Galil or AUG?


New member
Hello again,
I am in market for a 5.56 weapon. I have narrowed my choices down to Galil and AUG. I cannt seem to decide which one to pick. One is conventional and one is bullpup. I think they are pretty good in terms of reliability but not sure which one would be a more welcome to my collection.

What you think or recommend (and why)?

Thank you.
To me, that's definitely a personal choice. I don't like bullpup designs, so I wouldn't even consider the Aug, but many of my friends love them. However, price is a consideration as well. For a good Galil, you will want an original IMI not the recent Golani from CAI. A preban IMI will run you about $3,500 to $4,500 on GunsAmerica (which tends to be rather high any ways - my local shop has one for $2,800). Augs tend to run for a bit less - about $2,000 (again, my local shop has one for $1,500).

The Galil is definitely heavier than the Aug and is made from stamped metal and a heavier barrel. Meanwhile, the Aug is primarily made from synthetics. My friends claim that they have shot some wonderful groupings with Aug because of the forward grip is much further down the barrel than most traditional forward grips on a rifle. On the other hand, I too have shot some good groups with a Galil. I would go with the IMI Galil but then again, I guess I'm biased as I don't like bullpups.
Since you tend to run around in a convoy of vehicles (judging from your other posts), I'd think the compactness of an AUG will be greatly advantageous in mounting/dismounting your vehicle.
The AUG is a lousy combat weapon (I I understand it) best suited to ninjawannabes (and I like them and wouldnt feel unarmed with one, just know I could do better)

WildgalilAlaska TM

not in the fa group but the 2 augs i have fired have convinced this old man it would be his choice. maybe they just fit my hands better but there were 4 different brands there and out to 300 yrds i was hands down better with the aug.:D
A reservation I have with AUG is that it cannot be fired from your weak side. In car, and in situations where firing from your weak side is unavoidable, AUG's bullpup design is a problem.

Cost here:
AUG costs about 10,000$
Galil costs about 4,000$
when i was in the army i used to be an instructor on the south-african variant of the galil the R4. in the few years i served there were very few problems with this rifle. although there must have been other problems the only one i can remember was my own rifle jamming once on the shooting range. it was a competition between the junior officers and the nco's. i was so amazed at this jam that the sergeant-major started laughing.

a lot of our training was done in the desert or semi-desert were sand and dust were a big problem. we never gave our rifles special attention.

i recently watched a movie by the name of "starship troopers 3" in the directors comments section he explained that the assault rifles the troops used was in fact R4's with some body kit over to suit the story line. he went on to say that this, the R4, was one of the most reliable rifles he had come in to contact with.

a former school teacher of mine used to be part of the citizen force of the new sa army and was part of the national masters(over 55 years)shooting team of the army. they often compete against the USA Britain Australia Canada and New Zealand. they have won and lost against all these countries.

so in my opinion the the galil is one of the best assault rifle's. having said that i have no experience of the AUG. for all i know the AUG might be better
The ergonomics on the Galil are mediocre and it weighs a ton. It is reliable.

The ergonomics on the AUG are awful (malf drills and mag changes are awkward and clumsy) and it's light and compact. It is also reliable.

If you gave me one of either, I would thank you politely, wait 'til you left, and then sell it and use the cash to buy an M4.
As an IDF vet, and with extensive usage of the Galil in the early 90's, i would have to say that the Galil is the single finest assault rifle on the planet. It is the AK 47 times 2.
The Israeli's took the AK 47 and made it much better, creating the Galil.

Listen, in combat you want a rifle that will not let you down, is accurate, moderately powerful, easy to handle and somewhat compact.

The Galil has a folding stock for when you are in an armored vehicle.

Hands down, no question, buy the Galil.
If the Galil is so great, why is it only "substitute standard" for Zahal REMFs, while most fighting units use M16's and M4's?
Probably because they can buy M16s from us on the cheap and use the production capacity that frees up to make more armored bulldozers, Merkava tanks, and other useful, specialized gear they can't buy from us.

And because there is nothing wrong with the M16, it's all gain for Israel.
haven't seen a stamped galil yet. only MILLED ones. maybe u were thinking Valmet (which comes in both flavors)?
The Galil is definitely heavier than the Aug and is made from stamped metal

many M16s were offered for free or for very cheap to Israel. simple economics. but the M16 doesn't take to the dustbowl known as the mid east as well as the AK/Galil guns.
Probably because they can buy M16s from us on the cheap and use the production capacity that frees up to make more armored bulldozers, Merkava tanks, and other useful, specialized gear they can't buy from us.

And because there is nothing wrong with the M16, it's all gain for Israel.
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1. Tamara: I dont see how you find AUG ergonomics aweful. You are not getting one for xmas!
2. I have M4. Its a great gun, but jamming issues are there.
3. Does anyone know what other 5.56 rifles aussies use beside Aug and M4?
4. Cost wise Galil is working out better for me.
5. My dealer has told me that he has an Australian rifle (he doesnt know the name) which has bolt like g3. I am confused as to what in the world is that? Do you know? He claims that is pretty good.