Free Matthew Corwin

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If they are coming down on him this hard for a chemical suit, an ID, and a badge...

My father would have been hung from the yardarm by these prosecutors. He "stole" his issue sidearm (1911) when he left the service.

A 1919-A4 really isn't an "assault weapon" in CA?
So I am a little confused did he posses any firearms that are illegal by California State law?

If so then he broke the law! Even if we feel that the California laws as ridicules they still apply in that state. Where I live I could own a 50 BMG, he can’t. If he purchased one and brought that firearm into California then that is illegal, he knew it and broke that law, hence he is a criminal. If he did not agree with California guns law then hold off on purchasing them, complete school, then move to another state then start your collection.

I think we can all agree that some of the California guns laws are asinine. It is still their state laws and has to be followed by their residents. Because if someone is ignorant of the firearms laws in that State doesn’t mean you can break them because it is legal in other states.

When I took my class and test for my CCW the instructor gave us a run down on WV laws. If someone breaks into my house at night and he takes the TV and leaves, I can try to stop him (hit, punch, etc…) but I can not shot the guy. Why, he did not have a weapon that could kill me and my life was not endangered. So if I shot the guy and go to jail then I am ignorant for not knowing the laws. He told another story of a guy that got into an argument with two other men. This action led to a fist fight. The guy was carrying a CCW lawfully. The two men proceeded to kick his butt. The Police arrived and told the guy he was smart for not pulling his gun, he was in a fist fight and knew he was not going to get killed. If he would have pulled his gun then the other men could have pulled a weapon and killed him legally.

Know the laws.
For Pesta

The old saying of "Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it" should also hold true with the people entrusted of enforcing it don't you think? That's more the issue here. Matt has been run thru the system on erroneous charges by the DA and super high bail posted for LEGAL possessions but was charged with their ILLEGALITY anyway. I thought it was the DA's job to prove guilt not the prosecuted to prove innocence after arrest. It appears a haphazard warrant was obtained and not substantiated with any evidence other than a website. At the very least, a little surveillance or records check for the legal firearms he possessed (ergo the 1919a was legal but he had a felony charge nonetheless).

I'm assuming these rifles were/are legally configured for use here in the PRK, though that may have changed from the last time someone saw him at the range with him til the time he was arrested (I doubt it). There have also been cases where the magazine couldn't be removed by the Police and they took a sledghammer to get it out, still charged the guy for AW possession even though the law is quite clear in that respect (non detachable magazine, 10rds or less). They dropped the charges and he got his rifle back (condition unknown).

The DOJ Bureau of Firearms (downgraded this year from Division) has abdicated responsibilty of clarification of AW to the 58 DA of the state even though they are technically the authority for all. They have also posted memo's that have no fact in law (as much as they'd like it to be) that have changed the language of the regulations and laws regarding firearms and refuse to remove it from their website. Kinda shady don't you think.

Have a great Kenpo day

Abstract said:
IF he's so smart, then what's he doing being in possession of illegal weapons in Kalifornia? I read the indictment. He's in a heap o' trouble.
Estimated non-compliance with assault weapon registration was in the 6-figures:

If you assume that at least 11% (55k) of the estimated number (500k-1M) of CA "assault weapon" owners are "smart", then the majority of "smart" people failed to register their weapons as of 2001. (27000 < 55000/2)
Y'know, I read about this somewhere on another forum a week or so back, and I wondered if this was TFL's poster with the same name.

I came by and looked around a bit, but didn't see anything..I found that surprising because I remember a year or two ago there was a big howtodo about someone who was asking questions about shotguns here, and then went on to kill someone.

Anyways, yow. Interesting times.

gfen, nothing important to add.
pesta said:
So I am a little confused did he posses any firearms that are illegal by California State law?

If so then he broke the law! Even if we feel that the California laws as ridicules they still apply in that state. Where I live I could own a 50 BMG, he can’t. If he purchased one and brought that firearm into California then that is illegal, he knew it and broke that law, hence he is a criminal. If he did not agree with California guns law then hold off on purchasing them, complete school, then move to another state then start your collection.

I think we can all agree that some of the California guns laws are asinine. It is still their state laws and has to be followed by their residents. Because if someone is ignorant of the firearms laws in that State doesn’t mean you can break them because it is legal in other states.


Know the laws.
The primary law that applies in firearms-related cases is the Second Amendment. Laws contrary to that Amendment are null and void, even if the enemies of the Bill of Rights draft and enforce those "laws." It's the legislators and enforcers of unconstitutional laws who are the true criminals, not those who break them.

Having said that, if this guy really did deal in stolen property or commit some other real crime, then it's appropriate that he be charged for that.
Over at, there is a subform that discusses Matt Corwins charges and defense in detail. Go here. A legal defense fund has been set up, Go here for details.
A. Any law banning so-called "assault weapons" is a direct, clear violation of the 2nd amendment, and completely unconstitutional. Let's not forget that key important fact.

B. As mentioned, 6 of the original 12 charges were completely bogus, as the guns weren't illegal even under Calif.'s unconstitutional scheme of laws. That's false arrest / false imprisonment / malicious prosecution.

C. Why do the news story, and the police spokesperson both used the word "ammunition" in a string of nouns after the adjective "illegal", when it appears there was NO illegal ammunition of any sort. That is completely defamatory to this man.

D. WTF - Bah - I think I'm going to chip in $50-$100 to this man's defense fund.
Anyone -- I repeat -- ANYONE who is stupid enough to air their dirty laundry on sites like myspace is an idiot, pure and simple. I don't have a myspace account and I never will.

EXACTLY!!!! I do not have one. My Wife does not have one. My children, when they get old enough, will not have them. If I ever catch the kids with them they will find the computer locked away from them and their entertainment limited to books.

More and more the charges seem like a crock but this guy is out of his mind for posting such pictures online of himself and his weapons. When it comes to threats, guns and especially schools the authorities are going to act first and investigate later.
One thing I should mention about MySpace that some might not be aware of is that it's possible to make your profile private. That means only other MySpace users whom you have designated as "friends" can view it.

Of course, it would still be foolish to post any pics of "illegal" weapons on there or any such things.
Musketeer said:
EXACTLY!!!! I do not have one. My Wife does not have one. My children, when they get old enough, will not have them. If I ever catch the kids with them they will find the computer locked away from them and their entertainment limited to books.
Whether you know about it or not, your kids will have a MySpace account regardless of your position.

For a large portion of middle and high school age kids, being grounded from their MySpace page is far worse punishment than being grounded from using the phone.

When your kid is 15 years old and meets a new girl and she writes her myspace username on his hand, do you really think he's going to be saying "Oh, sorry, my dad doesn't allow me to use myspace."?

It may be stupid to put information about yourself on the internet, but it is even more stupid and disgusting that we have to worry about our government coming and arresting us based on nothing but legal pictures we wanted to share with our friends.
Man, some of you guys here are a bit harsh. Ever think about the fact that one of the most anti-gun organizations in the world (CA BOF) has been harassing many people across the state? I have a friend that owns a gun store here in CA..... he's been charged with several similar counts.

The DOJ is pissed off because people have found loopholes in the AWB here. They are prosecuting cases with no legal basis; they are enforcing INTERNAL policy rather than law.

People like Abstract should consider reading the charges (last time I checked a .308 1919 is not a .50 cal) AND some of the information about CA law prior to spouting off with some of the BS I've seen here. Some of you guys may want to at least consider staying neutral until you're informed rather than taking the side of the enemy right off the bat.
Time has told :)

To those that supported me, thank you, it really meant a lot knowing that I was not alone in a tough fight.

To those that seemed more than happy to buy the .gov line hook and sinker, no hard feelings, but IMO you should never be allowed to use the term "sheeple" on this forum in relation to anyone but yourselves. I hope you never find yourself in the position I was in.

Time will tell but having worked for child services and knowing how hard t is to get charges brought against even guilty people I find it hard to believe that someone that has done nothing wrong would get a case this severe brought against them.

Believe it.
I have some pictures of me and my guns (some of them) on MySpace...profile set to private and only people I invite can see them. No problems here.

Probably what happened is they thought those 1919-A4's were fully auto and illegally owned and they jumped without too much thinking.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse but it looks like a majority of the "real" stuff was dropped. Unless he bought/sold guns illegally (per Cali's laws...if you live there you have to follow them) I hope he gets released and files a nice lawsuit for emotional distress or something.

EDIT: Didn't see that he has posted...congratulations. I'm sure you can't talk about what happened (not sure what a civil compromise means) but hopefully you have all of your property back and any ill effects (mental, physical, or financial) will be short lived or gone already. I also agree that anyone who just takes the "word of the police" without any investigation or critical thinking has no room to call anyone but themselves "sheeple".
To those that seemed more than happy to buy the .gov line hook and sinker, no hard feelings, but IMO you should never be allowed to use the term "sheeple" on this forum in relation to anyone but yourselves. I hope you never find yourself in the position I was in.

Baaaaaaaaaaa! :o

I didn't actually post here, but when I saw that list of charges I just assumed the police weren't making things up out of whole cloth.

Wow. It's amazing what the police can whip up when they really want to harass someone. Knowing cops and the stories they tell, and knowing/reading about people who have had similar tales, I should never be suprised. But you keep wanting to believe the authorities aren't that corrupt or vindictive.

I hope you successfully sue these oppressors for everything they've got. The story is more like something that would happen under a stalinist regime (oh, wait ... it is Kalifornia).

The insanity continues. But thank you for serving our country. Even if that country is currently putting you through the wringer.
Welcome back!

I am still baffled that you can't own an AR with a normal mag-release in CA, but a semi-auto 1919-A4 is just fine. Are there a lot of CA residents going with the belt-fed option?:D
You can also own a Socom 16... But if the laws made sense, it would imply they were not written by idiots, and only idiots would write laws like these.

Congrats on coming out on top of the California system. When do you get your weapons back?

Also, what can you tell me about your semi-auto 1919A4 Browning? Sounds real interesting as a fun-gun. Neat how you got around mag restrictions with a semi-auto belt fed... very creative and unique. If they aren't crazy-expensive I'd like to look into getting one.
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