Gas Station Self Defense


New member
As I was pumping fuel this morning the thought jumped into my head... my pistol is in the center console at the moment. If someone approached me and I wasn't able to reach for my pistol... what recourse would I have?

I think about the knife in my Right front pocket, the tactical pen in my left front pocket... and then I realize that I'm holding the fuel pump with my right hand. What are your thoughts about spraying and praying an attacker with the fuel pump? Think that soaking them in gasoline would be a decent strategy for the first offensive move?

I'm sure that this post will either be ignored by most, or receive lots of comments. Please share your thoughts.

It really reminded me of Zoolander and the Fuel Fight scene.
My thought is have your pistol on you, and set the gas nozzle so it doesn't require being held. Most gas stations, especially during low traffic hours, are higher risk for a violent encounter. I am not sure spraying an attacker with gas will stop the attack. It might, but I don't want to be standing in a pool of gasoline while grappling with an idiot. Wear your gun, and pay attention is my advice.
What are your thoughts about spraying and praying an attacker with the fuel pump? Think that soaking them in gasoline would be a decent strategy for the first offensive move?

No. I've been sprayed in the face with gas before while trying to siphon it from our old boat. It's not pleasant, but it's far from incapacitating.

As has already been mentioned, gas stations in certain areas and during certain times of the day pose a higher risk for a violent encounter. The best defense would be to aware of your surroundings, and to have your gun on your person.

I know carrying a gun in the car can be unpleasant if you carry IWB or OWB. During long trips, I leave my Galco King Tuck in my belt but take the gun out and put it in a cheap nylon holster in the door. That way I don't have to sit with it in my back for hours but if I need to stop I can just slide it into my carry holster in a few seconds before I get out.
I've thought about this same thing before. K_Mac already gave the best advice, which is to have your gun on you. I'm not sure what kind of car you drive, but there have been reports that thieves have been opening the door and stealing stuff practically under the driver's nose. Situational awareness is crucial.

Spraying gas on an attacker may not be a bad last ditch effort since his firing a shot may cause him to catch on fire as well. Somehow, I believe getting shot will incapacitate you faster than the gas would incapacitate your attacker, unless he really goes up in flames.
It seems to me that spraying gas around puts everyone in the vicinity at a fairly high risk of serious injury, or even death, not just the BG. Following the same logic as being legally responsible for every round fired from a gun, I would think the potential liability that would spring from spraying gas around would be astronomical. If the gas gets ignited, how many people will be injured or even killed as a result? What if the result is a major explosion of the tanks? How much liability are you willing to take on?
It really reminded me of... ...and the Fuel Fight scene.

Years ago when I was living in Memphis, I actually had to soak a pair of thugs down!!!

Was not very late or in a very bad area...

A face full and their bodies sprayed down really changed their mood and the situation...

Being blinded by the fuel they didn't get far before the MPD arrived and it was very hard trying to convince anyone it was not them...

Gasoline does not play nice.
We don't think about it, but it's dangerous enough just filling your tank, as anyone involved in a gasoline fire can testify.
There's a reason why Indy cars run on alcohol.
You can't spray gas with the new EPA nozzles.

Maybe if you used both hands.

The gas nozzle in one hand coupled with a Bic Lighter in the other would stop most attackers, even zombies.
Sorry if I’m missing something here, but why not simply remove your handgun from the console and place it in your pocket before exiting the car. Then just remember to keep you head on a swivel and don’t focus so much on one task that you lose sight of your surroundings.
don't gas up late at night.

like anything else, you pick the times that you do things, based on convenience, necessity, and safety yes?
There is no reason in TX not to have a CHL and use it to carry. The car gun concept is rather foolish IMHO.

One reason we had the CHL legislation passed in TX is because Dr. Gratia-Hupp had a gun in the car while she was in Luby's and watched her family die.

Also, alertness and attitude when pumping gas is useful. Not looking like a clueless victim is a good thing.
Standing next to your car while pumping gas late at night is likely the most dangerous activity there is for a regular law-abiding citizen. The only thing that equals it is then going into the convenience store at the gas station.

You must really avoid doing this activity at night. There are, of course, certain sections of town that I'd advise never to gas up at, day or night.

But, if you are just in a jam and far away from home and its late at night and you must stop for gas, get back in your car and lock the doors while the pump does its job. Either way, you should have your gun on you when you exit the car.