Free 14 day offer - Weapon Shield CLP

No $ for new grips. Would LOVE some speigal boot grips -they don't make them for square buttK frames.
Look forward to giving this stuff a tryout very soon!
hey there...

Hey George!
I remember the the first go-round and am happy to see yer' still kickin'...
Welcome back to the fray!
Can't wait to try it, but I'm sure it'll be just as outstanding as your first sample of FP-10!
Hitting the breaches....

Thanks Guys for the kind words and the welcomes back. Great to see you again too Glenn ;) the pic :cool:

Clayton :
I'm not George, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once...
I couldnt stop laughing for 5 minutes (and still chuckling). :)
Well said on all accounts (as always).

We're mailing them out everyday...and quite alot of them as well. Everyone who requests a sample or orders the Weapon Shield is guaranteed a speedy delivery (2-4 days).

I look forward to your reviews and experiences.

My best regards,
I'm always leery of a do all product, you know what they say, "jack of all trades, master of none". Breakfree CLP is an example, lube doesn't stay put that long.
George, my package arrived today. I plan to use it this weekend and will let you know how well it works for me.

If I can find some scrap gunmetal I may even run a few torture tests to see how well it works.

I'm always leery of a do all product, you know what they say, "jack of all trades, master of none". Breakfree CLP is an example, lube doesn't stay put that long.

Most people are MisterPX, but there are always exceptions to the rule. My offer costs you nothing (but an email) and lets YOU decide if it's the real deal or not. And EVERYONE has my word...your emails and addresses will NEVER be sold or given out to ANYONE for ANY REASON. They are strictly confidential to us and us alone. We just have to have your address in order to mail the Weapon Shield to you.

Best regards,
Good to have you back George.

My sample came in today and it's raining too much to do any shooting so I decided to do a little test. I ground off 6 fresh spots on a metal wall plate and coated 5 of them with a weapons oil/protectant and left one bare as a control. Weapons Shield, Shooters Choice version of FP-10 Elite, Break Free CLP, LSA weapons oil medium and Birchwood Casey Sheath are the products I used. The plate is sitting out in a misting rain right now and after a bit I'll put it in a storage room until I see some results. I'll post a picture later.

Received in 3 days

George, Thanks for the fast delivery.
Will try soon and report back.
Also, Thank you for your privacy statement.
Well I used some weapon shield to clean and lube my 1911 after shooting around 100 cast 200 over 231. I'l tell you as a powder fouling remover and lubricant it is swell. Iwas already into my standard barrell cleaning before I thought to try theweapon shield on the barrel. I followed my normal dousch it with Kroil and then come back after everything else is clean with a couple of Kroil soaked patches. It does a good job getting rid of the lead deposits left just forward of the chamber from shjooting too hard a cast bullet with not enough oomph to quickly obdurate in the bore.

Well back to the weapon shield discussion...I lubed the now clean barrel with a patch with 3 or 4 drops of weapon shield an put a drop in all the usual locations and reassembled. Bow did that DW Patriot feel slick ans smooth. Wiped the exterior down with the bore patch and back to the safe. We'll see how the lubricant is doing in a week or two after I shoot through the other 1911s and service type revolvers in the collection and get back th the Patriot. I am impressed at this point.
found it waiting for me when i got home from work this week. Thanks alot!

I've got to go dirty up some guns now so i can see how well it works.

Thanks for the post. I now have (after a long range trip) an extremely dirty SIG 229 waiting until I finish moving so I can give it the workover. Can't hardly wait to see how it works.
Got my bottle today

Cleaned one rifle with it, one rifle with Break Free. I am going to the range again on Sunday and I will report back with results.

Initial observations:

1. Light smell. Not a big deal on target rifles, but for my hunters, this is essential.

2. Thicker than Break Free, Hoppes, and Birchwood's products. This increases the lubrication provided. (I would think, I am not a chemist or engineer, but higher viscosity is what all the engine oil companies tout, so I think it would apply here as well.)

3. Used on a patch after running 2 Hoppes, 4 dry down the barrel of my .308 after having shot 60 rounds, it picked up more copper that the Hoppes had missed. This was evidenced by the tell-tale green color on the patch.

So far I am very pleased with this product. I am waiting on the range results to test lubrication before making a decision on purchasing. But so far it seems to be a very good thing. Thank you for the opportunity to test it.
Thanks guys

Just wanted to say thank you for the kind words and posting up so far. I guarantee...the best is yet to come. The more you use Weapon Shield the more you will see what I mean. You'll notice things that I wont even mention about it...all positive I might add. This way I'm not "salting" your thought and expectations.

Keep the requests coming...we still have till next Friday at the close of business (5 pm est).

Best regards,