French SEALs Carry the 6" S&W 686 !!!

.....Huh?Wha...????Did someone say something?

Like I said before, F THE FRENCH (especially the guy from "Guntec" that shows up at all the gun shows)! Proud? I think not! Of what? More like stuck up and defensive because they got their arses kicked (like the fox and the sour grapes).
Yeh, you're right. :(

I guess I should have expected that from someone who's interests are "Big boobs and big guns".
That's CHIEF Inspector Clouseau!

About the French, they are an enigma. I happen to be descended from their stock but my people left before AD 1700. They were still fighting with rapiers and Browning designed matchlocks and wheelocks, then!

The thing that gets me is that most every political flake such as Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, Ayatolla Khomeini, was incubated there before they couped their original country. The French seem to tolerate real @$$h0le$, yet are ungrateful to an America who saved their bacon twice this century. You don't have to kiss my @$$, but at least be a little nice!

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
Didn't they kind of help us in the Revolution and some of our flakes went their also?

I'm sure they are real happy about Ho Chi Minh.

Great cheese and do you prefer German Kissing?

Ha ha
Maybe the french have not done much for use in the last 200 years of the republic but they were darned importantat in the first 10 or so...

as for using a .357mag it shure beats the .32 acp(7.65acp) or .380 (9kurz)often carried by the germans.
I remember a recent article on Manuhrin in a gun magazine (my magazines are not with me so I can't check which one). The article made the point that Manuhrin is (was?) manufactured right next to Switzerland and it may be the influence of Swiss manufacturing that led to the production of such a very high quality revolver. Who knows...I'm not going to bash or defend the French...maybe they simply made a great gun and deserve credit for it?
Anybody that doubts French technical abilities should drive a Citroen 2CV. :eek:

So many pistols, so little money.
Zounds! Mon Dieu! Citroen du Cheveaux? Formidable! LOL ;)

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
The French had at least as much to do with winning the War Of Independance as we did, Yorktown was more their victory than ours. It is untrue however to say that there was widespread resistance in WWII by the Maquis, this is a PC thing blown up in post war years to make it look pretty for for the French who by and large liked the Germans (and still do).

As for victories, anyone heard of Napoleon ? I believe he chalked up quite a few until the British kicked his ass at Waterloo in Belgium. Also, Britain (not England) withstood German aggression for 2 years on her own while we dithered, if they had not done so, we would have been in the S**T with an occupied Europe about to join forces with the Japanese.

Mike H

[This message has been edited by Mike H (edited January 08, 2000).]
Japs? That's a racial slur that's insulting to some of us. I made my comments in jest, perhaps I should've placed a smiley face after them. I've got nothing against the French nor anyone else for that matter. I must say, however, that I never got worst treatment from any group of people like I did in Paris. Maybe it's a big city thing. Who knows.

So many pistols, so little money.

My apologies, no racial slur intended, I personally don't mind being referred to as a Yank, the British Limeys or the Australians Aussies - but I understand your viewpoint and withdraw the phrase.

Yes the French can be pretty obnoxious in Paris, but did you get out of the city into the REAL France, the countryside villages, the people are way different and very welcoming. Imagine the difference between that dung heap called New York and visting pretty much anywhere else in honest and decent rural America. Cities are the same the world over.

Once again no offence intended.

Mike H
You must remember--the French blew up the original Rainbow Warrior (of GreenPeace fame).

Personally, I'd like to buy the French Frogs responsible for that little action a large alcoholic beverage of their choice.


Lots of great stuff comes from France. Don't know much about their guns, but they do produce some cool technology. I just don't want them to export everything they have. How many countries' unemployed workers strike successfully for a larger Christmas bonus? Yikes! Some of the women are lovely, yet many have unfamiliar shaving habits. Mon dieu indeed! :)
Ice Man,
With all due respect, revolvers are not the only weapons that are suitable for coming up shooting out of the water. How about the Glock 17? Not only it is very, very, resistant to rust, but it will also shoot UNDER water (when equipped with an optional set of maritime spring cups). Check out this link for more details:

Happy Trails...

You're a true gentleman.

Aren't most auomatics capable of firing when wet? I remember reading that the Dutch Royal Marine used the SIG Sauer P226 for waterborne operations.

So many pistols, so little money.
Cowboy- I know what you mean-- I had the same question (and the same incredulity) when I learned this from one our Seal Teams, as I was familiar with all the glock torture testing stuff as well as the underwater shooting, plus all the HK SOCOM marketing. All I can tell you, and this is from the "horse's mouth", is that for saltwater ops where they have to swim in, US naval special forces leave their sigs and SOCOMs at home and strap on stainless 686s with laynards and as soon as possible on land clean their M4 and other longarms.

[This message has been edited by Ice Man (edited January 08, 2000).]