FREE On-line Self Defense Video Course

Andy 6222

Learn / review the intracacies and implications of handling a firearm
and be able to defend yourself with it. What are
the decision making issues relevant for the use of a firearm when
a life threatening situation occurs?

Log onto Freedom Broadcast Network - FBN
or to this Direct Link:

Tune into the Self Defense Network on Channel [3] where world renowned Conceal Carry Weapons Instructor - Richard Stefani teaches the above topics and more on video with a Conceal Carry perspective.

Richard Stefani's FREE on-line Self Defense Course is divided into 23 Chapters. You and your loved ones can watch these videos at your own pace. Learn for the first time or be reminded of the important aspects of handling a firearm even if you are an experienced gun owner.
Thanks and You're Welcom

Thanks Michigun and DMK, enjoy the refresher info.
Best of all it's free - there's so much to know when
considering using a gun, but the bottom line, it's our
God (and Constitutional) given right.

I checked it out. This is a darn fine course and hits all the high point that any CCW course should. It is not specific to any one state's law, but neither are morality or common sense. I would recommend it to any and every one who owns a handgun or is thinking of buying a handgun.

The folks that are providing this course free of charge to anyone interested are true heroes of the RKBA battle.
thanks for the link...watched the whole thing all the way though.

I really did learn a few things I never thought about before (I don't have a CCW yet but will in another two years) though a few things did make me kinda laugh, first when he covers himself with the Mod. 29 and admits to it and just kinda looks down and smiles and you can just see him thinking (I really ****ed up right there) and then when he talks about being pulled over and says "Do you think you need a federal background check to get a drivers license? Hell No! Any Juarez or Jiminez can go down to MacArthur Park and get a counterfeit one!"
That made me laugh pretty good :D
How do you access the videos? All I get are the sponsors ads. I looked for a place to register but couldn't find anything, all I could find was the login screen.
Good stuff, Andy! Thanks for posting it.

I'm going to sticky this for a few months so more people can take advantage of it, and I encourage others here to do just that. :)
All I can see are the ads. The links still looking for sponsors don't have anything. I tried clicking on the handgun at the left of each course box and it was the same thing. Any other hints on how to view the courses?

Thank You
Link still good?

Has anyone tried to access this link lately? I've used IE and Firefox and neither one is able to connect. I get a "DNS lookup error" :(
With all due respect to all of those on this thread who seem to favor those videos I have most certainly seen better instruction than this before . . .

Also one other thing, there is a general consensus that the extreme shock ammo that he is advocating is not at all what it is cracked up to be.

Just FYI so you can come to your own decision and be as informed as possible.