East St Louis at 2 AM.

I wasn't happen about some people hanging around the lot eyeballing my wife's Caddy SUV (its right near the top of the most popular to steal).

But I don't leave the keys in my car when getting gas. Nor do I leave my handgun.

Its in my pocket. One reason I like pocket carry is I can have my hand on my gun and I just look like a dude with his hands in his pocket. Not threatening to anyone, yet ready.

If I carried on my belt, I would look silly and threatening when my hand resting on my gun. Plus for me its slower to get in action if needed.

If some one approaches you while getting gas, you have no idea if its a bandit wanting your car, or it its an employing servicing the gas island, checking numbers on the pump, or what ever.

You certainly cant pull your gun to be ready or stand around looking like a old west gun fighter ready to draw. That will probably buy you more trouble then you need.

But nothing looks more innocent then some old dude with his hand in his pocket leaning against his own car waiting for it to fill.

Not sure I want to risk poring gas on a gas station attendant either.

The same goes for withdrawing money from an ATM. You don't know if the dude behind you is waiting for his turn or is waiting for your money.

But you can be ready and non-threatening at the same time, standing there with your hand in your pocket.

I'm not a fan of avoiding places I have a right and reason to be. I make a lot of road trips and I like to drive at night when you have less traffic. That means I have to get gas at night.

Even if that wasn't my habit. Sometimes you just have to make a night trip.

I'm a Patriot Guard Rider. Several years ago I received a short notice they were needed to escort a Fallen SEAL. I had to drive all night to get to Kansas City in time. I ride a Harley Sportster that's only good for 80 miles between fill ups. I didn't have a lot of choice where I fueled up. But I do have a choice how to carry.
Sorry I have carried concealed for over 45 years and yet to use my colt at a gas station. Sorry crime is not everywhere. Please be observant to the gas stations you use... Lots of conspiracy's. You can buy during the day if I drive through a known ghetto.
I do not look for a fight.
Pitty the fool who attacks. Of course I will lose everything I own and live out of my car.
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Peggysue most who carry will never use their weapon. It is silly to think that living in the Midwest somehow protects you from a violent encounter at a gas station, or anywhere else for that matter though. The idea that it can't happen here is not based on facts, and that is true anywhere you go.
Lots of people hang out at gas stations. I was just approached the other day in the middle of the day in a good neighborhood. I was asked for money because they (him and his girlfriend) didn't have money to put gas in their car. They were just parked in front of one of the pumps. I told him I didn't have cash and I was using a company gas card. He went back to his car and waited for the next unwitting soul. He did manage to get some cash from another person and I seen him go back to his car and drive away. He didn't need gas he needed money. No I didn't feel threatened but you never how things are going to play out when someone is denied money. Unsavory individuals can be anywhere at anytime.
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For predators, the gas station is a veritable oasis on the Serengeti.

The danger in individual stations will vary according to highway accessibility, time of day, and perhaps proximity of high crime areas.
Statistically your chances of an encounter at the Riverside Quick Shop are significantly lower than in a major urban metroplex or just off an Interstate highway. No question about that. Don't think for a minute though that is a guarantee of anything. It only takes one desperate addict, one wandering psycopath, one drunken idiot, a car load of knotheads, or countless other scenarios for the stats to dramatically change. Good luck.
Folks wonder about the liability of a missed shot hitting someone else.

Wonder about the liability if you blow up the gas station and incinerate Baby Jimmy in a car seat at a nearby pump?

Also if you feel safe in your section of the isolated boonies, that is irrelevant to the issue at hand.
Really interesting, reading the thoughts on gas stations.

Just about each time I am in the Cherokee, my Wife of 23 years is with me.
So any actions I take are heavy in that fact.

So vehicle, marked Security one, carry Glock 19 on the belt, under a Florida shirt. The odd time I am doing something for my Son, in uniform, same pistol, same place. Gas up, never less than half full. Gas card. Needs mileage, my Driver number.

Doors locked, music needed!

"Can I spare some cash for GAS!" No. I use Company gas card, it only allows one fill up a day. But the pump is clipped to run on its own. So my view, and attention is free to roam.

If you can not travel, armed, gun on belt, for as long as it takes. You are doing something wrong, Gun/Holster/belt/car seat? Whatever.

Paranoid? No but still alive at 80YOA, I must be doing something right, yes.

One comment, there is a shooting sport, IDPA. This has you using a CCW pistol, with at least a ten round magazine, rules for States that only allow ten round capacity magazines (I use a Glock 19, so down load to ten) this is quite realistic stages of fire, from a holster start, mostly. Two rounds per target, mostly. It is not training as such, but you will not be one of the people, with a holstered pistol, that you have never fired! Yes I have met them.
Sorry my town does not have issues everyone else here must have. Look up Bellevue, Iowa.

Authorities turn to social media for help in Bellevue burglary
TH MEDIA Telegraph Herald
BELLEVUE, Iowa -- Jackson County law enforcement has turned to social media in an effort to get more information about a Sunday burglary in Bellevue.
The county sheriff's department posted several surveillance video clips of two suspects in a burglary shortly after midnight Sunday at Riverside Gas & Grill in Bellevue. The department said an undisclosed amount of cash was taken, and the suspects damaged the interior of the business.
Chief Deputy Steve Schroeder said since posting videos and images Monday, the department has gotten a lot of responses from the public.
Schroeder said the department is assisting the Bellevue Police Department with the investigation. He said he hopes those images and videos will help the department quickly identify the two suspects, even if they are not from the Bellevue area.
lol.. Burglary? I will respectfully just have to disagree about my safety at gas stations. Really a sweet town on the Mississippi with it's own State Park, great hunting, and great fishing. Well..for fun
I guess I could carry my micro AK with folding brace and toss in a 100 round drum. Could use a single point sling and wear my slicker to conceal it. Just in case I get attacked. I could lay down suppressive fire and set up a defensive perimeter or even start a fire with it.:)
Now yer talkin'. :)
But remember those roving gangs from the last depression days?
They favored peaceful looking small towns.
Less cops.
Could happen again, the way things are going.
Just a dreadful thought.
I will respectfully just have to disagree about my safety at gas stations.
Is Bellevue, IA the only place where you refuel? I would be more concerned along 61 south of Dubuque.

Really a sweet town on the Mississippi with it's own State Park, great hunting, and great fishing.
Sounds nice, but the proximity a state park brings with it a different set of risks.