My wife initially thought it was a phase when I got my firearms permit. Then when I took the first class. By the time I was on my third class, she'd resigned herself to it, but not happily. Then she went with me to dinner in downtown Memphis, TN one night, and there were 2 very suspicious looking characters who were being forceful with a couple in front of us. She immediately turned to me (as I grabbed her elbow and led her across to the other side of the street) and asked "You do have your little friend with you, don't you?" Granted, I could have been offended that she would call my Kimber Pro Carry .45 ACP a "little" anything, but I was just pleased that she was finally seeing logic. Then last year, a couple of home invasions in our area got her to being much more pro-gun and pro-carry than she had been. now it's a running joke about my "little friend...."