FREE On-line Self Defense Video Course

Any bit of additional info adds to the mental arsenal we will all have to use against those who would attempt to take out lives. Thanks much for posting this sticky!
I know this is an old thread and most have moved on from it, but 1 more thanks for the links, great info on the videos
Can you copy this to DVD and how do you do it? Don't want to break copyright laws but would like to send my PC-less,doen'twant one mother a copy (I did buy her a dvd for watching movies with the grandkids at night).
Looks good, but I can only see the the video advertisements for Smart carry, the shop and the pack, I cant see the actual training course I tried to copy the target and I get a message that the format is not suported by internet explorer, but then why is it I can see the ardvertisements?
I truly wanted to see the course:(
Dude, I Watch TV too, and I Don't Need This Stuff!

Come on, now!

Smart Carry, Dumb Carry, what's the difference?

I don't need web commercials on top of the other garbage that gets thrown at me on TV.

Don't waste my time and bandwidth with this kind of nonsense!

You may log into the Firing Line to watch come-on ads, but I definitely don't!
I really love how he demonstrates with LOADED firearms. :rolleyes::barf:

I sure am glad I'm not in a classroom with this guy. I wonder if his cameraman gets hazzard pay.

What a goon. :mad:
I No likey.

Aside from the amazing breeches of muzzle discipline, he states that a knife is in the continium of force. Say again?!?!?! Let me get this straight... He believes that a knife is less lethal than a gun. He states, "fists, pepper spray, knife, gun." He then draws the knife flicks it to open it (and acts as though those watching will be impressed by that) and prepares to defend himself with it.

I understand that a knife can be used as a weapon. What I don't understand is why he would say that a knife ranks below the gun in a continium of force. Maybe he has some case prescedent that backs that statement up, but a man armed with a knife can kill you just as dead as a man armed with a gun. He just has a shorter ranged weapon.

I think Mas is credited with saying something along the lines of always respect a weapon that can send you home in multiple body bags.

Me thinks this instructor should get to a Thunder Ranch, Gunsite or an ILF course before he films another of these painful videos.

On a funnier note, I did find it mildly ammusing when he is pointing at his crotch while wearing the smart carry and swaying side to side. Good thing the sound worked, or there would have been some 'splainin' to do.
I laughed when he opened up the revolver and all the rounds fell out all over himself LOL. Good instruction though, very similar to the class I had when I got my Concealed Carry Permit. And good idea to practice with snap caps.

I always carry my semi autos with NO round in the chamber and only chamber a round when I'm ready to shoot. This is the safest way to carry and you can train to chamber a round when you draw and it doesn't take any additional time. That's why I carry a Glock because when I chamber a round I don't want to be bothered with a safety. Just watch some of the Die Hard movies and you'll see that one of the tactics they use is to sneak up behind the enemy, grab the gun in their holster and shoot them in the foot with their own gun. I noticed that in this training video he did have a LIVE round in the chamber and I saw it hit the table when he pulled back the slide. Not safe in my opinion, but like he said everyone has their own slight modification of self defence tactics. Like the post above, I'm glad I wasn't actually in the classroom with this guy. That live round in the chamber had me jumping in my chair the rest of the way through.

What's the deal with the old thread warning? I post something new that's already been posted and get yelled at by the older folks and here I am with an 'Old Thread Warning' LOL.
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With all due respect to all of those on this thread who seem to favor those videos I have most certainly seen better instruction than this before . . .

Is there any time you simply believe anything and everything you hear? No.
It is prudent to critique.
Not to say there wasn't some good points, there was.

Eli W.
Thanks Andy 6222 for the post. Obviously there was some good and bad to be taken from the videos, but we learn from both.