For the sake of argument,

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Presuming there are trees around, stab the knife into a tree at waist height, then climb the tree using the knife as a step up. Don't come down until the large angry animal is gone.
Bear spray would probably discourage one.

Maybe consider getting a large dog breed that will be protective of you while walking around. There are plenty that will defend you with every last ounce of life they have. The Dogo Argentino will chase and catch hogs, and will defend you to the death. Trained from a young age to protect instead of hunt it might make a great dog to walk around with if your worried about being attacked by a hog.
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Hows your throwing motion every few minutes toss a fairly good size fire cracker out it goes boom and scares everything away from you. Your safe and critters go the other way lol.:D
lol! sort of like that scene from Jaws, where the "fishermen" are driving around in their boats, throwing tnt into the water to kill the shark? :o

I actually do have a large, mixed breed dog who hikes with me and is very loyal and protective. Maybe I can teach him to shoot until I can go heeled again; he's already figured out how to dial Pizza Hut... (geez, how many all-meat pizzas can a dog eat, anyway?)
The dog knows what it likes, could be worse if a five star restaurant would happen to deliver there then you would be in trouble lol. As long as the dog does his job keeping you safe thats all it matters:D.
Buy puppy a little Kevlar vest to keep the tusks out, and I think you're good for most contacts. Let the dog run them off, but call him back quick before he runs too far. If you loose the dog, leave an article of clothing on the ground, and the dog will return to it.
Strafer, that is an excellent suggestion. I'm going to google those vests now, and see where I can buy one. If Puddles is going to do what he can to protect me, I should do what I can to protect him, too.
Yeah, I can't use guns now at all for a few months (bummer), so I'm looking for alternatives.

I'm a pretty slight girl, I guess, so I'm not sure how I'd do with the boar spear! :)

Likely better than any knife. Spear = Knife on a stick. All the bennies of a knife plus some standoff. I think I'd carry the spear, the knife, the bear spray, take along the big dog... How about chain mail ;-)

I've never dealt with hogs. Ol' Yeller was enough for me.
How about chain mail ;-)

Don't tempt me Cous... :D You KNOW that's my department...


justplainpossum>>I'm gonna go one step further than the spear. One point glances and is turned aside easily. two-prong or even a trident, however, act more as a "catch", if you see my meaning. Want to keep something at a distance? Put it facing something that it can't get around. A sturdy pitchfork mounted on a 6' pole rather than the normal 30" handle would do nicely, the stance and use is about the same as shooting pool on an over-sized squealing cue-ball with big teeth.
Rangefinder, you've found my answer! The suit is perfect; I'll take it!! :D

By the way, does that come in a lemon yellow?
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Hey Rangefinder! Long time no see, err something. I like the trident idea.

Maybe you could make a few bucks building armor and tridents for the southern folks...

Speaking of pigs. I'm nearly finished building some armor for my pigs. I think I'll put it around the pigs instead of me though.

I hear armor can be quite cumbersome ;-)
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Neat video Possum. I know they are a nuisance but it's cool to think of all that free meat/survival food running around; just begging to be taken.
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