Foreign Troops in US

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Yes, I agree the logistics of a foreign takeover are huge in such a big country like we have and in the face of a hostile population. Yes, it will be up to the people to decide who and what type of government they will live under as the new century approaches.Here is a part of a poem from Thele n Paulk that sums it up for me: "You buy permits to travel,and permits to own a gun,permits to start a business,or to build a place for one. On land that you believe you own,you pay a yearly rent.Although you have no voice in choosing,how the money's spent. "You've given govenment control ,to those who do you harm, so theycan padlock churches,and steal the family farm, and keep our country deep in debt,put men of God in jail,harrass your fellow countrymen,while corrupted courts prevail. "Your public servants dont uphold the solemn oath they"ve sworn. Your daughters visit Doctors,so their children wont be born. Your leaders ship artillery,and guns to foreign shores, and send your sons to slaughter,fighting other peoples wars. "Sons of the Republic,arise and take a stand! Defend the Constitution,the Supreme Law Of the Land! Preserve our Great Republic,and each GOD-Given Right ! And Pray to GOD,to keep the torch of Freedom burning bright!" The poem is about a dream in which a patriot comes back form the past and comments on the sorry state of modern America. Yes, it will be up to the people .
Speaking of levity. I think an old TV show went a long way to show how the WWI, WWII. and Korean generation regarded miitary life in the citizens army. You'll Never Get Rich, starring Phil Silvers as Ernie Bilko was one of the most popular shows on TV in the 50s. The Pentagon hated it, and the people loved it. It was a good primer for anyone going into the army then and into the 60s. You wouldn't see Doberman or Bilko in urban BDUs practicing to take down the local militia.

"No brass or ammo drill sergeant"
Okay, to summarize, my impression is that the majority here agree:
1) Foreign troops are in America to train (or in some cases, to teach).
2) They buy our goods (which provides us income).
3) They lease (rent, whatever) our facilities (which provides us income).
4) Although some people we train may (at some time in the future) become our enemies, the VAST majority are our allies and probably will remain so.
5) Our biggest threats are domestic rather than foreign.
6) Most of us agree that a government, any government, is at best a necessary evil. Therefore we will continue to observe and discuss what our government and foreign governments seem to be planning and doing.
7) For the moment, there is no need for major paranoia, armed responses, major stockpiling of necessities, etc.
8) The largest single threat to our way of life is the usurpation of unconstitutional power by our federal government.
9) The Second Amendment is the Keystone Amendment and we must preserve/restore the intent of that amendment to provide us with the political leverage we need at the moment to continue our efforts to restore Constitutional Law.


(These points are provided as a possible summary to this point. They are intended to be revised and extended as necessary and to provide subject matter for other threads.)

How close WAS I, guys?
Thanks. You put the coupe de grace to the ear of that nag, I promise not to beat that dead horse again. Well not right away!

[This message has been edited by Paul Morceau (edited October 01, 1999).]
110K and this horse is dead

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
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