For the sake of argument,

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Really most pigs will haul butt away from you but if you ever get ate up before you're able to shoot them off of you like I did, it ain't no fun. They're very, very quick and fear nothing when trying to hurt or kill you. You're better off using plenty of gun and make sure you kill instantly or be very careful when tracking them after you wounded one. If you ain't so sure of your gun or your shooting maybe you should take up golf or something. They eat good and a blast to hunt but if you hunt/shoot enough of them, sooner or later your luck will play out.
Big stick. Oh and makes lots of noise when walking in the woods.

But not a bad idea to work on your tree climbing skills.
Yeah, I am not allowed to shoot for at least six months now (new medical problem, sigh). At this rate I'll have to defend myself with bad language. So... today I hauled a few ladders down to the fenceline and hitched them up against the pecan trees, so if I have to get up a tree quick-like, I won't have far to run! lol Hopefully that and a cell phone should square up against a pig charge.

Now please just tell me that wild boars don't climb trees (or ladders)!!! :confused:

On the bright side, we've got a good man who put out three large baited traps; hopefully we'll get some relief that way, until I can protect myself again properly (man, I miss my Springfield XDM...) :o
Another vote for pepper spray.

Pigs, like bears, live and die by their noses. A good shot of pepper spray in or about the nose and eyes will stun and disorient any animal. Especially those that have a particularly sensitive sense of smell.
Just make sure you are up wind when you discharge the spray, or you will join in the pigs discomfort.
You might want to check out Jäger Pro's website for good trapping info. They are a bunch of retired, former Army AMU hub as who really have perfected their trapping techniques.

Hope your medical condition clears soon so you can rejoin the ranks of the armed. As mentioned, nothing beats a gun in a matchup against a hog, but if you can't do that, spear, knife, whatever beats nothing.
You aren't physically able, due to medical reasons, to shoot a gun but you are able to carry around ladders and engage hogs in close combat with a knife? That doesn't make sense.

If a doctor has told you to lay off shooting for a while, carry the gun and only shoot if absolutely needed to keep you safe. I imagine that will be less physically taxing than climbing a tree or wrestling a pig while trying to stab it.
If yo you can, go on down to a local shelter and adopt a rather large dog or three, just make sure they have the temperament to do the job
Lot of things that don't make sense here but for the sake of argument hog vs. man with knife is gonna be like man w/ knife vs. man w/knife. You're both gonna get hurt just depends on who bleeds out or gives up first. Tomahawk or machete will be more effective and the pepper spray makes better sense.
Well, it would all make sense if you understood my medical situation, but since that's nobody's business you'll just have to trust me that I'm doing the best I can. I am definitely going to go buy some bear or pepper spray (great suggestion) as a backup. I'm not hunting hogs out here, guys; I'm trying to go for hikes around my ranch with my dogs while I'm recovering, and three years ago we didn't have any pigs (well, not many). Now they are friggin' everywhere. I'm not going to let them take over my ranch or keep me from hiking around. We did a huge controlled burn to take out a large stand that they were living in, but even that hasn't slowed them down. Hopefully these traps will make a difference, but I've had so many close encounters in the last few months that I'm trying to come up with the best ideas for my safety. And as a woman, I think the boar spear is probably out of the question for me; I have a feeling I'd probably just bonk the pig on the head with it. :p

I come here for some great advice, which I often get. Please don't think I'm trying to start an argument, because I'm not; I do appreciate what I've learned here and continue to learn here.

I just realized that I had titled this "for the sake of argument"! lol oops! oh, well
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In an attack a knife would no nothing to kill a hog. Everywhere that would make a quick kill is armored heart, head, lungs. If you can manage to kick the head hard enough they will run away though.
When I have a certain medical condition trying to get the healing my body needs I wouldn't be hauling ladders around, chasing hogs or wrestling them with a knife or even walking on my ranch alone unarmed if I had hogs. Maybe go to a park or frinds place or someone else to walk in peace if you need to walk. Chill out, rest for now and let your body heal and maybe wrestle them after you get better.

Even when 100% and I'm a man, I ain't gonna wrestle a hog. But that's me.
That's a good idea, Tony, though I really like to go out on my own or with my dogs. One thing I am definitely going to do from now on is keep my cell phone with me. Boy, I'm glad I finally learned how to text! If there's a bugger beneath me I've been ordered to send out a message, and my neighbors will be over with a rifle lickity split. (I can just see it now: "Howard, I'm in the second pecan tree from the tank, right above the 200 pound sow in a really, really bad mood...") :)
I've been run over two times, one time with knife in hand and it still didn't matter, my dog was on it and I didn't dare just stab wildly. funny thing muscle memory, I performed what I was taught in martial arts and it worked

but I am a big dude

speak softly and carry a big stick?
Can you shoot a something like a 10/.22? If you're up a tree, it might take 30 or 40 head shots but the repeated pounding would eventually kill a pig. :)

Justplainpossum has said repeatedly that she is unable to shoot any gun for at least six months, for reasons that are no one's business but hers. Can everyone please have the courtesy to take her word for this?
I think the bear spray will go along way's for you. I think that so far it is by far the best suggestion. It arms you with something that you can use, and has a high likely hood of working.

But I would also be cautious about your hikes alone. I understand your need to roam free and by your self, especially on your land. However, you have to ask, is it really worth your life? How would your loved ones and neighbors feel about loosing you to something so gruesome, let alone actually finding you after it happens. I would not want to put any one in my family through that.
I would vote bear spray. A knife will kill a hog. Some friends hunt them with dogs and kill them with knives after the dogs catch them. We're talking big knives held by big guys and even they don't want to get into open 1 on 1 combat with a pig.
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