Gang Initiation


New member
I am on the local volunteer fire department here in northern WI. We got a fax the other day that was sent to all of the fire departments, hospitals, law enforcement, etc. It was concerning something that has happened in a city about 75 miles south of us. Apparently gangs are spreading into our part of the state. One of their "initiations" is to drive around at night with their lights off. The first car that flashes its lights at them becomes the target. I guess this has injured a few people so far. Has anyone ever heard of this before? Is it something to worry about? Our area is currently gang free but the LEOs say that they (gangs) are trying to recruit members around here. I think they are somewhat paranoid but who knows. The local city police tried to pass a law to prohibit selling spray paint to anyone under 18! Just curious if anyone has any knowledge of this initiation technique and if it is something to worry about.

Andy- this was supposedly going on in Denver about 3 years ago. I don't know that it was happening or just one of those self-perpetuating stories. It got a lot of notice, it was during a summer of heightened gang violence in the Denver area.
This is an old one. I think I first heard it about 5 or 6 years ago. At that time it was in Boston.

I know rank it as an "urban legend." I have no doubt that it happened, nor that it has been copycatted (especially after it had become an urban legend).

Bottom line: use common sense, if you flash your lights at someone and they pull a U-ee and ride your bumper... something is up. Secondly, if they don't turn right around, but they "sneak up" on you... well- you should be ready for and trying to avoid "sneaky" bandits all the time.

Roger that on the urban legend, Rob. Same one was going around the Capital Beltway last spring (not that we don't occasionally have shootings on the Beltway), just some gang-mythos BS of no substance. Doesn't hurt to drive gently in any case, though. M2
Yeah, that story was making its way around Charlotte last year also. Made the local paper before someone realized that it was just an urban legend. Doesn't take long for the word to spread, huh?

This is happening...
Me and my partner were in an unmarked old Impala when we flashed a car with the lights off. We decided not to do a stop because we had just observed them pulling out of a shopping center with a brightly lit lot. They turned on the lights and went by. We were riding low on the Impala to hide the patches and badges. They U turned a little ways behind us and came up on our bumper.
I saw them turn and knew something was up...
They Creeped up along side us and I knew they were going to do some thing... So I slammed my brakes and they overshot us. We lit the party lights (They were WIG WAGS with colored replacement bulbs so you could'nt see anything behind the grill - very slick set up) This story had the usual ending... short pursuit leading to the bangers bailing out of the car... short foot pursuit... Bagged 2 out of 5. 2 hours late getting home, got into bed at about 6AM, when the kids get up and pounce me... had court at 11:00AM (different case) back to work at 4PM. And some people ask me why I dont do it anymore?

Kenetic Defense Institute
Were they armed? Records? Gang affiliations?
Do you think they were out for a serious crime?
Or were they just stupid kids copy catting?
No flame taken...
One guy was armed with a Bersa 380 and another was armed with a gold Lorcin 380.
Blazer rounds in both. We found the guns in the car under the seats. The guys we bagged didnt have anything on them.
They were pretty young and dumb. Richmond is full of those types.
Both armed kids had older siblings in gangs.
I dont know if they were in any gang initiation thing - but they were out for trouble.

Have a better one

Kenetic Defense Institute
It so far is just hipe. It was recently in a teenage movie at the theatres. It made the round here in South Florida. Not one legit case has been reported/proven.
I have even heard this up here in Nuclear Wasteland North Dakota. Well, that's what it looks like in the winter. No one has ever been able to substantiate this for us until Kodiac's story. Well done, bro!
When I was stationed at Norton AFB in San Bernardino CA we had an warning form the local police about the same thing. This area of Calif is full of gangs. That was back in 1993. I now work as a corrections officer for Santa Barbara County Sheriffs Dept. I talk to a lot of gang bangers. They love to talk about themselves. The hispanic gangs do not do this type of initiation, but your black gangs ie crips or bloods do on occasion do this. The common thing I have found from my interviews with these scum is that they have no respect for people or property. The scary thing is that these gangsters are so young.They show absolutely no remorse for their crimes. Dave45
Kodiak - Sorry to hear about your run in, sounds like it turned out okay though.

This story made it through Michigan about 3 weeks ago. I considered it to be just another legend designed to get people all worked up.

When my shift and I heard this we vowed to flash our lights at EVERYBODY driving around without lights. We don't take kindly to gangs in these here parts.

In a related story, about two weeks ago one of the bangers had the audacity to beat a teenage kid because he was walking down the street wearing red. The banger made some comment about this being his neighborhood and all. Well it just so happens that it was 1/2 block down from one of my co-workers, and about 2 blocks away from three more of us, myself included.

I took offense to the bangers assertion that it was "his" neighborhood. After work that night I made sure I put on my Red Wigns hockey sweater and hat and took my 105 pound Golden Retriever out for a little walk. We had not a bit of trouble.

I suppose this is just another manifestation of my contrary nature :).

Happy New Year Everyone!

The more I read your postings, the more I like your attitude! We also decided to flash all, just like always. Too often people are willing to give to gangs and keep to themselves and not get involved. Hopefully we can stem that attitude before it becomes an epidemic.
Idiots/scumbag gang wanna-be's hear the same stories we do only they think they are true. Self fullfilling prophacy from the bottom of the gene pool. sorry bout the strong language. Moved from so cal last year.

Kodiac, I'm not young and dumb, but I'm a little old and ignorant. ;) To further enhance my reputation as out of touch (hey there, Rob! ;) ), what are 'blazer rounds'? Tracers? Thanks.
Jeff - I believe Kodiac is referring to CCI Blazers, a cheap practice (ball) ammo. Not what anyone with any intelligence and wisdom would carry, especially in a .380. Then again, nobody with any intelligence or wisdom would carry a Bersa or Lorcin.
You mean my twin gold anodized Lorcins in their custom dual shoulder holster along with my customized hard chrome plated Bersa in ankle holster isn't a good practice :) :)!?!?
Patrick and Dakota:

It is nice that you have that contrary attitude and refuse to give in, but it helps when you are armed (particularly), and possibly have backup and a vest. When I am armed in my car (seldom, because I have yet to escape Kalifornia), I am not afraid of some cheeseball gangsters with their popguns that they can't shoot straigth, but I am afraid of the boys in blue pulling me over and arresting me for protecting myself. It is a little different from a civilian's perspective, we are victims to both the gangs and the laws. When I am out and in my car and see gangsters, you bet I stay out of the way for the simple fact that they are armed and I am not. It is easy to resist giving in to the bad guys when you are armed. I feel like nothing more than a moving target to these people, who have no regard for the law and carry guns no matter how many gun laws are passed.
What am I goingt to do about it, besides get the hell out of this State? I think I am going to become an LEO just to remedy that problem, besides that fact that I know I will love it!


[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited 01-06-99).]