Fred is out!

He and Paul were the two strongest RKBA candidates, IMO.

Where will his votes fall? A split between McCain (for commonality on Iraq), Paul (for RKBA) and Huckabee (for southerni-ness)?
If Fred Thompson is a real conservative, like many have stated in this forum, he'll endorse Ron Paul, the only conservative in the race.

We'll see what he's made of soon, I expect.
If Fred Thompson is a real conservative, like many have stated in this forum, he'll endorse Ron Paul, the only conservative in the race.

Ok, keep dreaming there Pat...I will be curious to see who he will endorse but an fairly confident it wont be Paul.
Fred is too smart to make such associations. My guess is Huckabee, maybe McCain. He'll support whoever gets the Republican nomination for sure. He knows whats at stake if one of the Democrats wins. He won't just pout and opt out and let that happen.
Exactly why would anyone here even think about supporting McCain? The guy is just as bad news for gun owners as Obama or Hitlary.
Its about time he got out. He should have never gotten into the race in the first place. To some of us it was pretty obvious he did not have a chance against the other candidates.
If Fred Thompson is a real conservative, like many have stated in this forum, he'll endorse Ron Paul, the only conservative in the race.
You are pretending that there is no other option. He could just as easily say "I am a true conservative but I feel Paul is way too radical and possibly unbalanced to run this country" and then endorse what he feels to be the lesser of evils.
I don't think he will endorse Huckabee, as he has made it clear he doesn't care much for the religious elements of the Republican party. I suspect he will go for Flip Romney.
Now that I think of it, it is unusual that so many people have dropped out of the presidential race without endorsing another candidate. In the past it was status quo do endorse a candidate upon announcing dropping out.

And a candidate can't give away delegates to another. They aren't really obligated to vote for the candidate that 'won' them anyway although to not do so would be controversial. The delegates would be 'released'. At the convention they would be free to vote as they wish among the viable candidates up for nomination. Should the Convention come and all the delegates be released because of no clear nominee their obligation to the candidate that 'won' them is null. This is rare but I believe last time it happened was the Democrat's Convention in 1984 where Mondale won over Jesse Jackson and another Democrat I don't recall off hand.
Yeah. Usually by S. Carolina the nominees are clear and the Convention is a formality. Both sides have the potential to have the nominee be decided at their respective conventions the way it stands now. Super Tuesday could really change that however. There may be a 'Reality Check Wednesday' and be clear nominees come convention time.

Only time will tell.
It seems pretty clear that a brokered Republican Convention is the most likely event this presidential cycle.

I'd be shocked, at this point, to see any of the so-called front runners take the needed delegates prior to the Convention.

I expect to see the only men standing after "Super-Duper Tuesday" to be Romney, McCain, and Paul; and McCain is still shaky.

This year, unlike other years, it pretty interesting.
Pat H: If Fred Thompson is a real conservative, like many have stated in this forum, he'll endorse Ron Paul, the only conservative in the race.

In threads about a specific political candidate, any references to other (opposing) political candidates; the current President; the current administration or the Iraq War are off topic - unless made relevant by the OP. Further, such threads must be related to that candidates political stance on the particular issues.

Casual mention of other candidates are allowed if, and only if, it is not meant to become the de facto topic (thread jacking). Note the use of the phrase "casual mention."

Nice threadjacking attempt.
Thompson is prime VP bait. Getting out increases his value in the second slot. I don't expect him to endorse anyone.

Romney-Thompson '08 is my prediction.
Can't say I am too suprised he didn't seem very excited to run in the first place. I would think his mother being sick wouldn't help his enthusiasm much. I liked his stance on the 2nd amendment his foriegn policy didn't seem much different from President Bush which disqualified him for me in the primary but I did respect his opinions.