Foreign Troops in US

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Is this what people have been talking about on shortwave? I did not know we had foreign military bases in the US.

"CARLSBAD, N.M. (AP) -- Four German air force pilots parachuted to safety after their two jets collided over southeastern New Mexico during a training mission.

The planes were from a German flight training facility at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, about 100 miles northwest of the crash site over Sitting Bull Falls."

AP-NY-09-25-99 0206EDT
IT is not a foreign base. We have something the europeans don't have, space to train in. So they sometimes train here.


Jason's right, and I have addressed this in the past.

Luftwaffe/GE govt leases hanger space, housing and office space, etc from USAF at Holliman AFB, Alamogordo,NM.

Why? Noise restrictions for GE in particular and Europe in general are severe. Coupled with continental weather conditions (often cloudy, foggy and rainy during much of the year) that means highly trained fighter pilots and fighter/bomber crews seldom have the chance to train in an environment where they can really push the envelope. (Looks like the guys in your link pushed it a little too hard!)

They pay us a lot of money to keep a training squadron, AC, cadre personnel etc posted at makes good sense. They also spend quite a bit of money in Alamogordo, which seems to have welcomed them with open arms as good neighbors. I've been down there twice in the past 6 months to visit family and have seen or heard nothing that would indicate this is not anything but what it appears to be...allies training here because they just can't get it done in GE.

We do this all over, there is a large contingent of Norweigians in Jacksonville, FL. This is NOT a conspiracy, it is just space availability based. They pay us handsomely for the privelage.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
I understand ranchers in west Texas are complaining about the German low flights over their property and that the government is saying that the base that houses the Germans is their national territory! I am not sure,but some rancers have gone to court over this issue and the government is insisting that the ranchers cannot stop overflights of their territory. I am only reporting what i hear form such people as Clay Douglas form Bingham, New Mexico who knows many of the Germans stationed in his area. Is there some big plot brewing? I dont know,but i have heard of concerns by locals about the 40,000 plus Germans with their own base. Some people have claimed that,in interviews, some of the Germans have said they are here to help the US government in domestic emergencies. I believe it makes sense to keep a eye on anything our government does nowdays because their (OUR Government) track record in the last 7 years for sure is pretty bad. Shortwave ,like i have been saying, is on the money many times . I knew about the use of Delta Force troops at Waco 2 years ago BECAUSE it was reported on shortwave. So it may be prudent to keep a eye on these foreign boys.
Shortwave, like the Internet, can be used to "prove" any theory imaginable. It is a fallacy of reason to asuume that, because internet chats (or web sites) are sometimes correct, it is "on the money". Same with shortwave chatter.

If I hear it from a reputable source, like Matt Drudge or Vin SupWhatever, I take notice. If I hear that "some say that 'some others' say that 'some others' have commented about being here to serve the Pres", I generally pass. Sources is what makes the Drudge report, for instance, worthwhile reading.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 25, 1999).]
We have been training foreign military in the United States for years. Before the Shah of Iran was run out of his country, we trained F-14 pilots for his air force.
True enough. We had some Iranian pilots among those at the Defense Language Institute at Lackland AFB. They were studying English.
At one time during my consulting career, one of my good customers was the German Military attache in Washington. Most of their officers were Luftwaffe. There was nothing secretive about their operations here in the US. In fact, I believe they still have a hanger in the ops area at Dulles.

One of the best bennies about working with them was that at 5:00 PM sharp, the refrigerator was opened and we had a fine German beer or two (or 3 or 4 ...). It seems this is the usual custom and a damn good one it is. Dennis may be able to shed more light on this custom. :)
The Luftwaffe, eh? Think they'll use some of those scary Junkers and Focke-wulfs? Maybe some of those V-2s as well ;)

Beware the bratwursts!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Back in the early 70's I did some time at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Lots of foreign troops there being trained. Saw the same thing at Ft. Bliss and White Sands.
The US has trained lots of foreign troops simply because we are better set up for it than their own countries. Mostly we train them on the weapon systems and equiptment that our nation sells to theirs.
Interestingly enough, this has sometimes backfired on us when our troops have ended up on the opposite side as the very people we trained.
Dennis - I didn't mean to imply that you were ...

No, no, I meant you may have known about the German custom of having a beer after the work day ...

Oh, never mind - bartender, zwei dunkles bier hier, bitte!
Damn these secret base thingss aren't true ? thought that the US was using Pine Gap to spy on Australia
I thought I'd do a search and find out what the USA was doing there. I found this
This is really unusual for the web a debunker
of conspiracy theories.
Oh well, I still have the KIWIS at HMAS Albatross to worry about.
I guess thats my point. Foreign military forces do operate on our soil. So the shortwave, helicopter people aren't wrong. But like the media, they are putting their own spin on it. And as long as we know about it, and the American people are comfortable with it, then there is no harm done, and no conspiracy. Since WWII we had bases all over the world. Thats the price the Germans and Japanese paid for losing the war, and the price we had to pay to keep the communist in line during the cold war.
And so I ask, why is it that we have European troops based in this country. I guess the answer is for training purposes because we are their allies; we did not lose a war to them, and the Cold War is over. And now I am going to go and reload.

In the shadow of Bunker Hill from the People's Republic of Massachusetts

Farmers in Germany and the rest of Europe complain about low flying military training flights...

There ain't 40K Germans there...hell, I doubt there aren't that many US citizens in Alamogordo...

The part of Holliman they work out of isn't considered their national territory as they're just leasing it...only embassies and consulates fall under that category...


rabbit assasin:

Believe it or not, my wife (US Air Force officer) once spent 2 weeks at Pine Gap and beautiful Alice Springs...I guess she was one of the ring leaders in the heinous plot to spy on OZ ;)

[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited September 26, 1999).]
It looks like that the Americans are very much aware when there are foreign troops in their land.

I think they are on your soil for training and besides they are your allies.

What surprise me only is, IVAN8883 statement that they "Foreign Troops" are present to help the US Gov't in domestic emergencies.

Is the US still needs some foreign helps with all the vast resources he has!!! it give me some doubts lingering in my mind.

[This message has been edited by stdalire (edited September 26, 1999).]
Thats my point too, Paul, the Cold War is history and so why are all these troops still here training? Training for what? Maybe another wonderful Kosovo a bit closer to home? Jawohl.
There was/is a large West German contingent at Ft. Bliss. Seems that anti-aircraft missile systems belonged to the German Air Force and trained there. The operation was large enough for an equivilent to a Brigadier General commanded it. He was a WW2 vet and an ace. At one social function I attended he was present with GENERAL Omar Bradley. The german went to great lengths to explain that ALL of his duty and ALL of the aircraft he shot down (18) were on the Russian Front. Bradley was wheelchair bound but I have to tell you those five stars held you spell bound.
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