Front Sight Press AND Quick Kill??

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"You commented on sights, so apparently you totally understand that 'no' sighting system is 100% dialed in at every distance. That is why we all set our sights to the distance that we expect our weapons will be used. Geeeeez"

I don't see anywhere Mr Magoo had mentioned sights, can you give us the quote in his post skyguy?

"That is why we all set our sights to the distance that we expect our weapons will be used"

First, we don't ALL set our sights. Mainly because fixed sights can not be set except for windage to begin with and many people use fixed sights. Now adjustable sights, they CAN be set, but I have never seen one person reset sights for anywhere near combat distances either, they are usually left alone.

So I'll ask, how you come to state "That is why we all set our sights ?

"For self defense ranges past point shooting range (which is arms length to about 20 ft), the laser should be adjusted to poa/poi and sighted in at about 40 ft. At that range my lasergripped 1911 will generally group about 3" or less. About the size of your forehead."

You set your laser for poa/poi at 40 feet? Why? The odds of you having to use it in a civilian or police setting at that range are slim and slimmer by all accounts. Seems inappropriate to go against the odds on the street to me.

"Just place the dot….and you'll hit that spot."

Seems you have just stated the opposite based on Mr Magoos posting, why are you continuing to use a misnomer like that?

"All other sighting systems have certain poses and form that require consistent practice."

WRONG again skyguy.

QK can be shot upside down, from your sides, standing on one foot, two feet, iso, weaver, one handed, two handed, and does not have any ONE pose that requires consistant practice. About the only way I haven't shot it is standing on my head, but I know it will work if I ever find I need to use it that way.

We've figured out how to run and get 90% hits with QK, what pose would that be considered? I pose the question because you really do not understand nor comprehend what QK is or how it works to be making statements like those above.

Call me silly, but your statments seem geared toward continually pushing the laser on people at considerable expense of others skills.

Robin Brown
I don't see anywhere Mr Magoo had mentioned sights, can you give us the quote in his post skyguy?

Sure he mentioned sights. He commented on the CT laser sights. You know, single indexed CT laser sights. lol

We've figured out how to run and get 90% hits with QK, what pose would that be considered?

That would be the far fetched and unrealistic pose.
My experience with being shot at tells me that your best bet is to run and dive for cover....unless you're shooting at paper that doesn't shoot back. That could be a cool game.

Just place the dot....and you'll hit that spot. Guaranteed!
"That would be the far fetched and unrealistic pose."

Really? Interesting that almost every trainer is now geared towards moving and shooting through FoF training, but that is unrealistic to you hey? The more I see of your statements, the less impressed I am with them.

"My experience with being shot at tells me that your best bet is to run and dive for cover."

Really, perhaps thats because you were never trained to move and shoot at the same time. The MODS at threatfocused can run and shoot quite nicely, born of necessity and seeing with FoF that if you don't move AND return effective fire [ like in VN, remember those days? ], you'll likely just die tired.

Running and diving for cover, hhm, thats interesting. I suppose then you would of course bring out that nifty laser sighted death ray and from some awkward position and drill em right?

I was also taught by some of the best to stand and deliver as your best bet. Have the skills to return killing fire immediately, without a laser. Running wastes time you don't or may not have, better to get return fire in their direction and on them than just run and dive for cover.

Andwhat if there is no cover close by, happens all the time on the streets, caught out in the open, you gonna just run and run and run till you do find cover while taking incoming? Not the best of plans or how to train really.

Of course if thats all you know, that all you can do.

I notice you didn't respond to the below question yet, could you take a look again, perhaps you missed it.

"The combat crouch is mocked by some of those expert trainers."
I've not seen anyone state that here. Care to provide documentation of that accusation?

Robin Brown
skyguy, A piece of eqipment will never make up for your obvious lack of knowledge and skillset.

I am also very wary of the fact that your insults just mysteriously disappear, with no edit notations on the bottom of the screen. Who are you really and what kind of game are you running here? You log on and go straight to the insults, then you run 9-10 pages of stating the exact same thing over and over again. That does not work so you go back to the insults. Are you trolling? Are you suffering from OCD? What is your real agenda?

BTW, brownie and I do get hits well above 90% on the sprint. Something you would never be able to do with a laser or any other form of sighted fire. Mark that up as another thing, on a long list of things ,that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Your lack of knowledge and skill set can be a very dangerous thing, if taken by the unsuspecting, at face value.
Just place the dot....and you'll hit that spot. Guaranteed!

I have already proven that to be FALSE.
  1. The point of origin for both is offset by over an inch (low+right)
  2. A laser is a straight line, a bullet path is an arc
  3. If the laser is parallel to the barrel, the laser dot and the POI will be at least an inch off
  4. If the laser is sighted in to match a POI at a specific distance, it will be off for all other distances.

Do yourself a service and at least 'try' a Lasergrip. You're the beneficiary. You'll be amazed what this 21st century technology has to offer.

I don't need to, I already understand it is a toy. Just another expensive toy to impress your friends with. I ain't impressed. If you cannot control your weapon without relying on a laser, do us all a favor and keep the weapons locked up in the Gunsafe. I don't want to be in the area when you miss.

My experience with being shot at tells me that your best bet is to run and dive for cover....

I would suggest picking better quality friends, or stop pushin' laser sights on 'em . . . :D

While I am on the subject, so far you have either linked to or copy+pasted pert-near the entire CT website on this thread. An obsession to this degree usually means either a financial interest or seeking emotional confirmation that you did not waste money on a new toy.
You say you don't work for CT
You say you don't own CT stock
If you are looking for confirmation . . . I ain't givin' it.
OK gentlemen. Thus far, we have 225 posts that basically state: 1. My apples are better than your oranges (can we agree that, while they're different, they both have a place in the world?), and 2. You've agreed to disagree.

Most of it was done without getting down and dirty, but it appears that's changing, and it's getting entirely too personal.

Robin & Skyguy have both presented some very good training tips, even if they do differ, but I think this thread has about run it's course.

Feel free to agree to disagree.... politely, in a new thread, if you wish, but this one's done.
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