Free Matthew Corwin

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50 shooter

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Wrongfully accused, wrongfully imprisoned, and held for days without even being charged, Matthew Corwin is now a sad testimony to a climate of fear.

In this post-9/11 era, and especially after the recent tragedies at Virginia Tech, it is perhaps natural for people to be afraid. Fear can be a good thing. It keeps us alive and unhurt, prompting us to use another ATM machine, for example, when a group of thugs hangs around your first choice after dark, casting furtive glances at you as you walk by. But fear can consume you, too, and it can grow into a monster. If you were frightened by a young black man in baggy pants outside your ATM machine, would it be right for you to attack - or arrest - a black student on his way to class in the middle of the day? What if he were wearing baggy pants? Can you justify doing that to someone, just because you were frightened by the way they looked? What if this young man, who turns out to be the class president and had committed no crime, were arrested by the police? Would you be angry? Would you feel a sense of injustice? If you wouldn't, you need to have a long talk with yourself.

Yet this is exactly what was done to Matthew Corwin. President of the Associated Student Body at East L. A. College, military veteran, and part-time MP in the US Army Reserve, Matthew was arrested last week on suspicion of having illegal weapons. You see, in addition to his other interests, Matthew is also a gun-rights advocate. That's right, he has guns. He likes guns. He has lots of friends who like guns, and they go target shooting together on weekends. He is no brooding loner or psychopath. He is just different enough to get noticed. And get noticed he did, when he posted pictures of himself and his friends holding their guns on myspace.

Liking guns is not a crime. Having guns is not a crime. Wearing baggy pants is not a crime. It's true, there are some guns that we, as ordinary citizens, are not allowed to have. But Matthew knows these laws. He knows what is and is not legal, and he and his friends work hard to stay within the law. What they do not do is hide. They are not "in the closet" about their hobby. With them, what you see is what you get.

Last Thursday night, Matthew paid for that honesty, that openness, with his freedom. He didn't hurt anybody. He didn't threaten anybody. He just frightened somebody by being himself.

And now he is in jail. His bond is set at $365,000, so he will not be leaving any time soon. Adding insult to injury, he is prohibited from going within 100 yards of his school's campus, if he manages to get out of jail, or from contacting anyone there. How will he pass his classes and finish the term? Who will do his duties as student body president? Was he a threat to anyone, the next Virginia Tech shooter? Of course not. Ask any of his numerous friends, and they will tell you he was not.

Don't let this fear grow into a monster. Free Matthew Corwin.

Video from FOX 11
Looking around just a bit, it looks to me like Corwin was charged with five counts of unlawful assault-weapon sales, four counts of unlawful possession of assault weapons, two counts of possession of a deadly weapon and one count of receiving stolen property. Supposedly the weapons were stolen from the military. Granted the articles I saw had a lot of fear-mongering in them, but based on the tiny amount of digging that I did, I'm not sure "freeing" Corwin is such a good idea...
This is Kali we're talking about. They have their own ideas about what constitutes an "assault weapon" and most of what was shown on the video seems to qualify.

Anyone -- I repeat -- ANYONE who is stupid enough to air their dirty laundry on sites like myspace is an idiot, pure and simple. I don't have a myspace account and I never will.
IF he's so smart, then what's he doing being in possession of illegal weapons in Kalifornia? I read the indictment. He's in a heap o' trouble.

The indictment didn't mention any of the silly "charges" mentioned in the OP's first post.
Here is the charges. Condensed from:

"ev. 900-1/99 DA Case 27397183 Page 7 Case No. GA069547

COUNT 1 through 5
On or about February 26, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the
PENAL CODE SECTION 12280(a)(1), a Felony, was committed by MATTHEW ARTHUR
CORWIN, who did unlawfully manufacture, caused to the manufactured,
distribute, transport, import into this State, keep for sale, offer and
expose for sale, give and lend an assault weapon and a .50 BMG rifle, to
wit: 1919 A4, .30 CALIBER MACHINE GUN.

* * * * *
On or about April 26, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime
12280(b), a Felony, was committed by MATTHEW ARTHUR CORWIN, who did
unlawfully possess an assault weapon, to wit: CALIBER 7.62 MODEL MK 991.

* * * * *
On or about April 26, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime
12280(b), a Felony, was committed by MATTHEW ARTHUR CORWIN, who did
unlawfully possess an assault weapon, to wit: MODEL FAR-15, CALIBER 5.56

* * * * *

On or about April 26, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime
12280(b), a Felony, was committed by MATTHEW ARTHUR CORWIN, who did
unlawfully possess an assault weapon, to wit: 1919 A4, CALIBER MACHINE GUN.

* * * * *

On or about April 26, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime
12280(b), a Felony, was committed by MATTHEW ARTHUR CORWIN, who did
unlawfully possess an assault weapon, to wit: MODEL GATOR, (AR-15),

* * * * *

On or about April 26, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime
12020(a)(1), a Felony, was committed by MATTHEW ARTHUR CORWIN, who did
unlawfully manufacture, cause to be manufactured, import into the State of
California, keep for sale, offer and expose for sale, and give, lend, and
possess an instrument and weapon of the kind commonly known as a SHURIKEN,

* * * * *

On or about April 26, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime
12020(a)(1), a Felony, was committed by MATTHEW ARTHUR CORWIN, who did
unlawfully manufacture, cause to be manufactured, import into the State of
California, keep for sale, offer and expose for sale, and give, lend, and
possess an instrument and weapon of the kind commonly known as a SAP

* * * * *

On or about April 26, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime
Felony, was committed by MATTHEW ARTHUR CORWIN, who did unlawfully buy,
receive, conceal, sell, withhold, and aid in concealing, selling, and
withholding property, to wit, MILITARY IDENTIFICATION, MILITARY BADGE,
MILITARY CHEMICAL SUIT, TACTICAL ENTRY, which had been stolen and obtained
by extortion, knowing that said property had been stolen and obtained by

1919s are not assault weapons, so counts 1-5 & 8 are total BS.

Given BWO’s participation here, I’m pretty sure the other firearms are in a legal state, so that’d kill counts 6, 7, & 9.

Count 10 is BS because the law defines a shuriken as having no handles, while the four bladed knife BWO had has four handles (imagine four lock back knives joined at the butt into a cross).

Count 11 is unadulterated BS: Sap Gloves are not mentioned in PC§12020 anywhere. Saps are, but a “sap glove” isn’t a “blackjack, slungshot, billy, sandclub, sap, or sandbag.”

That leaves us with count 12, which is a pretty low thing to charge a recently discharged vet with in state court.

This is an update on where he is and a link to

Have a great Kenpo day

An update on the charges

Corwin Case Update - May 17, 2007 / 3:45PM PST

On Monday, May 14, 2007, Matthew Corwin’s bail was reduced from $365,000 to $120,000 after the District Attorney agreed to drop six of the most serious assault weapons charges against Mr. Corwin. This was due in part to Trutanich-Michel, LLP’s success in convincing the government that the 1919 firearms (and the counts related to those firearms) are not illegal.

A hearing to further reduce bail or allow an OR release was set as soon as possible, for Tuesday May 23, 2007. Arraignment is set for Tuesday May 29, 2007.

Rather than wait for the hearing on the 23rd, on the afternoon of the 14th, Trutanich-Michel began diligent efforts to take steps necessary to allow property to be posted instead of cash bail for Mr. Corwin. This approach eliminates the need to post a bail bond, which would have cost 10% of the bail amount, or $12,000.00.

To post property for bail numerous documents were are needed to satisfy the Court, including: a notarized promissory note pledging an interest in property double the amount of bail ($240,000), a notarized and recorded Deed of Trust naming the County as trustee and beneficiary under the note, an appraisal from a certified and insured appraisal company, a title insurance policy insuring the County’s interest in the property, fire insurance on the property naming the County as loss payee, along with other legal documents including an application to the Court and an order to be signed by the Judge allowing Mr. Corwin to post property instead of cash bail.

On Monday afternoon, the promissory note and deed of trust were signed. Insurance documents were received and the appraisal was completed . Trutanich-Michel drafted all the required legal documents to file with the Court. On Tuesday morning, May 15, 2007, the deed of trust was recorded with the County. The preliminary title report was issued by the title company that afternoon. All other documents necessary to procure the title insurance were processed and submitted by Tuesday evening. The title insurance was issued on Wednesday. Due to Trutanich-Michel’s working relationship with the title insurance company, they did us a favor and expedited the process dramatically. The process of obtaining all the necessary documentation in this instance was expedited from at a minimum of two weeks to under three days due to Trutanich-Michel’s connections at the title company and its appeal to title regarding the urgency of the situation. One reputable bail company previously quoted Trutanich-Michel three weeks to complete this process.

The documents were hand delivered to the court by an attorney with Trutanich-Michel on Thursday morning, May 17, 2007. Upon receiving the documents, the Clerk stated this particular application was” one of the most well put together” applications she had ever seen. (Interestingly, the Clerk told us that the last one they received was from Phil Spector’s attorneys which was not nearly as well put together - Spector’s attorneys were required to continually resubmit the application due to the problems with it).

With some cajoling, pleading, and groveling at the Clerk’s office (we know how to do that when it gets us what our clients need) Mr. Corwin’s application was sent for immediate hearing. The Judge signed the order allowing Mr. Corwin to post equity in the property as bail. It is expected that Mr. Corwin will be released either later today or tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Mr. Corwins defense so far. We will continue to work hard for Matt, and look forward to having him out of custody to help us more directly in our efforts on his behalf.

C. D. Michel
Managing Partner
Attorneys at Law
Los Angeles Office
180 East Ocean Blvd., Suite 200
Long Beach, CA 90802
Phone: 562-216-4441
Fax: 562-216-4445
Gun law info:

Have a great Kenpo day

What was the deal with the MP Badge and the protective Do they arrest civilian police for keeping their badges? if the suit wasnt in its storage bag its no good anyway.
The CPOGs (chemical protective overgarments) can be bought new and unopened from many army surplus stores. Not sure what the fuss is about there..I assume that the government is attempting to throw as much mud at Corwin as it can in the hope that SOME of it will stick.
Is this our BlackwaterOPS? I now realize I haven't seen him posting in a while. Based on what I gathered of his character from his posts on TFL, I seriously doubt he would be the kind of person to flaunt gun laws in any state. I wish him well and hope this BS ends soon for him. Good luck to you Matt
It seems he is not being held for no reason or without representation as the original post implied.

If the person did as charged I do not see where he deserves any sympathy and I would definately not contribute to defend a guilty person.
But Playboypenguin, he's not guilty. In fact, he is presumed to be innocent until convicted by a jury.

How do you tell if he's innocent enough to help before the trial?

Isn't it enough that the charges are for crimes that don't exist in the free states?
How do you tell if he's innocent enough to help before the trial?
It's called using good judgement. I weigh the facts I have at my disposal and make as an informed decision as I possibly can make.

I haven't seen any defense that he is innocent of the charges. I have just seen people that have issues with him being charged with violating laws they don't agree with personally.

The charges that concerm me the most are the possession and sale of stolen military items.
How do you tell if he's innocent enough to help before the trial?
It's called using good judgement. I weigh the facts I have at my disposal and make as an informed decision as I possibly can make.

I haven't seen any defense that he is innocent of the charges. I have just seen people that have issues with him being charged with violating laws they don't agree with personally.

The charges that concerm me the most are the possession and sale of stolen military items.

About those "military items"... He's being charged with having a military ID (funny...he's an Army Reservist), having a "military badge" (oh, and not just a MP), and having a chemical protective suit (at one point I was issued four of 'em, and they can be purchased at just about any surplus store in the country).

As of right now, in the absence of the State's evidence, it is only their claim that the property was 1) stolen and 2) obtained by extortion. Given that the State has already dismissed half of its charges because they were bogus, it's not a stretch to believe that some of the others are as well.

Add in the facts that in our system of justice almost no proof is needed to bring an indictment, and that elected DAs in some areas routinely bring charges against individuals for political reasons (see "Duke rape trial") in hopes of a plea or a quiet dismissal later once their political capital has been made, and it becomes even more necessary to follow EVERY judge's advice to EVERY jury in the land and presume the Defendant innocent of the crimes of which they are accused until and unless those allegations are borne out by evidence.
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So he's being charged with having a military ID (which is very, very common for a recently discharged service member...and not a crime depending on when and under what conditions the service member was discharged), having a "military badge" (not defined, and as far as I know not a crime since the Army will retire mine and let me keep it as a trophy when I get out), and having a chemical protective suit (which can be bought at any surplus store, and which most service members have several).
Are you trying to convince me or yourself? I find it highly unlikely that he is being charged with simply possessing these items since the charges specificly claim trafficing and extortion.

Time will tell but having worked for child services and knowing how hard t is to get charges brought against even guilty people I find it hard to believe that someone that has done nothing wrong would get a case this severe brought against them.
Well, obviously he must have gotten them through trafficking and extortion. I mean, how else could he have gotten them? (sarcasm off)

The State also claimed that he did "unlawfully manufacture, caused to the manufactured, distribute, transport, import into this State, keep for sale, offer and expose for sale, give and lend an assault weapon" and feloniously possess an assault weapon "to wit: 1919 A4, CALIBER MACHINE GUN".

Inconveniently for the State, not a single one of those charges applies to the "1919 A4, CALIBER MACHINE GUN", and the State was forced to dismiss said charges. Anytime 50% of the prosecution's case is bogus, it really calls the rest into question.
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