To some degreee, we probably can all make good "head" shots at the range and even while winded, or from different positions, weak hand, etc.
I applaud those who train and practice and practice and train.
It just has never seemed very probable to me that a fairly motionless clear headshot will ever be affored to us in a carry or other situation (home / travel) if we have to defend life. Their are other discussions about choices one makes or not.
Someone once wrote (can't remember if it was Cooper or who) something along the lines of this...
if you decide to fire, shoot them in the largest and at the same time most vital area you can access with repeated shots. They went on to say that yes, that may very well be center mass of chest/torso. But quite often it may be the upper thigh, or the belly from a side angle, or the knee from a prone position.
If firearm self defense becomes reality, we probably won't always be in the weaver stance at the end of the hall and the threat won't be standing up right trying to contort his shape into that of a range size man target.